Hidden gems
By hidden gem you surely mean this
I'll start with an easy one.
Now THIS is a hidden gem!
SSY isn't exactly a hidden gem when it's clearly one of the best anime of the decade.
>hidden gem
>gem that is hidden
Tetsuwan Birdy Decode
Just put the tranny thing aside
Yo have any of you guys see this AWESOME movie?!
Let's save this thread
It's actually so well hidden that even knowing about the manga, I still can't find the gem.
Let's dance motherfucker
>tfw no one subbed the specials
Is dis worth watching?? I hear it litteray has gay in it. I really dont like gay stuff
My friend said he watched this show and became gay
>that piece of shit everyone desperately tries to forget
It's hidden for a reason.
I'll give you a you even if you don't deserve it
Inuyashiki is the best thing to air this decade, possible even 21st century
Haha, nice one.
There's a colony that abolishes monarchy, turns democratic and makes their queen into a breeding slave.
How much do you wanna bet that you watch Reddit in the Franxx and actually enjoy it?
That pretty much sums up your taste and the value of your opinion
I think a lot of people are offput by the violence, but it is a very special series because the heroine regularly loses her battles (as an example).
It's like on scene
Woah, that doesn’t sound gay at all. Picked up!
>How much do you wanna bet that you watch Reddit in the Franxx and actually enjoy it?
Random guess you pulled outta your ass and also wrong. Not even interested.
Why can't Okufags just accept that he couldn't write anything good even if someone held a gun to his face, and adaptations of his work are just as horrendous?
It's hard gay molerat porn through and through
This was fun to watch for the first ~9 episodes, then it had one of the worst endings I have ever seen.
then tell me what you think is good
lets see how much of that is sol/isekai/shonen after 2000
I mean, this faggot even shills his own fucking works in the newer ones every fucking time. Talk about pathetic.
That's fucking lame.
Yuasa stuff is interesting. Mob Psycho 100 was nice too. I'm more into manga actually, since anime adaptations (and originals) suck massive ass 97% of the time and just don't interest me. I watched Inuyashiki since I hated the original so much that I've wanted to see if it's that bad in motion too. And it is, but at least it's not taking it's sweet time like the original, I guess.
>the only thing he wasn't ashamed to mention was a reddit meme show that tried to ride the popularity of an even worse reddit show before it
>this was his ace
truly fucking sad
There's a disturbingly gay scene in episode 11, whilst watching this show i sometimes felt like they were just trying their hardest to be disturbing via any way that they could. it's a pretty great and interesting thing to watch. it gets boring though and at some points it gains momentum only to lose it again and then at the end it explodes with an upward trajectory.
Basically, it's a fun ride.
Let me guess, you're a teenaged girl?
Blood+ and Blood C are the most boring and retarded pieces of shit anime that have ever been created. Only a woman could ever find such a shit show appealing.
>has a shitty male MC
N-no thanks.
The only sad thing here is the fact that there are still poor fucking retards that can't let go the le reddit meme, calling everything and everyone they simply don't like names. That way they don't have to explain in what way something is bad and forcing the retarded "popular=le reddit=bad". If you want to play this game, you do realise that Inuyashiki/Gantz can be pretty much classified as reddit-tier?
you fags don't know about geass sunday
Never seen anyone talk about this.
It was really unique and original.
>Crybaby, Mob Psycho
>a reddit meme show that tried to ride the popularity of an even worse reddit show before it
What the fuck are you even talking about you lunatic
>i-if I call everything reddit I will fit in, right?
Only 90s kids will get this
da fuck
there is a thread about this show everyday
Are you pretending to be retarded?
was it popular at a time of airing?
I love SSY and it's one of my favorite anime but it's not hidden at all
Is that showa genroku?
Not "popular" necessarily, but everyone knew about it as that one show that "their really smart friend won't shut up about, and I'll totally get around to watching it but it looks really boring and uninteresting so I'll get to it later".
Well known, not well-watched.
I highly doubt it would be since it's slow and nothing exciting of controversial happens in it.
It's not rakugo.
that was pathetic
>implying people watch it for MALE MC
i don't even remember his name, and i've watched it three times
It was a hidden gem till 2016, but it become popular somehow since then, which is nice since it's a great anime.
>Just put the tranny thing aside
Second season of Birdy is pretty much the only anime I'd consider a hidden gem. Every other show that gets called that is either not nearly as obscure as the "discoverers" seem to think or the show has always been a mediocrity.
Doesn't mean he can't ruin the series, see Gosick.
you guy probably haven't not seen this but it good
>steven universe
God-tier OST. I still have it on drive since it became available and listen occasionally.
What is it about? From the picture looks like another teen-in-mecha anime.
tumblr yes
Posting a serious reply
Houseki No Kuni (1991) was such a god tier show. I like the CG remake but nothing will ever surpass the original.
No, the anime sold like shit in Nipland too. Shame, it's really great desu, just slow.
>Mob Psycho
>a reddit meme show
You truly are a lost cause.
Houseki no Kuni (1900) was better
Fuck you, Shiki was good
Good taste.
>there are people here that started watching anime after SSY aired
ever heard of Naruto? Another hidden gem!!!
Why did this movie get hyped so much in the first place? Tt was great but it is not the second coming. Why did western media cream its pants over it?
this is funnier than this threads for sure
have an upvote!
>hidden leaf
Good taste user
But that gem is half visible
shitposter scum
Only in the way that a horror B movie can be