Why was this below average edgy anime series so succesful, that it's getting a movie?
Yōjo Senki: Saga of Tanya the Evil
It was fun
It's a fairly unique premise
wehraboos and pedophiles
rare setting.
For real?
The LN and Manga are good so people support the anime even though NUT seems to be unable to draw women
shit hilarious to read
>below average
The average is much lower than you seem to think.
Not really. Tanya's crazy might seem kind of edgy, but I wouldn't really call it that.
Besides which, why would anything being bad and edgy stop it being popular?
I read they deliberately made the women ugly so people wouldn't lewd Tanya.
Because anime and it's fans have been fucking trash
It's a good isekai which with a unique setting.
Great sound direction and effects, my favourite setting (alt history with magic) and qt psycho loli. What's not to like?
Why make him a man in the first chapter?
Ruined the series right in the beginning.
They didn't have to make the men in charge so hot...
God the character design in this show pisses me off. Every character looks like shit
Man, it would have been GOAT if they'd used the original art for their character design.
>Genderbend Nazi setting
People sure have great taste these days.
The duck is cute
Yeah. Why have such drastic design changes?
Pic related: Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakova in light novel (left), manga (middle) and anime (right).
I found a higher res version of that and had it printed on a forex plate a while ago. Only piece of weebery in my house.
extreme fedora tipping
You can throw around buzzwords all you want, but this was one of the best anime of the year.
Also mad they got rid of the WW2 style caps and greatcoats.
Agreed. No idea why we a 8 year old human duck monstrosity. I mean the end credits are literally filled with outstanding concept art. Why didn't they design her that way?
Who was in charge of character design?
Thanks for reminding me. It's one of my top10 series of all time as is, but it could have been so much better.
This is an actually great piece of artwork.
This image used to be my wallpaper once. But the character art in actual anime leaves much to be desired.
Ancap memes.
It was like strike witches, but good.
Dieselpunk and battlemages are a winning combo.
Good luck little duck!
Because it was memetastic
Because of the whole samsara and Sonzai X shtick.
It's a brainy isekai (for a change).
But the Wehrmacht didn't exist until 1935, and the show takes place in 1920?
It increses the polarization between his appearance and his identity.
I keep thinking to myself that the show could have done without it, but it's a plot point that consistently integrates itself within the story.
It was FUN!
Agreed, OP.
But... it was fun.
Also great voice acting.
Ep1 got me hooked like no other show I can recall. The one fight scene that ends with her annihilating the squad of enemy mages, the music and sound effects were just right.
Kaiserboos then
>Just because you defeat your enemy doesn't mean you win the war
What did they mean by this?
Aren't you just trying too hard at this point?
>sound effects
I didn't even know anime could do impressive audio until this anime
>Just because you defeat your enemy
They didn't, they let them escape
Well, they spend 1/3rd of the episode explaining it.
Bullying Tanya is fun.
This is not a series for atheismfags
She bullies herself.
Ask "15 years in Iraq"merica
When will Being X set her to please old men ?
Aoi Yuuki.
Also, the show was pretty good.
its ww1 nazis were not involved
>Tanks finally make an appearance
>They're fucking Panzer IIIs and not pic-related
Why? Was there no military advisor on this production?
Amazingly crisp gunshots and explosions with depths. Makes me woder why the rest of the industry can't do that.
Sorry user not everyone has a fetish for the oscar meyer weinermobile in tank form
Well the author at least did a bit of research.
That's actually a really good list, besides the economics portion which is filled with meme books.
you think wehraboos care?
you gay son?
Woah I've been meaning to pick up that Dave Grossman book
Maybe. She's my favorite Seiyuu/VA. I like her roles as Hibiki, Madoka, Mina among many others as well. Even her minor roles like Rivalrun in Yuru Yuri are nothing short of great. She might be the reason why this anime sold.
Her performance as Tanya is fantastic and by far the best aspect of the anime along with the amazing ED (also sung by her).
I just blasted trough the manga and everytime they skip to the future it kills it for me. It's obvious the empire is going to lose now (probably because of Mary Sue or something) and Tanya's going to get killed in the line of action.
You sort of expect it to happen, but it's worst when something cements it.
Little duck and frog are cutter.
I'm glad I saw the anime before reading the manga
I love it as it is but yeah I would've been disappointed
The manga has some pretty great faces
Was this realization before or after noticing that she's a kraut?
What's the point of making an alternate world with magic if the outcome is 100% the same. Tanya keeps trying to bring up tactics and things from the future and survive the war, but in the end it all amounts to nothing?
why can't evil win for once? especially when it's cute evil
God's a dick.
It's not like she's trying to be evil. The manga does a better job then the anime at portraying a ridiculous aspect of misunderstandings.
Mary sue a shit.
Last chapter was amazing as usual.
I want a picture of her retired in her 50's being constantly annoyed by everything.
She will pull a (LoGH spoilers) Reinhard von Lohengramm and unite the entire world under her matronly guide in the end
Did the web novel of this end?
Thats.. actually an impressive list of books.
God damn it my booklog only continues to pile up. I don't think ill ever be able to finish it in this lifetime.
I need more of this wallpapers
>they end up basically worshiping her as the embodiment of the divine right to rule due to her perceived piety and the church explodes in popularity
>set up again
"if you kill your enemies, they win". Communism propaganda, won't watch.
>new manga chapter out
I like Moomin.
Anyone checked out the artbook? It's great.
Ottoman Sihris with magical carpets when?
Gallipoli/Kut and Libyan war for Ottomans
Because Carlo Zen didn't want people to rule 34 Tanya, so he asked the character designers to make Tanya less attractive and more child like.
(same reason they changed Visha's design as well)
Carlo Zen (the creator) asked the character designers to make their designs the way they were in the anime. Don't be mad at NUT be mad at the author of the LN/WN.
>Carlo doesn't want them to be too cute so watchers may get the message of the show better
Wouldn't moe Tanya and Visha sell to normies better?
Because Humanity has been enjoying dumb idiots walk into their doom due to sheer stubborness for countless ages. It's cathartic.
Also, people love the Rerugen x Tanya shipping, and want more.
>Also, people love the Rerugen x Tanya shipping, and want more.
How did this ship ever get popular?
Maybe the radio show has something to do with it.
I don't like the designs of the characters in the manga, as they are too moe, but the light novel art strikes a perfect balance between the designs in the manga and the designs in the anime. This show was never supposed to appeal to Normies anyways, it more supposed to appeal to people who are into military strategy and military weapons and vehicles. Look at pic related. Normie's are attracted to it for the rule of cool factor.
God Delusion is short sighted and opinionated though.
I want to see Tanya giving birth!
How can anyone hate this angel?