English dub was released.
How is the reputation of dub?
Flip Flappers
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It's horrible. Stop posting about it.
I heard exactly two seconds from it and automatically concluded that it was the worst thing.
Thank you for this information. I don't care about the dub itself, it sounds standard for dubs (read: bad), but this means I can actually own physical copies of Flip Flappers without it being an elaborate $500 set of paperweights.
The specification looks very nice.
Who would dub a literal no name flop? What in the fuck do they think they'd get out of it.
I wanted to see her flaps flipped, but it wasn't that kind of show so I dropped it.
>Doesn't ship to Canada
Fuck you, Sentai. How do I get my hands on this?
But are you going to watch it? If not it's still paperweight
Anyone has a youtube video of the dub?
I wanna hear how bad it is
I rewatch flip flappers every month, so yeah.
Here, you lazy piece of shit.
Here you go
Beat me to it
This is actually sounds better than the actual dub, Sentai dropped the ball huh?
Having Papika be voiced by a husky man would have been 10/10.
Isn't that Tendou's voice actor?
Get it off Amazon instead of Sentai's store.
If it has a dub, it's automatically bad.
Cocona's voice was decent.
Papika's grew on me..
Salt's was fine.
Yayaka's was mediocre.
Hidaka's wasn't as good.
Sayuri's was forgettable.
The twins' were bad.
Iroha's was bad.
Bu's was markedly worse.
Gokigenyo was good.
The poor dialogue in the later episodes, which was a problem in the jap version too, becomes much more noticeable.
How did they translate gokigenyo?
>Cocona's voice was decent
She sounds like a boy. Even the polish dub is better.
I'm still baffled that this show of all things got a polish dub over a year ago.
Nobody even lives in poland, much less 883 people.
So in other words very fitting and appropriate for the show.
from what I heard. Brittney Karbowski as much as I like her work, she doesn't seem as wild or strange sounding like Mao's version was.
Not sure who I would've recommended instead. I wish Ocean got it, Andrea Libman could've worked IMO.
Do all little boys sound that girly in your country? Can I finally make my trap dream come true?
They really messed up episode 5 in terms of Papika failing to pronounce "flip flapping!" It makes sense in japanese since she's trying to say non-native syllables, but in english she just trails off with "flip flap..." before a character corrects her adding the "ing" to it.
Which to be fair, I can't think of a working solution to that, but still.
Imagine wearing Darth Vader's mask saying "greetings to all".
Very different from the sub but I like it.
Do all boys sound that girly in your country? Can I finally make my trap dreams come true?
Did you really delete and repost your comment just to pluralize the word dream?
A true Sup Forumsutist.
>Flip Flappers thread
>it's about the dub
What would you rather discuss about the show?
Just let it Flop like the show.
Idk, i just like talking about it.
Does a localization improve the chances of another season or at least a Manga?
That Yayaka is the best.
Cute baby COCONA.
I doubt it, unless the localization sales are explosively amazing, which is pretty impossible, let's be real. Not that I'd really want a season 2 or manga. Anime-to-manga adaptations are always way inferior to the anime, like the vast majority of manga-to-anime adaptations are.
And I feel like everything was covered that needed to be covered in the main season, a second season would only drag down the original.
I'd be interested in a spinoff in the same universe or even just a "based on" story, or even OVAs involving the two Pure Illusions briefly shown at the beginning of episode 5. But that's about it.
Is that picture from the art book? Holy fuck I can't wait the entire month for the premium box set to arrive.
What are some things that you LIKE about Mimi and her arc?
Her design is pretty amazing
the fact that she's underage and lesbian really fires up my neurons
She was like the only straight girl in the show though. She ignored Dyke Goddess Papika and went straight for the underage Salty Cock.
Will sales in the US exceed 883?
I will buy 800 myself, I expect you fucking freeloaders to pick up the slack of the other 84 sales.
Not sure to be honest, saved it from here some time ago.
I usually don't care for 2nd seasons either when the the story seems well rounded, but Flip Flapper are a bit special to me,don't even care if it's soem kind of spinoff as long as it gets the characters and atmosphere right.
She shouldve been Cockona's corrupted version of Flip Flapping
The concept of an overprotective mother is actual pretty interesting, even though a lot of people didn't seem to like it.
I was actually suprised that they went their, since after the red eye floating Cocona Cliffhanger i was sure it was just a powerup, almost like in end of eva.
The things that held this arc back the most is how they stopped giving information via PI metaphors which worked very well in the early episodes, and instead did a lot of staleflashbacks that were pretty repetetive for anyone who paid attention before.
Also the relationship between Mimi and Papika barely came up during their confrontation.
The setup was actually good, the execution was just a bit lacking
She seems like a sweet and beautiful girl, not surprising that Salt fell in love with her. Great design, both her normal and her flip flapping form. Though Croco-Mimi is a bit silly. I like how where her actual powers come form and what's wrong with her eyes still remains a mystery. Taking control of Cocona in episode 10 was a fantastic general meltdown and prelude to the finale. The flashback in episode 11, where Salt rescued her, is a great scene in my opinion, and has one of my favorite songs in the soundtrack 決意 ~Determinazione~ The scene afterwards, pic related, is also fantastic in my opinion. I doubt I imagine the slight sexual tension between them and Salt in this scene, and the fact that it was in Coconas body makes it really unsettling to me. Probably a deliberate attempt. In general, that she just trashes Asclepius and declares herself the actual bad guy was pretty amazing and I don't think anyone saw this this coming. She was central to Salts development as a character in the later half, who I started to like a lot in these episodes and flashbacks as well. Then in episode 13 as she flip flapped I almost jumped up and threw my table, it was a pretty hype moment.
In general I'm one of these that actually likes the whole story and understands her importance as the mother archetype, both good and bad, and how her arc was needed for Coconas development and for her to claim her independance, even if it needed some help of Mimis good side. It's a well thought out concept, that unfortunately suffered a bit from production issues in the last episodes.
Also she brought plant loli back
Is it true that OVA is being created?
>someone else likes the Mimi arc and character
I love you, user. You are definitely my nigga.
>Also she brought plant loli back
Her name's Welwitschia, by the way. It's the name of pic related, a cool/wierd plant in southern africa.
The flashbacks were actually my favourite parts of the Mimi arc. There was definitely part of them that served to confirm what could already be assumed from prior information, but there was also a lot of new stuff, I found. And it was filled with little details, even obscuring some of the confirmations. Like when they deep-dive into Salt's dad using ELPIS, the pure illusion they are inside is really just them being really tiny in a microscopic world, as if everything is viewed through a microscope, tying into Salt Sr.'s mindset as a scientist.
>Sentai dub
Into the garbage it goes.
>the pure illusion they are inside is really just them being really tiny in a microscopic world, as if everything is viewed through a microscope, tying into Salt Sr.'s mindset as a scientist
It's been over a year and you just blew my fucking mind about this show. Fuck.
Papika sounds kinda mature, which doesn't fit with her personality at all
Yayaka sounds alright
>all you eat is pastry, you are soft
then again, you cannot fix the delivery of translated dialog from moon-speak to english. Unfortunately all that isnt westaboo or a comedy sounds like an alien wrote it whenever you translate anime to murican.
Unfortunately Only koreans and Romance countries can dub dialog and not make it sound autistic.
Cocona sounds like girl. Random background female #237868274 from episode 12 minute 15 of something. Also her delivery feels like cardboard.
>English dub was released.
It's been a while OP
It literally came out yesterday, turbofag.
You're right, I was thinking about the clips that were meant to promote the release.
Shit like that is why this is my favourite anime.
Did you know there's a guitar in kid-Salt's room?
If he's still playing guitar as an adult it explains why his office has soundproof walls and his desk contains nail clippers. It also goes to show just how much of himself he's hiding away behind his rad shades and poker face in order to attone for his sins and resolve the whole Mimi/Pure Illusion incident.
I forgive you, megadork.
>Did you know there's a guitar in kid-Salt's room?
That is an easy one, everyone saw it.
You could say the same for Salt Sr.'s PI being microscopic. It's impossible to gauge what each individual viewer has picked up on by themself.
Like it took me forever to realise that Granny was a robot and got destroyed when Mimi first emerged.
How about Bu-chan being the excavator in the final episode? That's his serial number printed on the side.
>How about Bu-chan being the excavator in the final episode? That's his serial number printed on the side.
The threads pointed that out, but on myself I would have never realized.
I didn't get the clipper at first and Sup Forums was debating if it was a lesbian or guitar thing.
Now that i think about it it's pretty funny how it was actually both except from the view of different characters.
No it didn't. Rips with dual audio were out since 2 weeks ago.
I really liked how Salt's PI was realistic, drab and grey but had magical rainbow butterflies hanging out on the periphery if you looked hard enough.
Cocona's ass
There is not a flatter shot of that ass.
>Cocona's ass
I wish I was Papika.
Cocona's ass
Stop shitposting, please.
Those Teddybears are probably the best example for subtle simbolism in the show
What do they symbolise?
Actual bears.
Don't know if that has been confirmed, but maybe they symbolised all the children that Mimi couldn't have as a friend.
>That murricunt accent
>That nasal voice
Jesus Christ, it's rancid.
Ah, sick Yuri Kuma Arashi reference, 3Hz.
Dead children basically.
The show never directly said what happened to the other lab rats, but Papika was the only one that was "succesful" in goign to PI with Mimi.
Some user pointed out that the weirdly high number of bears in Mimi room is mostly likely due to her gettign one each time an attempt failed.
I mean unlike other pieces of symbolism it's not canon and there might be soem other explanation, but it's probably my favourite one.
Or just that, either way it's a great piece of visual storytelling and together with Mimis reaction to the lake it gives you a really good view of her depressign live, even though they never directly say anything about it.
I don't remember this episode.
It's from Flip Flappers Season 2, airing right now!
They had to rebrand it in order to boost sales though, and you can REALLY feel the writer change this time.
I watched the series a while ago, and while I really liked the animations, the atmosphere, the characters, the story and PI as a whole, I kind of felt like the sexual and lesbian undertones were a little out of place.
I disagree.
Feel whatever you want, but you're wrong.
If you can accept the fact that it's fully intentional it's actual well made.
It's not just for fanservice, it's actually part of their characters arcs and the themes of embarresment and being unsecure about sexuality wouldn't work as well with a hetero couple.
But to be fair, this isn't really apparent in the first watch
Well, I mean, that's why I said that I "felt" this way.
I figured, at least approaching the end, that this might have been the intention, but earlier as I watched it often seemed like to me that stuff was "breaking the spell", ruining the dreamy atmosphere.
But of course this could very well be because I have only watched it once, or maybe even because I find it difficult to relate with a lesbian romance.
Nah, it's pretty central to the concept of the series.
Episode seven would have been much less interesting without the lens of Cocona trying on more socially acceptable versions of the relationship she wanted with Papika only to confirm her love. Cocona's self discovery /identity forming as a whole would have been less impactful without that extra hurdle to overcome. Episode five would have been a lot less interesting without the Class S themes as well.
>any dub in any situation
here take the longer version
Hey thanks!
no problem
Great symbolic bullshit for her and in how characters interact with her. Really works with the idea of something not quite human trying to be a good mother.
Frick Frackers
>Winter 2016 - Flip Flappers
>Winter 2017 - Girls Last Tour
What kino are we getting this year, boys?
Why? It's a sexual series.
They aren't explicitly in a relationship, but they are explicitly a gay parallel to the 'more than friends' trope in a lot of coming of age stories.
As much as it got shitted on for the plot, I feel like it's still better than if it would have been fully episodic.
They took the risk to aim for something higher and that alone is respectable, adding to that those who actually appreciated the plot like me and shit makes for a good series, desu
Fluffy hair Yuyu is too cute.