>character washes her head in the kitchen sink instead of taking a shower
Colour me fucking surprised. I never knew I needed this bit of realism until now.
Character washes her head in the kitchen sink instead of taking a shower
That’s the most inconvenient bullshit I’ve ever heard of.
It is inconvenient, yeah, but it's a cheap apartment with no shower or bath.
It's kinda nice seeing things like that when 99% of anime characters take showers and bathe in gigantic king-sized bathrooms.
I've never washed my head in the sink. I've washed my feet in it a few times though.
I would start licking the back of her thighs.
>tfw in Japan
>live in a shitty apartment complex
>water never gets hot
>taking showers is painful
hits close to home
>no shower
I don't get it. How do they clean themselves? Body powder?
Public baths
Japan has thermae in every street.
My hairdresser friends usually wash their hair in the sink or leaning over the bath.