OPM: Murata is on Streaming



Based on the webcomic, isn't it the time where CE finds the MA HQ?

nigga needs to get on twitch and shit all over the creative section

Tell him to get some fucking rest, he can't keep bumping +50 pages every 2/3 weeks it's extremely un healthy


It's normal for japanese.

He said more than one time that he doesn't like things to be like a "storm" which by that he meant he doesn't like popular streaming sites

He's taking bigger breasks than the usual mangaka to be fair. He seems to be doing fine. Lots of work for 2 weeks, a break of a week.

He likes to communicate with his fans, he can't do that if he stream on twitch or other popular Japanese sites.
The man is too popular for that but fuck me he can make a shitload of money if he did stream on twitch

He's off

Seems like Saitama is back home, Fubuki is probably there too (I'm saying that since we haven't seen her yet in the few panels he showed).

And he is back again.

So Hotpot scene?

She probably brought the cabbage Saitama left forgotten at the restaurant.

Maybe my dude

We agree that all Yusuke Murata related content was forbiden on Sup Forums.

Delete this thread.


It's bait.

Kill yourself

Serious question:
When will ONE stop playing with his balls and update the webcomic? I'm kinda getting the feeling he switched to his plan 2.0 which is screw the webcomic and continue the story in collab with Murta, by shitting out storyboards.
I mean, it's not a bad plan and all, but by that pace we won't see an update in the story itself for another 2 years.

he's giving king a bigger chin

He said that he will update it tomorrow

It's probably a chill hot pot chapter

Garou is supposed to wake up at the start of the chapter, the heroes are gathering, Gyoro notices that CE found them, we get the "it's war" panel, and Garou kills RR.

Not saying everything will happen in this chapter (kinda hope), but it definitely shouldn't be chill only.

Anyone excited we will get this page redrawn?

Saitama looks depressed

Yeah he looks really sad.

Probably next chapter or maybe this one, depends on Pages count

> guys... I forgot the cabbages for the hotpot at the restaurant

When is the webcomic coming back? I can't stand this inferior garbage anymore.

King will cheer him up

Suck my dick

hotpot hype

Probably when Vagabond returns.

You just made my day uglier with this post

Inoue is depressed

order is a bit off there
>Garou wakes
>"It's war"
>heroes gathering
>garou vs RR
>garou vs cute doggie
>saitama investigates ruckus
>garou vs Gyoro Gyoro
>heroes begin assault

assuming there are no changes, which there will be. Things are going to be very brisk from here on out

>last chapter was full of info dump yet no discussion
What killed the hype?

>info dump
Don't lie user, you don't deserve any (you)s

Well Murata just mentioned chapter will be 100 pages long.

That infodump happened years ago, it's been discussed enough already.

>wall of text explaining a lot of stuff including limiter
>Orochi origins which is not even in the webcomic
not an info dump?


Fubuki isn't looking very amused.

Fubuki is there too.

>info dump
I think you've accidentally mistaken this for a HxH thread, faggot.

No shit, she had to pay Saitamas meal

>"I created Orochi"
>"Orochi was a human"
Wow what an infodump. I'll admit that there wasn't much discussion about that because idiots were too busy saying how easily they had predicted Orochi was a meat puppet.

Fubooty is upset

Everyone knew that, only brainlets didn't

Monster Garou will be like Orochi in terms of design(only different is that he wont be a giant until the very end of the fight vs Saitama).

Looks like she just arrived at Saitamas apartment, apparently angry due to being forced to pay for Saitamas meal.


And according to the Stream chat, thats the reason she is mad.

I can see Genos defending Saitama something with the words of "There is no way Saitama Sensei could do that".

Why is saitama depressed tho

Is this normal drawing speed? It looks like those drawing youtube videos

he had to hit a fellow dine and dasher and that's not a nice thing to do

I'd say he was depressed because he wanted to make hotpot but the cabbages are still at the restaurant.

Then Fubuki comes in with the cabbages.

we're talking about the man who did 100+ pages in a week or so, of course he has to be able to draw fast for this

Murata sketched a sign board with Saitama real fast.

Oh gosh how fast we talking here?

Another one.


Is he giving another lecture soon?

Didn't hear anything about that.

It seems to be for another college lecture.

jesus, he's already done and starting another one.

Mosquito Girl

Now drawing Mosquito Girl.

He's drawing mosquito girl for some fan sign board

A sign board with Mosquito Grill.

Mosquitofags Jebaited

so are these going to be auctioned off or something?

He'll post this on his Twitter account probably


n-n-naked apron

Even if this is for some event, they don't auction sketches. They're either just there for presentation or given away.

She's always naked, though, that means she's more prude with that


Damnit murata is baiting us again

That is my shit user god DAMN

Didnt he draw Fubuki naked(only wearing a scarf) inside her car one time?



Jesus, Mgirl again?

its been 70 chapters murata, let her fuckin go, or start drawing actual porn of her.

How come no one protected that smile?



Maybe someone is, after she settled down with him. Maybe a hero

He redrew her with no apron.

>salami tits



>big aureoles


No way those are her nipples, right?
That's just her design, right?

>nobody dares to post in the chat

Did you honestly forget that her whole body was covered in some patterns?

Murata better erase those big pepperoni circles from my waifus titties or I DROP this fuckin manga

They're busy fapping

10 bucks that's not even aureole