This queen just broke your waifu.
What do you do?
This queen just broke your waifu
Break her
>breaking herself
Full mast
Good luck.
How many purple snakes did she strangle to make that outfit?
A bit too much.
Not skimpy enough.
Broke in what sense?
pls respond
This kind of broken.
Sorry there is only one queen and there is no way this thot can break her.
You lost me. How does my waifu ends up in this state? Explain further and detailed as possible, since I am baka.
Simply put, your waifu is a whore.
I don't understand.
>implying Esdeath isn't stronger than her and wouldn't break her first
Your waifu fucks me every night.
but she has no dick to lose to
Well she has heels.
so does my waifu
Send her back to
Sup Forums has run out of girls for her to break
Masturbate, because that's my fetish. I want to watch my waifu get pathetically defeated and humiliated by a superior woman!