Holy shit, is he /our guy/?
Holy shit, is he /our guy/?
I’m not a nigger so no
>and wants you to know it
No, he is not.
He's /o/guy
Check 'em.
>Sup Forums user
Pick one
It's not about being white.
It's about not being black.
Let me guess. DBS.
DB and OPM
Naruto, DB, bleachand Eva.
>this could be the one that makes anime mainstream and allows all of us to openly discuss our favorite animu without being mocked or look down on
Why in the fuck you would like that to happen you fucking redditor piece of shit?
he actually watched evangelion? how? but he is a nigger...
wow... my whole perspective on a race has completely changed.
I'm a normie, that's why. I'm sorry not all of us are loser pieces of shit.
Why are you even here
>openly discuss our favorite animu
i would rather die
Our real guy.
>if I don't like it that makes it ironic weeb tier
jokes on you, I like everything on that image and am the weebest
>wanting to talk about cartoons in public
fuck that. I wouldn't want to hear a discussion about it either.
A lot of people like anime...
go away
Go away
this nigga right here. him.
Is it about hating niggers then?
>A normalfag nigger
>Our guy
please love me ;_; im so lonely...
It's actually really simple to find people who like anime
>wear a shirt with an anime you like
>go outside
>other people who like anime will notice your shirt and come tell you you have shit taste
There, you found people who like anime
Not him, but Sup Forums is a good break from normiedom
SJW assholes with a victim complex? yeah...
This should change your perspective on eva, not the other way around
Even a chimp can understand
We will like him when he stops being a nigger, and there is only one way to fix niggerdom.
>am the weebest
Wanting to be a weeb is ironic weeaboo 101
>Sup Forums circlejerk thread on Sup Forums
>he thinks his shit "too deep for you" anime is anything but some depressed suicidal nip's rage at his divorce and wasted life
Yeah because he doesn't have autism and doesn't try to read meaning where there isn't one. A retard can understand Eva.
Is that Mugi's new boyfriend?
But It will not work as a break anymore if normalfags like you start flooding the site
probably just dbz and nurutu like every other nomie who "likes" anime
>he still thinks Sup Forums is super sekret klub that only degenerates use
hello newfriend
Stop being so bitter
No, fuck off crossboarder.
we're all niggers, you're just too stupid to realize it
Then why are you implying that this site works as a break from normalfags if that's the case
Get out and don't come back.
Anime is my life and this would be my deepest nightmare.
but evangelion is a revolutionary and complex series how could a nigger understand the intricate symbolism and complex characterization. no nigger could understand the complex symbolism of the crosses of light that the angels shot in the series.
Now this guy i can get behind. Not some ironic normalfag SJW reddit star
Stop making me bitter
Where's The Forbidden One when we need him?
real deep
Nigger chink cracker spic
Your mother has a victim complex when she catches this BBC daily and can't help but want to feel the walls of her pussy squeeze my African DNA into her womb.
I would say I fucked her retarded but she was like that when I got there. I'm coming for your boipussy next
Samuel is THE based nigga
The fuck are the mods doing?
Fuck off chink