Which JoJo characters are the most charismatic?
Other urls found in this thread:
dio is my favorite
I fucking love Jolyne
Jolyne is my queen
Asked about this in the previous thread but it was looking pretty dead. Does anyone have a translation for this?
going to rape Jotaro for the third time today. wish me luck
Good luck!
Post your favorite character in every part
1: Dio
2: Wamu
3: Polnareff
4: I don't like any of the characters enough to have a favorite.
5: Buccellati
6: Jolyne
7: Johnny
8: Gappy
I'm still not sure if I like this shitpost. It keeps changing
I love Kira! I'm going to marry Kira!
Yoshikage Kira
Mountain Tim
Yoshikage Kira
based hairposter
Crappy makes me gappy.
What does he write in the book?
Remember that motivation doesn't make a villain good, only execution
And that's why Valentine shits on your nigger.
But user, I love Valentine
Which is why Valentine is the best Villain
why didn't Jongalli a turn into a blob monster when Dio died?
and also this page,
how could he meet Enya during the 10 years after Dio had died when Enya died before dio??
Reminder that Diavolo canonically got raped by me and nothing you say or do will ever change this
What's with the rape obsession?
Araki's influence.
>recommending anime up to part 3
What the FUCK are you doing, nigger? Part 3 is infinitely better in the manga.
>I recommend to switching to the manga for part 4, because the anime is somewhat of a letdown, the pacing of everything is awkward.
You fucking idiot, the anime has better pacing, that's the only thing it did better than the manga.
If you were going to recommend being a retard it would've been better if you just linked to the manga and told him to start reading in part 1.
it is rare but i can get aroused by araki's drawing
That's right. It's why DIO is better than Valentine.
It's actually "kuredittsu rōru"
you're completely delusional if you think the part 3 anime isn't miles better than the manga. nostalgia faggotry at it's finest.
That's right. It's why Valentine is better than DIO.
Which part 4 character was the most quintessentially representative of an average Sup Forums poster?
Hazamada or Shigechi?
Hazamada is /r9k/
Oh boy, a raging fanboy that cares about japanese cartoons too much.
I didn't mind part 3's anime that much, yes, some things were dragged out, but everything "flowed" together much better than part 4's anime.
Part 4's pacing in the anime was quicker/better, but so fucking many scenes didn't "flow" and just felt awkward, from fucking episode 3 onwards.
Everything with Kira was absolute horseshit, it felt incredibly awkward to watch, if you like it, cool, go for it, I'm happy for you, I really am.
But I don't enjoy it, I won't recommend part 4's anime to anyone.
Have a good day.
>Sup Forums
>"I-if you wanna... D-do you want to play the Pocky Game with me?"
>Jeez, I can just cure it if it breaks..."
>a raging fanboy that cares about japanese cartoons too much.
>Sup Forums - Anime and manga
>Sup Forums.org
Where do you think you are?
>I won't recommend part 4's anime to anyone
Then why recommend the anime in the first place. You should've given the guy different options so that it's his fault if his experience with this series is less than ideal. Fuck off, faggot.
>but everything "flowed" together much better than part 4's anime.
Rohan. Huge faggot that always has a stick up his ass.
>implying Sup Forums would be that hot and cool
The part 3 anime drags on too much. It's in no way "miles better than the manga". The second half is much better than the first, but it's still not the best way to enjoy part 3. Reading the manga is much faster (no, I don't mean speedreading). People who watch the anime first also tend to hate Jotaro more than manga readers. It's good to watch the anime but it's better to do so after reading the manga.
>nostalgia faggotry
I started reading JoJo because of the anime's popularity, so it can't be "nostalgia faggotry."
Rohan is neither of those things, he's ugly and lame.
>Why recommend anime at all.
user, please, read my previous and my original post again, thanks.
You know, in general, people recommend things they like, not things they don't like, this applies to anime/manga as well.
In this case, I recommended them switching to the manga version because I prefer that over the anime version...
BUT I also gave them the option to watch the part 4 anime, the link was included as well, so your criticism of them supposedly enjoying something less based on your personal preference is just trash, I gave them the choice to do both.
You could have told that person why they should choose the part 4 anime instead of the manga, but no, you chose to fling shit like a chimpanzee.
I didn't know I had to explain concepts people learn to understand in grade school here :)
Seconding this but in general. If we could have a translated dump of kohei ashiya doodles that'd be great
>You could have told that person why they should choose the part 4 anime instead of the manga,
I think your anger isn't letting you read well, because I only said the pacing is better in the part 4 anime than in the manga.
Had I woken up before the last thread got archived, I would've recommended him to either read the whole manga first and then watch the anime, or start with the anime and switch to the manga for part 3, but when I read the posts it was too late. Why do you think I'm arguing with you now, idiot?
t. Hohan Kishitbe
user, you called me nigger, faggot, told me to fuck off, and I'm the angry one because I'm being nice?
Your way of writing and explaining things is very confusing and can be interpreted in multiple ways as well.
Even still, I disagree with your opinion either way. I still wish you a nice day.
I hope you feel better now, even if aa stranger you'll never interact with again experiences something in a way you don't think is ideal.
>and I'm the angry one because I'm being nice?
>is still replying with long condescending posts
Yes, and taking it personal.
I'm going to mutilate you all
how am I being condescending?
First you call me angry, then a faggot, then tell me to fuck off, now you cry about me being condescending and taking it personally.
Whatever floats your boat is fine by me.
I'm talking about JoJo and you start taking it personal and bitching about me calling you names. How about you shut the fuck up if you don't want to argue about something on topic with me?
Why did speed king look so angry/confused while he was driving that car?
Because he's a ghost that doesn't know how to drive.
Give me one reason why Gay Black Priest is not objectively the cutest jojo villian
Jotaro is beautiful.
Because Doppio exists.
1; Speedwagon
2; Jonathan
3; Kakyoin
4; Kira
5; Autist Diavolo
6; I hate every single one of them
7; Deigo/Hotpants combo. Wekapipo for his fight though
8; Joshuu
>SBRainlet has shit taste
Wow, who would've thought
Valentine exists.
>Phantom Blood
>Battle Tendency
>Stardust Crusaders
>Diamond is Unbreakable
>Vento Aurero
>Stone Ocean
>Steel Ball Run
Part 6 was just akari constantly writing himself into corners
>Implying Doppio was a villain
Doppio was the purest boy
>part 5 anime gets announced in summer
>airs next winter
How likely is this?
Based windowhair poster.
Part 7 was just Araki constantly writing himself into corners
Nice try SOfag but that doesn't work for part 7.
kinda, like it was kinda likely at all these festivals and everything.
It might happen, it might not, it probaly won't
Lisa Lisa
He was just as brutal and duplicitous as Diavolo. If pulling that cabbie's eye out was supposed to be Diavolo's influence, Diavolo wouldn't have called on the phone to interrupt it.
Okuyasu, Keicho
Weather Report
Not really it all made sense in terms of the story, Part 6 was full of wierdly specific location powers
Nice try SBRfag but that doesn't work for part 6.
1: Dio
2: Speedwagon's flashbacks of Dio
3: DIO
4: Jotaro's flashbacks of DIO
5: Giorno
6: Pucci's flashbacks of DIO
7: Diego, but the one who's a dinosaur
8: None, because there's no Dio at all
I only watched the anime, I refuse to read the manga.
>Part 1
They all suck so I guess I'll pick the dog.
>Part 2
>Part 3
Joseph, Runaway Girl (I can't pick one)
>Part 4
>Part 5
>Part 6
>Part 7 & Part 8
I hate every single one of them
how did you form your opinions on parts 5 to 8?
Hol Horse
Diavolo (maybe Ghiaccio? I keep switching)
Other than Speedwagon, Hol Horse, and Hazamada, it usually changes every other day or so, especially with part 5.
1. Speedwagon
2. Joseph
3. Kakyoin
4. Josuke
5. Bruno
6. Jolyne
7. Gyro
8. Yasuho
Guess is cool
I'm going to fucking kill you all
Yeah, Doppio was sweet compared to Diavolo, but he's still not the precious, adorable, shy baby people like to portray him as. He's got a little bit of a temper and gets frustrated pretty easily.
You posted him, bruv. Dio is charisma incarnate.
Is this the worst these four have looked?
Everything looks worse in part 6 style
Gappy makes me happy
Mista looks fine, but why does Narancia look like a man?
Joshuu makes ME happy