It's happening guys, Honzuki no Gekokujou "major announcement" soon

It's happening guys, Honzuki no Gekokujou "major announcement" soon.

>「本好きの下剋上~司書になるためには手段を選んでいられません~第四部 貴族院の自称図書委員Ⅱ」は今回もローゼマインが図書館を守るために大活躍……って、また帯が凄いことに!? 近日再び重大発表をさせていただきますので、それまでしばらくお待ちください。ワクワクもんだぁ!

>Urano, a bookworm who had finally found a job as a librarian at a university, was sadly killed shortly after graduating from college. She was reborn as the daughter of a soldier in a world where the literacy rate is low and books were scarce. No matter how much she wanted to read, there were no books around. What is a bookworm to do without any books? Make them, of course. Her goal is to become a librarian! So that she may once again live surrounded by books, she must start by making them herself.

Can't wait the Mongolian picture drama adaptation.

Wait. Isn't this about a female book autism that isekai'd to young sickly girls that have poor family?
I don't remember anything about sword and stuff in this?
Also who those on the background?

its gonna be boring like Death march

Dunno, maybe is not directly related to MC?
Anyone who read the WN version can tell us?

Trying and failing to make paper while almost dying every other episode is a lot more fun than Deathmarch.
You didn't really think the story would stay locked to a single castle town with her barely making by for the duration of the whole story, right?

Before I start reading the raws for potion loli,
can any user spoil me on what happens to her husband hunt?

Main, Mane, or Maine?

Pick what you like the best.