Go Toubun no Hanayome 27 RAW
Cute smile.
Cute dress.
You'd think a former delinquent would be a bit tougher huh.
You can see the moment her heart breaks.
Ichika looks very tiny here
>former (grade school) delinquent
If any of the other sisters saw him they'd slap him on the spot.
They are all womanlets.
Why would Nino buy him a squall type of jacket ?
The cuckening continued.
What is Yotsuba's endgame?
What I don't get is why Ichika would cry after the guy she liked told her they should break off their plans to dance together; a dance where the two dancing are said to be together forever. She supports Miku.
Finally, a thread where I can excuse myself posting Nino!
I’ll be honest, this chapter is kind of underwhelming. I wish Fuutarou can just go back to tutoring in Nakano residence again.
I liked it. Ichika was the focus and things were happening. Tutoring will probably come after this arc.
For you
I disagree
It’s 5>1234
If you know what I mean
Looks like the thread will probably die early due to low post counts and posters participating.
Dude makes it work though.
I still think her huge breasts ruin that pannel
Why? We know she's stacked. It is a nice panel because it shows she is actually pretty emotionally invested in him and her carefree attitude isn't absolute.
Is the thread getting comfyagain?
flatfags will find any reason to complain about full figured women
It's a setup chapter for an incoming shitstorm. They can't all be winners.
>They can't all be winners.
They look way bigger than they are because the shirt isn't tight fit
>huge breasts
do we have an official height for them yet?
Wait. Issat the Jacket Nino picked for him?
Yeah, Miku bought it for him. He's been wearing it for the past few chapters.
I want to tell Nino that Kintarou is Fuutarou and break her tsun side!
I agree. They look ridiculously big there. Everywhere else they look fine.
>dodging the real meaning of the question
>telling Miku not to regret her decision
Why can't Ichika just be straight about this shit?
Give her a break, she's trying hard to be a good onee-chan
To be fair no one is being straight about it except the Maeda guy
feels like mangadex is hosted on a fucking pi
I know but she loses composure around him too easily.
This seems pretty exploitable
He hadn't done anything wrong
He said something awful to Ichika and made her cry.
Maybe she likes him and wants to be with him together forever?
Don't worry school's almost over
very much
From a previous thread
Fuutarou needs to man up and go with the talk, explaining it all.
How he knows that she's one of the most beautiful and popular girls in the school, how he is largely known as arrogant dick nerd, how that dance would affect her social standing in the school. But it's not like he doesn't want to do it (I think he would truly want to dance with someone on this great school trip he enjoys so much), instead he's just worried about her. And if she says she doesn't mind - then he would gladly dance with her.
Then he should just kneel/stand in front of her, extend his hand and tell her something along the lines of "I'm your tutor, but even I don't know many things... like dancing. So for tonight, will you teach me?" (powerful flashback to the firework arc activated)
Situation like that would probably result in Ichika raping Fuutarou... or at least her opening up and crying on his chest while hugging. And when they start gazing into each other eyes the rescue party arrives - perfectly in time to see them "almost kissing"
I'm suspecting that half of his reason not to dance with Ichika is dealing with Nino's misunderstanding
Threadly reminder that Miku will become stronger than any of the sisters could possible imagine after this NTR attempt.
Definitely. He even thinks about which of the two he'd rather deal with before asking Ichika if she wants to call it off.
It's half he still has to deal with Nino and half he genuinely believes Ichika would rather not dance with him.
Yeah. He's not dense or anything, there's zero reason for him to think Ichika cares about the dance, picking Nino is just practical
>NTR attempt.
Ichika has done nothing wrong.
>He's not dense or anything
Oblivious to Ichika's and Miku's feelings.
I do.
I could see him pulling it off and telling himself in the mind "it worked in that movie I once saw! What can possibly go wrong?"
Rape, rape would happen.
Logs are not that hard to move. We used to move six to eight foot length logs back in boy scouts all the time. It was a one-boy job.
>Gives tips on how to deal with Nino, Itsuki and herself.
>Hesitates when it comes to tips on handling Miku.
Is this how NTR starts?
Ichika on some level doesn't actually want to give him up to Miku. It really isn't NTR since we don't know what course of action she'll take. Lying to Miku at the beginning of the chapter probably wasn't the good long term move. I don't want Fuutarou to get in the middle of them.
Put a headband and an eyepatch
where are your units?
A spoiler edit can work with that.
All the anons who say that the gotoubun end isn't possible have it wrong. For gotoubun to work, it has to be tested thoroughly. The best test for that is for all of them to entertain the possibility of monopolizing Fuutarou. Once they all clash regarding their feelings, they will all understand just how deep each other's feelings are for him and for each other. This understanding will allow them to compromise and to make gotoubun work for each other's sake. Once they have this agreement, all they have to do is to rape Fuutarou together and force him to take responsibility for all of them.
The entire dynamic between Fuutarou and Ichika is that she's trying to be the eldest sister but he brings out the greedy side of her. It's not that she likes him subconsciously, the latest she could have known was the inn chapter, it's that acting on her feelings is throwing out everything she's trying to be.
You can do it Miku!
Who do you want to win?
Who do you think will win?