Post Anime/Manga that make you immediately dismiss the opinions of those that like them.
I'll start
>Vinland Saga
ITT: Red flags in taste
it still better and more interesting than AoT.
I don't think any of them are well made but at least Shingeki is fun.
>Kyoani trash
Tokyo Ghoul:re
>Not liking Tsunderes
>Liking submissive doormats
>Can't appreaciate animation in things that are "not made for them": seinenfags, shonenfags, shoujofags, joseifags (do those even exist though).
Best way to catch them is to see if they can appreciate Shin Chan, Doraemon, Lupin or other "franchise" movies
The appeal of a tsundere is relative to the MC/object of their affection.
Vinland Saga was/is great, at least up to the end of the prologue.
Anything made by Trigger
People who enjoy Made in Abyss and claim they're not edgelords.
any kind of slice of life where the main characters are high school girls
but muh superior shonen taste!!11111111!11
Also, dismissing manga due the fact it's not focused on battles/pandering/unnecesary ecchi.
>People who watch trigger works for plot/story
powerlevel in general
Anything popular, regardless of actual objective quality.
Tokyo Ghoul.
Well shingeki is definitely well made, and vinland saga hasn't been interesting in years.
People who used cgdct shows as a scape goat because the shows are always inoffensive and are never judged by the same bar standard.
Infinite Stratos.