Spoilers and color page tonight. We're nearing the end of the Rdc with one final bout.
Shokugeki no Soma
I hope it's Rindou
It's probably Soma, Erina, Tsukasa and Rindou.
Takumi's match isn't even over yet. They can't ''''spoil'''' the chapter with CP.
Did you even read the latest chapter last week? Rindou was announced the winner meaning Takumi lost his match and at the end of the chapter Senzaemon declared the next bout will be the final bout.
No, it's over. I honestly expect some comfy moments in this chapter.
Takumi already lost 3-0.
You're not even in the timeline
When will Megumi get to show her true "potential"?
Never pretty useless character
2-3 more years
This is Megoomy. Please be nice to her.
Were you honestly expecting anything else?
She's already shown her potential.
She's a beast at ping-pong, but instead of pursuing a career at professional sports, she preferred going for gastronomy instead.
What a cute.
Pity vote
Muh potential
Country retard
Honestly 2-3 more years. I imagine her next big match will be her first big win.
I would love to see a Megumi vs Takumi match.
Jobber vs. Jobber
Just finished season 3. I really wanna catch up but since there's a tournament going on I think I'm gonna wait it out. I wanna know if Azami is still the villain or are they just fighting for the seats now?
>Jobber vs Jobber
Alice vs Ryou sounds kind of boring.
>I wanna know if Azami is still the villain or are they just fighting for the seats now?
Both. But the whole Azami thing is coming to a end in like 3-4 months so you can start catching up by then.
Looks like I'm catching up then.
>going for gastronomy instead.
Literally what
I recommend you read where S3 started which is chapter 116 than to read where S3 left off.
I'm going to marry Megumi!
I miss this artstyle.
Same. Some girls look good in Tosh's recent style but some girls like Megumi look way better in his earlier style.
Okay, we all know that Remy would definitely make the Elite 10 but which seat would he take?
I mean at least get it right user. Alice is the one connected to gastronomy.
I want to see Tsukasa being moe
Rindou used human meat last round
There’s some batshit insane point she is trying to make
He's better than the entire Elite 10? I agree.
Saito is cute!
Why is Takumi such a jobber
Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about this arc anymore.
Well, yeah, that's why I said Megumi vs Takumi.
I became totally apathetic to it since last chapter.
I want to protect her
I want to figure out her end game
This is starting to turn into Prison School sports festival. Hurry up and get to the point of this arc.
Nah. It's a boring arc. I couldn't even care less about Erina and Soma vs the other two either.
Rindou's exotic ingredient in the final bout will be herself.
What does Rindou taste like?
milky vinegar
>next big match will be her first big win.
Nope. Megumi is one of the series' main jobbers. Even if she does win a match it'll be against a small fry, and can't be counted for anything.
>Megumi is one of the series' main jobbers
Literally everyone, but Erina/Soma, are jobbers. What exactly are you trying to prove by throwing this word around? Megumi was close to failing out of the school back in the beginning, and we're still in the first year. It's really not surprising that she wasn't able to beat Dog and Momo with only a few months of serious training. I fully expect her to get a really great big win during her next fight which will most likely happen in 2-3 years going by the pacing. Not just her, but other characters like Alice/Dog/Hisako etc as well.
How long until spoilers?
>Literally everyone, but Erina/Soma, are jobber
When I say jobber, I don't mean just anyone who takes a loss. You can make excuses all you want, she's gotten over the performance issues. The rate of growth will be far more limited Someone who regularly lose all their matches are jobbers. Megumi, Alice, and Hisako fits this bill almost perfectly.
>a really great big win
Hahaha okay. Someone took the potential bait.The upcoming enemies will be even stronger since they have to pose a threat to Souma, Isshiki, and Erina. What you end up with is a "main" character beating a literal who enemy, but jobbing in the first real threat that the other mains beat.
The author also doesn't give a shit anymore. It just super rushed since Momo I think.
>The author also doesn't give a shit anymore
not true.
Playing matchmaker for her little cousin
hello post fake spoilers please
Not making excuses. Megumi was at the absolute bottom of her year a few months earlier so for her to all of sudden be able to at the near top is just not realistic, and I get that this manga isn't realistic in the first place, but I don't have a problem with Tsukuda not giving her a big win yet. I think it'll happen, and if you don't, then that's fine. To each their own.
Who could possibly be a threat after this? There can't be another Totsuki-tier high school in Japan so it's gotta tertiary level schools or international high schools.
>tfw I will cook with Souma in the final bout
>It's not like I will enjoy it or something like that
International schools that are on the same level. Best cooking academies from various states, various European countries etc
Isshiki isn’t a jobber in my opinion.
She will get her big win but not any time soon considering she isn't as talented as her peers. All she is residing is her MC status to even be relevant with the big shots like Soma, Erina, Hayama, Tsukasa, Rindou, etc. Also this manga to an extent is realistic because Tsukuda isn't gonna let anyone win because they deserve to win but because that character has the capability to win. If that wasn't the case then Megumi would've won against Momo which thankfully isn't the case because that is totally shonen plot armor which would degrade this manga credibility. Anywho, when the author is ready to improve Megu then that's that but for now she is just a diamond in the rough who isn't fully grasped in cooking like the rest.
I don't think any chef from Euro could be threat since Euro food are all bland and shit compared to glorious Asian food. Souma will challenge the superior South East Asian culinary next.
I was talking solely about the first years. I should have clarified that.
>she is just a diamond in the rough who isn't fully grasped in cooking like the rest.
Exactly. She JUST started to start cooking seriously a few months earlier.
>Am I the only one
yes and it's time for you to go back you faggot fuck
Dish theme for final match will be nyotaimori.
at least attempt a good fake spoiler
>Please be nice to her.
But who else will taste test Souma's "experiments"?
There doesn't have to be another academic cooking academy just so there can be high tier chefs you know. Also even if there is another school but not as wealthy as Totsuki who said that school may not have high tier chefs? That school could very well have a few competent chefs at their disposal.
>everything that happened in the last 100+ chapters and 2 years will become undone in a month as the expelled students come back
>all so Erina gets dere-er
anyone else waiting for this manga to get comfy again? i miss early sns
Just bare at least 5-6 more months.
You know, I'm starting to realize that I hate when manga do the swerve into I'm srs manga nao. Just keep it light and funny.
Wasn't there like a global cooking challenge thing mentioned waayyy back when? iirc it's not just for highschoolers so it'll be an opportunity to bring Shinomiya back pls
comfy sns will never return. this happens to majority of shounen. they get worse the longer they go on.
>Called food wars
>Centered around battles of food
And you didn't think it was gonna go this route? I swear the fans of this series wanted slice of life then y'all should have realized by the autumn arc that this wasn't the show for you
It's been this way since the first bout when I found out everything was one-on-one instead of team battles. It's my fault for misreading but fuck Tsukuda. All of this is caused by escalating the severity of the plot over and over and ruining our chances at any SoL.
Manga seems so rushed as of late that I would say it's getting axed, if not for the Anime getting seasons every year.
Obviously there'll be more shokugeki's/ friendly matches but what made the current arcs with Azami boring was how eerie the tone got and how there was no room for happy interactions which appealed to us the audience early in the series. Once Azami is gone or redeems that comfy tone will return.
It's probably ending after this.
Oh no no no no
fuck off. the beginning of this series opened with a battle, with souma and that hot lady but it was still comfy. azami was a complete mistake.tsukuda wanted to add family drama but it fell flat.
Like Bleach.
and naruto
Nah, there are many unanswered questions/ future plot/ Soma and Erina's mom backstorys, etc that the author hinted and stated that'll happen in the manga. Besides if the manga does end after this arc then it'd be very underwhelming.
Azami has already made a mark on this manga that will never go away. It's been years.
erinas mom has never been mentioned before unlike somas mom,she is irrelevant to the plot. probably dead, but if she isnt then shes an even worse parent than azami for leaving erina with him.
That doesn't mean the manga will abruptly end after all this though.
You're the only reason why I keep up with this series.
I saved this tweet where Tsukuda "liked" from this person asking if we'll see Erina's mom. This could mean we'll eventually get a backstory on her later in the story like Soumom.
Well, it certainly won't reach graduation. Azami defeated, Souma gets Erina, Soujiro returns and clears up Souma's mom thingy, cue timeskip till graduation. Not that bad an ending.
hopefully she is dead then because if not she is a worse parent than azami.
>inb4 erinas mom is the big bad and we have another arc just like to defeat her
Who knows? We'll see what the author does after this arc whether timeskip, epilogue or fun shenanigans before Soma heads to his second year.
>arc drags on fucking forever