How smart do I have to be to watch Gundam?
How smart do I have to be to watch Gundam?
not very at all, it spells out everything for you
You should be able to count up to potato.
only newtypes can, earthnoids are too dumb to understand things
Newtypes don't exist, they are just zeon propaganda used to convince all of you spacenoids brainlets to drop colonies on our beautiful earth.
Good look watching the whole UC saga there are a shit tons of ovas, anime, tv series, novels, manga, manga spinoffs , video game tie ins, etc. Good look trying to get in the whole UC experience where they keep expanding the whole UC saga for a quick buck
You only need to be careful not to be bored by the same design style of the robots.
100 IQ max
You have to be a full blown autist to understand space autism
Then why the fuck is the Federation funding research into this so-called NTD System that has something called psychoframes built into the mobile suits? Is this not proof that you bloated, corrupted bureaucratic fucks believe in Newtypes too?