Why is anime full of gay stuff?
Why is anime full of gay stuff?
it's not gay
Fucking other males is NOT gay, it's when you get fucked that's gay.
Wrong, the gayest thing you can do is lick a woman's pussy.
Giving a blowjob to a man is objectively much more manly.
it's not - its full of love
all love
>Why is anime full of gay stuff?
They know their target audience.
>the gayest thing you can do is lick a woman's pussy.
Technically that's still a heterosexual act.
However that's still not manly and shows a weak character and submission to the woman which in turn make you the female in the relationship, and since your partner is a woman as well you're in a cis lesbian relationship which falls into homosexuality so it's gay as well.
even then its ok, so long as you use a condom
Stop that. Kojuurou has eyes for Neko only.
For what purpose?
so that it's not gay
so he doesn't get pregnant, duh
Because authors are making guys cute as girls.
Kojuurou also likes Masamune. He's a slut
It's not gay in the first place.
Would you be Kojuurou's friend?
friends with benefits, yes
Don't blame your latent homosexuality on random people.
Embrace it.
>overstretched boipussi
You're probably watching anime that is full of gay stuff.
Because it’s fetishized by yurifags and fujos.
IMO, boku no pico is a show that have subliminal messages to awaken latent homosexuality in susceptible group of people to deal with the rapid increase in human population.
And that's why after you watch it you start to watch the other two, and in that case you're fully conditioned.
It's mostly for girls. Doesn't stop you faggots though
>That fucked up torso
Because its aimed at little gay girls, like us.
Why is he so perfect?
Because you want to fuck him.
Why people are triggered by male on male sexual acts?
In old days male on male sex was something normal and healthy to do.
A way to teach the young the proper way of sex and a way for the old to keep themselves up to health.
And it's better than engaging in self gratification act like masturbation.
And let's face it men need to clean their pipes and women aren't available for it sometimes for various reasons, but mainly because of a low libido.
>Genji, for his part, or so one is informed, found the boy more attractive than his chilly sister.
This was the mentality in ancient Rome.
It's still the mentality in current times.
Saudi arabia is considered the sanctuary of LGBT in the middle east
Even in other parts of the world gay men are getting raped, by other men because it's gay to fuck a man.
Why is it always regular guy + trap? I want trap on trap.
Fuck you. That's gross.
So by that logic, fucking the most masculine man would be even more masculine and heterosexual
gay thread
Traps and androgynous males in general only work in 2D. Also the designs are literally just females with dicks attached to them, so I don't see it as gay to like traps.
Life is full of gay stuff, user.
Embrace it.
Because it's the pinnacle of human culture.
anime looks familiar but i cant put my finger on it
>Traps and androgynous males in general only work in 2D.
Fuck you. You're gross.
exceptions doesn't make rule a void user...
They do. Stop hanging around ugly men who think wearing thigh highs and not showing their face makes them a trap.
What are you talking about? Traps are fine in 3d, just watch this.
Trans =/= Trap
Spotted the newfag.
By definition a trap is good looking enough to pass as a girl
What you posted isnt a trap, just a tranny
Gotta be safe.
No such thing as a 3d trap then.
Wat is AIDS
So fucking traps is gay after all.
Everyone is a little gay.
Japan has a long history of homo.
No. You missed the point completely.
Sasuga user. You're totally right.
Because homo is automatically boner inducing
Two of my friends unironically came out when I made them watch Boku no pico almost 10 years ago. I did it as a joke but they took it as a signal that I was reliable person to tell a secret.
So does the west. Idiots who like to MUH ROMANS pretend like they were rubbing dicks, dry humping and each other other's thighs. Every culture on some level has done shit with the same sex. Anti-same sex is new bullshit.
Man the Romans were so gay.
A better question is why do girls like seeing guys act gay with each other?
>Saudi arabia is considered the sanctuary of LGBT in the middle east
Except Israel, where it's openly common (just don't go to parades, and Iran, which will transform you to a female so you won't be haram.
When I found out he was I guy my SNAFU flashbacks got even more intense.
I still don't know what I'm seeing whenever this comes up
Yes they were
>Even in other parts of the world gay men are getting raped, by other men because it's gay to fuck a man.
Why not just frot? No one's getting fucked and both parties get off.
Were they being homos together or was it just a coincidence?
I wish there was more frotting in BL.
Me too. It's in my top five fetishes. Specifically frot where they don't use their hands.
They were best friends since childhood but never felt attracted to each other. There was no sexual tension or suspicious behavior whatsoever between them. One of them deep down knew about the other, but the other was not aware that his best friend was gay too. It's a long story, and we were young kids. Boku no pico is more useful than fujobait shows made for rotten women.
Why do boys like seeing two girls act gay with each other?
It's hot
Both are hot. 2D sex is hot.