Kaoru is exhausted
Toji no Miko
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by me!
Is it weird that I want to fuck Nene?
I wouldn't be surprised if it turned into an adorable kemonomimi in the second half.
You might want to fuck Nene because it sounds adorable and looks really soft and plush to touch, you pervert.
Wait, before I beat my meat, is that girl?
Thank god
A girl with an enormous penis.
Nene wouldn't survive that, don't do it.
>Please say I'm not useless
How do you respond Sup Forums?
She kind of is. She lost every fight so far and none of them were even close.
I'd still pat her head though.
My big sisterwife Mai is so wonderful.
What's the sex between Hiyoyon and Kanamin like?
Eternal flatness is eternal justice reminder.
>and none of them were even close
She injured Ellen enough to make her retreat and would have killed Kanami if not for the power of Yukari's side not actually being evil. She's accomplished far more than Maki and Suzuka at least.
A pain in the ass.
Suzuka wasn't even close to being defeated and Maki got bumrushed by two little shits, so it can't be helped. No matter how good a swordsman you are, 2 v 1 is way more tricky and one-sided than a 1 v 1 duel. Just watch on Friday; even Yume'll have a hard time dealing with a bunch of Tojis hounding her little butt at the same time.
>Yukari's side not actually being evil
Imagine being this delusional.
But she can shunpnuke like Kuchiki Byakuya so she will be fine.
Are you a faggot or something?
Hiyori confirmed for low tier. Reroll if she spooks you.
No matter how you slice it, Kanamin is 100% a girl with no male body parts.
Except for the sword and hilt dangling between her legs.
I wanted to fuck Cut, so no.
Do fans of this show also watch Slow Start and Marchen Madchen?
I do. I also watch citrus and Yurucamp.
where my yumebros at
I do.
Of course.
I want to marry Kaoru
I don't. I am only watching Garo and Hakumei.
yes, and Overlord too.
They're great QUALITY shows.
>Slow Start
Nope, try Colors. I am watching Märching Mädelyn, though.
I watch CCS and Poputepipikku.
TnM and Mërry Mäidens is practically the same show
But Kanamin is not as cute as Kagimura Hazuki.
Only the Hazuki & comrades show.
With silence.
Of course. But to be honest Ha̸̭̙̘̱zuki's show is a bit boring.
>even Yume'll have a hard time dealing with a bunch of Tojis hounding her little butt at the same time.
Like last time when she splatted them all in 2 seconds flat?
Sure do, but I think this one is easily the best of those three.
I want to paralyze her and fuck her while she seethes helplessly.
Yes, although I haven't kept up with Marchen because it's clearly not on the same level as the other two.
No, I lost interest in those.
But Slow Start is super interesting.
It would be much more interesting if it was just about Sadowhora's gay slut adventures.
He's right though, the only reason to watch it is Hazuki, the plot is fairly boring.
If they keep the Russians around those might be another good reason to keep watching though.
So Kanami is from her clan?
It's true though, I'm only watching the show for Hazuki.
Licking Kanamin's thighs.
Mihono is the one with fire powers though, isn't she?
Maybe they're cousins.
Mihono is just THAT kid. The flames that appear around her are her autism.
Maybe she should not have that many sex sessions with her big breasted gajin girlfriend.
Man she was so fucking cute. Is this an indicator that Sayaka is going to turn into an awful cunt later in life?
Nah those look boring. They also don't have Yume.
Reporting in.
>Yumefags are ADD underage b&
Woulda thunk.
Yumefriends are the best part of the fanbase.
Kanami is also using fire I think.
Well I'm sorry for not watching dull-looking shows that don't even have best girl.
It's too bad though, it seems it's time for Yumeshitters to spam the thread to death again. Oh well, it was a nice thread while it lasted.
OG Yumebro here.
>not adding colors, ramen, camp, antarctica and ccs
Step it up casual.
>Yumefags have shit taste
Surprise surprise!
Yume will cut your waifu and there's nothing you can do about it.
Sayaka has a new owner and cookies now so everything is alright.
Absolutely normal
>Nene's face when I tell him I'm putting my meat sword in his rectum.
No mercy for monsters.
>left Sup Forums for two years
>it's now a furry board
Fucking hell.
Nothing furry about sticking it into Nene's mouth.
It's not the first time we want to fuck a support token mascot
she makes me watch the show so yeah she's not that useless.
Imagine choking Nene with your dick.
Kaoru and Ellen-chan are best girls. I called it since I saw them in the OP of the first episode.
No, I dropped Marchen Madchen and didn't even start Slow Start. I only kept watching this because of the Symphogear vibes.
>didn't even start Slow Start
You can slowly start watching it now.
Now I want Suzuka to sing.
He could watch something better.
There aren't many things that are better than Slow Start right now, so he might as well.
>something better
Like Märchen Mädchen?
>There aren't many things that are better than Slow Start right now
I'm slapping Kotoha's butt.
Well, it wouldn't be good taste if everyone had it.
>Yomi ;_; has suffering points
>Yume has a cute design and is powerful
I understand liking those two but does anyone give a shit about Maki or Suzuka?
Maki is too handsome to not like.
I like suzuka
That's not an excuse to deliberately avoiding having it, user.
Is that a heredity chart?
picked all of em up but dropped slowstart. on the verge of dropping marchen since it seems to get worse every ep. toji on the other hand just keeps improving.
The absolute worst girl in this show is Yume.
Not when Suzuka exists. Yume is at least good for gangrape by Tojis.
Some ships should be illegal.
This. Only edgelords disagree.
>implying Hinata/Chikage isn't the best pairing