Red pill me on Initial D, is it actually good or is it just a meme?
Red pill me on Initial D, is it actually good or is it just a meme?
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same here, would appreciate some enlightenment
It's a good meme.
This. It's good on it's own but being up on all the memes just makes it that much sweeter.
It's pretty good, at least until fourth stage.
If you don't mind 90s CGI and your ears don't bleed form Eurobeat you should try it.
It sort of looks like shit but it's hype as fuck and the soundtrack is god tier. I'm half way through 4th stage and it's still good.
There's a real danger of getting addicted to eurobeat.
>redpill me
>is it a meme
>needing to be spoonfed
Fuck off and lurk 2 more years faggot.
>Red pill me on Initial D, is it actually good or is it just a meme?
Just watch one of the early races (like Takumi vs Keisuke) on YouTube and decide for yourself. That's what the whole thing is going to be like. At it's best Initial D is hype as fuck if you really get into it and dig the soundtrack.
The first season is the best
Hey kid, wanna have a gumtape death match?
Who are you calling a kid?
initial Demolition Derby when
Watch it and form your own opinion
It's a pretty solid racing anime and the soundtrack it's beautiful but God it goes downhill from the 4th stage and on. The ass-pulling in some of the races was awful. Also, 1st stage best stage.
So like shrek?
not too many racing shows as good
It's good, 1st stage is the best. As someone who gre in the late 80s and early 90s I loved the eurobeat. Art in the 1st season looks strange at 1st but grows up on you to the point you'll miss it in season 2.
The issues with it is that in 4th stage you get BS wins and it gets stale, I stoped halfway in the 4th stage and never got in the mood to see the rest and end the 5th.
Also it seems like halfway the author suffered from the Kishimoto syndrome and regreted having made Takumi the main character and got a huge boner on the Takahashi brothers, Ryo is some sort of divine being set foot on earth that has a plan for everything and a few more things and can read everyone like an open book. Also there are parts where Keisuke looks like the MC and Takumi starts spewing some BS about how Keisuke in his position would do much better despite the fact that Takumi made Keisuke look like a joke 2 times in the begining of the series with a car with less than half of his hp.
This is a bad way to do it. Initial D only works in my opinion if you have all the stuff in between the races.
It's good, watch up to stage 3.
Then if you like the racing ONLY, carry on, if not, leave it there and pretend it ends
>Red pill me
Fuck off.
Being told what to think is okay if they're channers and not the definition of blue pill
I legitimately fail to see how anyone can hate it. Even the best stages (except 3) look like fucking shit and have shit moments, but even then everything about it is pure hotblooded hype.
Watch until an actual race happened and if you're not hooked then you're beyond help.
Turning up the volume during the the races is probably the most hype Anime has made me, i had legit tears in my eyes when Takumi overtook Nakazato and the song started playing.
It gets a bit boring around 4th stage but at this point you might as well just watch it for the music.
He just wants to know if it's legitimately good and not some shit people pretend to like because it's funny. It's a really valid concern especially for this series, since it's really not like how it's presented most of the time.
They made some edited version that's just the races I think, but I can't imagine being the kind of huge bitch you'd have to be to only watch that.
The show is good though. It has a good escalation of rivals for the most part, and the protagonist is really unique as far as I can tell. He's the best at the thing just naturally but isn't particularly interested it, and his lack of interest is his biggest weakness. Rather than learning to be better at racing, he just develops his interest by meeting people who are way more passionate about it but way less talented. It's a neat idea and the show handles it well. I really can't think of anything that does something similar.
a good anime with some good meme... wait maybe the opposite
The three episodes rule exist for a reason.
If you are interested enough in an anime to make a thread on Sup Forums, you are interested enough to give an hour of your life to it.
Don't excuse people who make shitty threads on Sup Forums because they are lazy cunts.
Whatever. Don't discourage someone on Sup Forums from getting into a good series. This board needs all the help it can get.
It's entertaining, and has a lot of badass moments. But the races does get somewhat repetitive after a while. Still worth watching the first 3 stages.
You think like a redditor.
People should be "encouraged" to do shit, that's the sure way to create ironic weebs. OP in particular is the kind of person this board need less, i.e. an insecure newfag crossboarder.
Yeah God forbid anybody new come here. Don't you think you're a little too young to be an old man?
If they want to come here they should lurk more.
Now, don't you have some rec thread to bump? Maybe someone will gift you a reddit gold!
Its dumb fun.
Yeah he should lurk more so he can learn that this board is for weekly generals and daily dragon ball, NOT discussing anime
I got really engrossed in the races despite the hilariously bad CG cars, all thanks to the soundtrack.
The SOL part is also very fun but sadly it mostly fades out after the second season.
first two stages are pretty cool but after that it's very predictable and boring but still cool
Makes me regret not getting my license as soon as I turned 16 and spending my evenings/mornings drifting in the mountain passes in my hometown.
My favorite series so i might be biased but it's pretty fucking good. I even liked the 4th stage, specially when Takumi gets btfo by his dad.
I'm reading MFGhost now, which is in the same universe as Initial D's.
3rd stage is best stage