Now that the anime has been announced, which voices do you want for everyone?
Grand Blue
kouhei needs to be lelouche
Kamiyan as Iori
Sugita as Kouhei.
Miyuki Sawashiro as Azusa
Last 15 chapters are super tedious to read
What is this manga about?
Whenever I read this, I imagine Sugita voicing Kouhei.
It's nominally about diving, but it's mostly about drinking and shenanigans.
Who would be the best voice for Cakey?
BokuBen is better
>Nisekoi 2.0
>Better than anything
>I am still in high school. The post.
2/10, made me reply.
>go to toubun threads
>Bokuben is better
>fished many replies
>go to yuuna threads
>Bokuben is better
>fished many replies
This isn’t even a romance manga, come on man
drinking under twenty is illegal.
Shhh, no legal stuff, only drinking and Cakey now.
Only if you live in a retarded country.
It's not hard either
It's probably the Nisekoifag falseflagging because we don't give his autistic posts attention anymore in BokuBen threads. Please don't fall for it.
There was an anime announcement?
in which 3rd world shithole?
Yesterday, yes
Wasn't it known months beforehand?
Kana Hanazawa as Chisa
isn't America 21?
According to Wikipedia the countries where you must be at least 20 to drink are Egypt, some states of the USA, Paraguay, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Oman, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Lithuania, American Samoa, Guam, Micronesia, the Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Tonga.
Yet they manage to be in top 3.
That was an unnoficial leak. This is the official announcement