Waifu Wednesday Thread

You're waifu (or husbando) is a sweetheart! Love them, cherish them, and hold them in your heart forever user~

Lets get going.

What's their favorite food?

What do you think their favorite fast food would be?

Would they be more a healthy or unhealthy eater?

What would you cook for them based off their tastes in food that they would really like?

Remember to compliment a waifu or husbando today! Yours are all cool as a cucumber!

>Remember to compliment a waifu or husbando today!

Feeling real ill and exhausted so can't really answer any questions right now, but I wish you all a great week!

It always seems to happen that when you wish for a day off work, on the day you get it you'd have to take it off ill anyway. I know Kona-chan has issues with playing up illness and not being believed later, she probably knows the feeling...

Mai Waifu and I wish you all a lovely Wednesday

I'll post mine when I get home from work. I just want to bump the thread so it stays up while I'm gone.

Have a wonderful waifu weekend everyone, and be sure to give your best girl (or guy) a big old hug and a kiss on the forehead. They're all cute and amazing.

>What's their favorite food?
>What do you think their favorite fast food would be?
I'm not sure if she would have any preference toward fast food places.
>Would they be more a healthy or unhealthy eater?
She tends to stay away from certain foods that are seen as 'healthy' by our standards, such as salads, but I don't exactly all the types of food she needs.
>What would you cook for them based off their tastes in food that they would really like?
I'd make Eggs Benedict for her often.
>compliment a waifu or husbando
Mint is adorable!
Ann is very beautiful!
Nozomi is very dedicated!
Yukari is a great girl!
Mai has nice eyes!
Miku and Luka are both great at singing!
Maki has really nice hair!
Konata is very cute!
Everyone has a super special waifu/husbando!

What is your waifu most skilled at? What about least skilled at?
Does your waifu have any fears?

Good evening waifu thread! I'm sorry for once again being able to contribute properly, but please know that your beloved is as cute as cute can be, and you're both incredibly lucky to have one another!
I love my beautiful waifu Akiyama Yukari so much!

Have an amazing week, waifu thread.

Hello, Waifu Wednesday Thread. I hope you and your waifus/husbandos are doing well.
>What's their favorite food?
By default, it would have to be Japari Buns.
>What do you think their favorite fast food would be?
A fillet-o'-fish, seeing as fish comprise most of the shoebill stork's diet.
>Would they be more a healthy or unhealthy eater?
Japari Buns are designed to be the ultimate health food, and fish (when not prepared by McDonalds) tends to be one of the healthier meats you can eat without excess, so she definitely leans more towards being a healthy eater.
>What would you cook for them based off their tastes in food that they would really like?
Seasoned salmon fillet & rice. Not the most complicated, sophisticated, or expensive dish, but it gets the job done.
>What is your waifu most skilled at?
Staring. Being cute.
>What about least skilled at?
Starting a conversation. Probably cooking.
>Does your waifu have any fears?
Ceruleans. Fire.

Unfortunately, I cannot think of any questions or compliments at the moment. For this, I apologize. But I will wish all of you and your loved ones a wonderful day and rest of the week. Please never forget that they love you as much as you love them.

>What's their favorite food?
Cake or crepes.
>What do you think their favorite fast food would be?
McDonald's? I think she'd try to stay away from fast food.
>Would they be more a healthy or unhealthy eater?
She would try her best to eat healthy to keep her figure for modeling but she would slip every now and then and eat some sweets.
>What would you cook for them based off their tastes in food that they would really like?
I would try but I'm not much of a cook.

>What is your waifu most skilled at? What about least skilled at?
Most skilled: Her people skills.
Least skilled: She's comically bad at acting even though it always seems to work out in the end.

>What's their favorite food?
I get the feeling she would enjoy pastries. Cafe stuff.
>What do you think their favorite fast food would be?
I'm not sure she'd have a preference, but I'd have to say Subway or Quiznos. I think she'd like sandwich shops like that.
>Would they be more a healthy or unhealthy eater?
Definitely healthy. I think she understands the value of a quality diet for energy.
>What would you cook for them based off their tastes in food that they would really like?
I've never really cooked anything big successfully, but if I could I would make her a coffee cake.
>What is your waifu most skilled at?
Drawing and animating.
>What about least skilled at?
Dealing with crowds and embarrassment. She's very shy.
>Does your waifu have any fears?
Does your waifu enjoy nature?

She eats pretty healthy depending on what there is when she's on assignment. I've never seen any magical MREs though.

She's very skilled with magic, she's one of the best mages there.
She's scared she could lose everyone she cares about.

Yes, the place where she grew up had a huge garden and she would go walk and relax in it.

No idea what his favorite food is. Hardly anyone's ever shown eating at all.

>What do you think their favorite fast food would be?
I always saw him hitting up a yatai after work. Don't know what food type specifically, maybe something he could pretend is halfway healthy because it has a vegetable in it somewhere.

>Would they be more a healthy or unhealthy eater?
Healthy unless he's in a hurry.

>What would you cook for them based off their tastes in food that they would really like?
Try something traditional and uncomplicated, hope for the best.

What is your waifu most skilled at? What about least skilled at?
Using mathematics, his memory and his ability to notice, process and prioritize details and facts in a situation to come to the most logical conclusion and deal with it accordingly.
Dealing with things that betray said logical conclusions.

>Does your waifu have any fears?
Uncertainty, inferiority, death.

Maybe from the comfort of civilization, but he'd never rough it or anything like that.

How do you like their official artstyle(s)? What about fanart styles? What do you like, what bugs you?

Really tired from the recent increase in workload so I'm too exhausted to participate this week, sorry. I'm super happy about these things arriving late last week though! We wish everyone and their beloved ones a wonderful wednesday thread!

Those are adorable.

>What's their favorite food?
He loves karaage because he'll say it sounds like the first part of his name (the guy loves his wordplay), but he also loves meat and as a child he ate loads of rice). The guy loves his food so I'd imagine he isn't a very picky eater. I think it's adorable.

>What do you think their favorite fast food would be?
Probably hamburgers - in Japan karaage is kind of a fast food already, being Japanese-style fried chicken and all.
>Would they be more a healthy or unhealthy eater?
Probably somewhere along the middle. He just likes his hearty food and thick stews. He tries to come off as "manly" in his tastes but even when the brothers are paired up with sweets he usually gets something relating to rich dark chocolate so I wouldn't be surprised if he had a sweet tooth too. Long story short in the meta timeline he ends up quite fat so no, in the long run his tastes pack the pounds on him, but it's more indulgent things than gross foods.
>What would you cook for them based off their tastes in food that they would really like?
I am not much of a cook myself, but I'm willing to learn and I'd probably spoil him rotten. God forbid the guy ever tries to go on a diet.
>What is your waifu most skilled at? What about least skilled at?
He's actually very skilled artistically - he's good at drawing, sculpting, and he is especially good at sewing - he makes the designs he wears himself. So I'd say that the most, even though it doesn't really appear in the show. As for things he sucks at, he isn't much of a fighter unless the situation really calls for it, but even then he hates conflict and will avoid it at all costs.
>Does your waifu have any fears?
Being alone for the rest of his life.

I don't know if you saw me mention it before but Miia is a cutie (I love characters that are openly affectionate, they're fun to write/draw), and I keep meaning to draw her sometime.

His favourite food is apple pie. I don't think he'd compromise and go for cheaper forms of it though so that won't make an easy answer to question two. It's a running gag that he queues for desserts and spends all his budget on food, so he's not skimping.

He's never shown having fast food, the closest was fancy battered drumsticks at a buffet, so if I can cheat on this I'd say the KFC Christmas menu they do in Japan would be his favourite. They do some absurdly rich chocolate and fruit cakes each year, as well as chicken in fancy wine sauces. Extravagant things would catch his eye more than the regular menu.

His diet is unhealthy, but I think Japan balances it out by making vegetables part of common dishes. I think he'd eat just about anything on the healthy scale up until nonsense like grass water. He has odd taste though so who knows if he'd even notice some taste disasters.

Something with a strong flavoured sauce, and if there's cheese involved it should be red leicester with added mustard powder and paprika.

Supposedly he is top fuda user in his department, but it's unclear if that includes summons (which he's massively OP in), or if he makes them himself. Most fans assume the latter and that would mean he has nice calligraphy. On the other side of things he never makes use of the training halls and gets pinned in holds a few times on the job.

His biggest fear is hurting people because of his inability to control his strength. He would be more at ease if he was trained, but he's scared of accidents in any setting. His fear is not unwarranted, as a few characters lose their lives as a result of his meltdowns.

The manga art goes through dips in quality, there's a couple sweetspots but they don't last long. The anime makes his hair easier to process but isn't as beautiful, and copies wonkiness from the dip at the time of its production. Fanart routinely forgets the shape of his chin, and substitutes it with Tatsumi's. Cont.

-Tuna. I don't think this could ever be stressed enough.
-Fast food...well, burgers are alright, but she tends to avoid stuff that tends to be overly greasy.
-Aside from tuna, burger, and the occasional steak, she tends to stay on the healthy side of things.
-I would very much like to try to cook for them. Give my shot at a nice tuna/pasta platter that we could try together.

-She's a very talented singer and well versed in tech, though physical stamina remains one of her weak spots. In contrast, she does have surprising endurance.
-Startling things. She tends to jump quite easily.

The face of love. I wish blessings to you both.

Aquatic nature, perhaps.

Used to be quite iffy on her official art. She always looked rather pasty. That said, most artwork tends to emphasize a part of her body that she'd much rather not be known for.

>What's their favorite food?
I don't recall her ever mentioning a favorite type of food, but demons do tend to like using sweets to heal with. Then again they also consume things like frog sweat and chicken blood too, so its up in the air on what she actually likes.
>Would they be more a healthy or unhealthy eater?
Somewhere inbetween is my guess.
>What would you cook for them based off their tastes in food that they would really like?
If its something I could make then I'd like to give it a try.
>What is your waifu most skilled at?
Elemental magic and skills. Most games don't have too many elemental weapon skills so I'd lean more towards magic.
>What about least skilled at?
Guns. Her low aptitude in them probably points to a low interest in using them as she likes to stick with swords or spells to do her fighting.

>Favorite food
Don't know if it was disclosed in the series/manga. If it was fuck me for forgetting
I assume she eats healthy, but doesn't mind anything sweet.
Arts and crafts, specifically cutting shit up with scissors. Also sports
>Least skilled
Showing emotion
Losing me
I like the style of her series, it's got a warm retro feel to it. Fanart's great too, though she looks like a fucking cyclops in some of 'em.

So, do you guys attempt to feel any "closer" to your wife/husband? Like trying to "talk" to them or something like that?

>What is your waifu most skilled at? What about least skilled at?
Respecting personal space
>Does your waifu have any fears?
The dorm supervisor
I like all her official styles, but I'm a little bias. Pyuma Isshi and raika9 do great Railgun girls, I just wish they drew her more.

Sometimes I'll imagine us talking or spending time together, but I usually just think about him without all of that. How he'd act in new situations, and the like.

Sometimes it seems like there's no winning - older art will make him too feminine and the facial expressions paired with far too prominent lips get uncanny as all hell, while shipping art made in recent years, as said, gives him the square chin of other characters in an attempt to make him the manly man seme. It bothers me when artists draw wonderful ikemen from other series that resemble him, then draw some cocky stranger with big eyebrows and stamp his name on it. The old fanart I'm far more forgiving of, even if I'm reluctant to post it, because 90s shoujo will be 90s shoujo. Those people's aesthetic sense changes with time, and I've found the older remaining fans do now draw him in very plain styles that are fine, especially since they have a good grasp on who he is.

The worst crime I have discovered is when everything is perfect but the watch is on the wrong wrist every time. I can't even flip it with this one because of how much text is over him. ;__;

Don't know if you're lurking but after that terrible weekend I figured I'd just answer here. What do you consider a good watch? The anime is entertaining if you have a friend to share it with, but not because it's high quality. If you're into campy dumb shit and making jokes as you go then it'll be right up your ally.

The anime begins with the second story of volume one, which means all the setting info is rewritten into 'as you know' exposition between Konoe and Tsuzuki, who have been working there for over 70 years. Because. Then to create shipping fuel the story is changed to remove a female character from scenes and force Tsuzuki on a date with the villain. Because.

You don't want Tsuzuki's backstory too fleshed out so the anime helpfully skips the first story of volume two and goes onto the second, but removes some reoccurring plot elements so you can look at guys touching each other more. Don't worry the follow up story isn't included.

Fuck it, I'll keep going

>What's their favorite food?
>What do you think their favorite fast food would be?
Probably a basic burger. Though if we're talking about Japanese fast food, I think she likes taiyaki or curry.
>Would they be more a healthy or unhealthy eater?
She eats a balanced meal every day. She likes snacks like cookies but understands she needs to eat veggies and stuff.
>What would you cook for them based off their tastes in food that they would really like?
>What is your waifu most skilled at? What about least skilled at?
Fashion. Everything else.
>Does your waifu have any fears?
She gets scared easy by surprises.

My questions:
-How do you feel about fanart that isn't amazing? Still save it? Ignore it?
-If you can give him/her a gift that isn't romantic, but more of a "I think this would really help you out everyday" kind of thing, what would it be?
-If you want your waifu/husbando to have more interests in common with yours, what would you do to introduce them to your hobby?
-Have you ever damaged or ruined any merch of yours that involves your waifu/husbando?

>What's their favorite food?
I'm not sure. She doesn't seem to have a particularly strong preference for a certain type of food.
>What do you think their favorite fast food would be?
Potato chips.
>Would they be more a healthy or unhealthy eater?
Healthy of course.
>What is your waifu most skilled at? What about least skilled at?
Martial arts of course. Probably dancing or drawing.
>Does your waifu have any fears?
Being left alone.
She likes going to the beach and I'm sure she knows the importance of breathing the pure unpolluted air that can only be found in nature way more than me.
I like all the official art, but most fanarts tend to either exaggerate her proportions or make her seem overly cute and younger than she is, so it's hard to find a balance.

>How do you feel about fanart that isn't amazing? Still save it? Ignore it?
The quality isn't as big a deal as the content. If it feels like him and helps me think of him, I like it.
I mean look at this, it's fucking adorable and it's a little slice of his daily life. How could I pass it up?

Screw it, gotta answer some questions!!

>What's their favorite food?

It's never officially stated. The one she has eaten most often (two times over one or 0 times) in the manga is Takoyaki (deep-fried battered octopus tentacle bits), she was even shown making them herself! In the non-canon Audio Drama (written by anime staff) she mentions that she loves Curry Rice. The latter made me really happy as it's both a dish I love to cook and eat.

>Would they be more a healthy or unhealthy eater?

I don't think she minds either way and just eats what she wants without gaining any weight

>What would you cook for them based off their tastes in food that they would really like?

I've cooked a big pot of Curry Rice for her birthday last year, I'm trying to be even better than her own sister at cooking so she'd happily enjoy every meal I make. I really love cooking and especially yƓshoku dishes, so I hope I can please her. The way to a woman's heart can also be through her stomach.

>How do you like their official artstyle(s)? What about fanart styles? What do you like, what bugs you?

Mimana is amazing at drawing her, he can convey so much of her emotions just with her facial expressions. All kinds of different smiles to carry and express all sorts of different things she's saying.. even as recent as two weeks ago I found myself amazed by how well he can do that (due to the 2nd most recent chapter released).

The most precious smile is the one he drew for me.

There are some fanartists who have drawn her a decent amount, some even just for my sake! I even own two books from a key member of the anime staff they released at Comiket which include fanart of her, those are amazing pieces as well. Seeing how there's really not much fanart of her in general I am very appreciative of anything cute that is made. Some pieces are more special to me than others for a multitude of reasons, each unique to their style or portrayal of her.

Thank you!

>How do you like their official artstyle(s)? What about fanart styles? What do you like, what bugs you?
I love anything of her drawn by Soejima, especially her in game portraits. The art he did for her dancing outfit is top notch too.

>How do you feel about fanart that isn't amazing?
I have high standards when it comes to fanart. If it's poorly drawn or barely looks like her I'll just ignore it.
>If you can give him/her a gift that isn't romantic, but more of a "I think this would really help you out everyday" kind of thing, what would it be?
First thing that comes to mind is a Fitbit. She says she wants to start exercising and that could be helpful.

Every night I have the same twisting, evolving fevered fantasies about her and I going on dates and living everyday life and love confessions. In the day I conjure up her image burned in my mind like an icon. Of course the longer I've gone without looking at her picture the more imperfect the image gets and it troubles me a little. I do that unconsciously and by accident.
Once in a while if a moment of inspiration hits me I'll write some shitty poetry.
I used to talk out loud to her but of course she never responds and it makes me feel more stupid than anything so I don't feel like doing it anymore.

Really the thing that makes me feel close is thought itself, thinking about her in all kinds of ways, some of it is concentrated thought like about her meaning, most of it is idle thoughts of her body and voice. Constant thought throughout the day. I don't do it on purpose, rather I can't get away from thinking about her.

-It's never shown or mentioned
-Some fancy japanese dish
-Healthy eater
-Something japanese.

-She is most skilled at combat and baking. Least skilled in CQC
-She fears rejection and being alone definitely from her trauma as a child

Yes she used to live in a forest when she was younger

I like her LN art the most but I like the anime and manga's artstyle. But the anime's new artstyle is pretty good too so I'm looking foward to that. Fan art is very hit an miss where there are either very good and not that lewd to full out lewd so there is really no balance.

-I still save it
-Something that she can remember me by and smile at
-Teach her how to play the Souls, DMC and Kh or any other game. She likes to watch anime already so there is that.

How long have you been with your significant other

Is there a particular physical feature or article of clothing that makes you think of your waifu?

I have a shirt like his and button it over my (blank) body pillow. Somehow that's lamer than a daki cover, isn't it?

The buttons must make it more uncomfortable to hump.

user please, it's for cuddling and sleep.

I'm only teasing you user, I am sure your love for him is pure. I know not everyone shares my lack of self restraint.

I'm not judging.

>So, do you guys attempt to feel any "closer" to your wife/husband? Like trying to "talk" to them or something like that?
I do like to think about being with her when I'm going out for a run. Another thing I tend to do before sleeping at night is looking at a picture of her and tell her good night.
>How do you feel about fanart that isn't amazing? Still save it? Ignore it?
Depends on the style. Some art can be pretty nice even if it isn't anything special.
>If you can give him/her a gift that isn't romantic, but more of a "I think this would really help you out everyday" kind of thing, what would it be?
She's on her feet all the time so maybe something like some gel footing for her boots to be a bit more comfortable.

Happy Wednesday!
>Would they be more a healthy or unhealthy eater?

She would be healthy and I think it might be due to her bunny traits. Most likely those of her race aren't meat eaters and their diets mostly consist of vegetables, fish, and wheat products.

Hope you feel better!

>What is your waifu most skilled at? What about least skilled at?
She's good in bed She does have a knack for keeping things really neat and tidy, so it does fit the job she does. As for least skilled, she's not really good at sneaking.

>Does your waifu have any fears?
Most of it might stem from being part of a race that everyone hates, so maybe fear of being judged and mocked by everyone might be one of them.

>Does your waifu enjoy nature?
She does. Thankfully, there's plenty of nature around her, so she can enjoy the outdoors when she wants.

>How do you like their official artstyle(s)? What about fanart styles? What do you like, what bugs you?
I like her official art (I just wish there was more of it), as well as different art styles that fan artists give her.

>If you want your waifu/husbando to have more interests in common with yours, what would you do to introduce them to your hobby?
I think mutual participation might help.

>How long have you been with your significant other
It will be 9 years in July. Surprised to see so much time has passed.


In bed not like that is your loved one the cuddling type, the sheet hogger, or the one to take up the majority of space and leaving you with little?

All your loved ones are adorable! Make sure to cherish and love them every day!

>What's their favorite food?
It's never stated, but her favourite sweet is obvious.

>What do you think their favorite fast food would be?
Dairy Queen

>Would they be more a healthy or unhealthy eater?
More healthy for meals, but she still eats things like potato chips as snacks.

>What would you cook for them based off their tastes in food that they would really like?
I always struggle with this because it can't be anything too hot, so I've always stuck to making frozen deserts in the past.

>What is your waifu most skilled at?

>What about least skilled at?

>Does your waifu have any fears?
Extreme heat.

I'm not sure if she's like a birdwatcher or anything, but she enjoys spending time in solitude outside, yes.

I like the official styles the most, though her initial look in the manga is a little amateur-ish and the anime has moments of QUALITY thanks to Gonzo. There isn't much fanart of her, and a lot of it isn't the most top-tier out there, but occasionally there are gems like pic related.

I have a special little way of saying goodnight to her every night.

>How do you feel about fanart that isn't amazing? Still save it? Ignore it?
A lot of it isn't amazing, and like I said, there isn't much to begin with. I don't save everything, but I'll save stuff if it's at least somewhat decent or cute.

>If you can give him/her a gift that isn't romantic, but more of a "I think this would really help you out everyday" kind of thing, what would it be?

>-If you want your waifu/husbando to have more interests in common with yours, what would you do to introduce them to your hobby?
I don't have any real hobbies.

>-Have you ever damaged or ruined any merch of yours that involves your waifu/husbando?
I care for her far too much to let that happen.

10 years this July.

Long sleeved shirts or sweaters with different coloured sleeves.

>I'm not sure if she's like a birdwatcher or anything
Now I'm picturing her stalking some very cute birds.

Have an awesome week, waifufriends!

She's normally the type to sleep while being all sprawled out, but if we're together, she's definitely the cuddling type. She loves her hugs and so do I.

I guess birdwatching already is a form of stalking in of itself, huh?

Not unless you dress up like a bird to get close.

>Does your waifu enjoy nature?
>How do you like their official artstyle(s)? What about fanart styles? What do you like, what bugs you?
I love both and save both. Just as long as it looks like her.
>So, do you guys attempt to feel any "closer" to your wife/husband? Like trying to "talk" to them or something like that?
Everyday. Conversations always happen.
>How long have you been with your significant other
10 years
Do eggs count?
>In bed not like that is your loved one the cuddling type, the sheet hogger, or the one to take up the majority of space and leaving you with little?
I assume cuddling type.

>favorite food
He hasn't been shown to have a favorite food, he just enjoys good food in general.
>favorite fast food
He self admittedly doesn't eat fast food much, but I think he'd like a good five guys or whataburger.
>healthy or unhealthy
Healthy, most definitely.
>what would you cook for them
Homestyle stuff, I think he'd enjoy the flavorful dishes I can make now though.
>most/least skilled
Most skilled at cooking, least skilled would be communication with others.
>any fears
He's afraid of thunder.
>enjoy nature
Yes, he's suggested visits to the beach as a break from training and spends time at the shrine, any place he can take a moment is a place he'd enjoy.
>official artsyle
I love it. Soejima has such a fantastic style can't help but love everything he's drawn of him. His early stuff is a little awkward and he's a bit of a meme in the SMT comm but I personally love it. I don't have much of an opinion on fanart except I tend to save everything and omitting the obvious CalArts tier stuff enjoy seeing it.
8 years in a few weeks.
Cuddler. Being physically close is something he'd gravitate towards in many situations especially given his health problems.

I sometimes try to talk to her in Japanese, but it's kinda hard since I don't dominate the language yet.
>-How do you feel about fanart that isn't amazing? Still save it? Ignore it?
I still save them as long as the content is nice.
>If you can give him/her a gift that isn't romantic, but more of a "I think this would really help you out everyday" kind of thing, what would it be?
Probably a box of protein bars, I think would help her.
>-If you want your waifu/husbando to have more interests in common with yours, what would you do to introduce them to your hobby?
I would ask her to pose for me so I could draw her. I know she would like to have me draw pictures of her.
Two years now? It feels like it was yesterday when I met her.
Cuddling type. She just gets comfy and falls asleep really quickly. She is so cute.

Happy Waifu Wednesday to you! Thank you for always starting these. Mint loves you!

>What's their favorite food?
She's not super picky, and never really said what her favorite food was.

>What do you think their favorite fast food would be?
Some sort of burger place? I could see her trying that.

>Would they be more a healthy or unhealthy eater?
She'd probably eat unhealthy more, though she works out so much it hardly shows.

>What would you cook for them based off their tastes in food that they would really like?
There's so many different possibilities, I'm not sure what is cook for her.

Hope you feel better!

Happy Wednesday!

Your egg-loving waifu is adorable and she loves you very much!

>What is your waifu most skilled at? What about least skilled at?
She's amazing at Keijo. She has crazy reaction time, great at improvising strategies, and has become a real powerhouse with her assets. Her skills lack in subtlety. She can come on to people quite strongly when meeting them. I guess that could be good though.

>Does your waifu have any fears?
She never really shows her fears, but I imagine anything that could keep her from her goal would. Like severe injuries or failure.

Your fluffy wife loves you!

Your bird waifu is too cute! I'm glad you two found each other, you're both perfect for each other! It was fun drawing her last weekend!

She loves you! I'm sure she'd appreciate you trying to cook for her if you tried!

Your waifu really loves you. I'm glad you two are able to be together!
>Does your waifu like nature?
I think she might.

Your queen is beautiful, you must be blessed to serve her!

Volume 3 is one story and is for the most part faithfully adapted but the gore and sexual violence are censored. The explicit scene for Hisoka's backstory was shoved into the first arc of the anime with some really daft it's-a-metaphor imagery that just makes it far worse for someone to walk in on. Also missing is a scene with Muraki that the West disregards as no longer canon, but it serves to explain part of his fascination with Tsuzuki, and Tsuzuki gouges his eye out so it's a good scene by the end. When a new volume was announced last year the line 'optic nerves are hard to reattach you know' was tweeted as the most iconic line in the whole series - it's not in the anime. The anime does win points for the screencapability of 'oh yeah I put bombs on the ship', but it's negated by removing Tsuzuki's physical resistance and again fuelling shippers.

Volumes 4, 5, and 6 aren't adapted, leaving the volume 2 story without better explanation, and generally cutting backstories and female characters. Volume 6 is justifiable because it's the lead in to an arc starting volume 9 onwards, but don't let the Western fanbase tell you 4 and 5 are useless fluff and fanservice because together with vol 2 they foreshadow things in vols 7-12. Just, fuck, there's a plot okay.

So the anime skips straight to Kyoto arc from volumes 7-8 for the finale, and the OP throughout the show is only about this arc. This is the reason the anime exists, and you'll find anime-onlys are obsessed with it and will fabricate their own backstories and explanations for what's in there. I can't shit on it too much, it does as well as a 2000 show by JC Staff could, and it adds some details and images to Muraki's past that the manga couldn't fit. However, the reaction on Sup Forums when it aired on US TV sums up the problem with this arc quite well: it comes out of nowhere and makes the characters look retarded.

I knew I couldn't do this in 2000 characters.

By this point in the manga you're given many hints about Tsuzuki's personality and what he does to himself, but the anime drops it on you with very little build up, then censors his actions. Manga version he's removing what he's convinced is the source of the problem, anime version he's banging his head on a wall when we know losing his spine isn't enough to kill him, and he can do far worse. Great job, fuck you anime. Fuck you for making people say such shitty things about him.

Anyway episode 13 ends with 'it's not even over' and that's it. Enjoy never knowing why anything happened, or who most the people in the office are. Yeah the manga is a meandering mess of detours and doesn't offer any concrete answers but it's more than the anime ever did and it's so much prettier. The scans may be shit but grin and bear it because the only rips of the anime online are 526p and 384p, and the 526p one is corrupted.

For years I had the attitude of save everything because it was a rarity, now I'm more selective and avoid the ones in truly bad taste. One of the most charming artists who has sadly made their accounts private is to put it kindly not fit for /cm/, but if the scenario is right or the comment attached meant something I've saved it.

There's been a craze for roll cushions for your lower back. He gets backache down there so it could help; you can use them in other ways too.

Since they're children's books I think there's some safe material I could get him to read, and they have Japanese translations already. Our world views are too different though, since he comes from one where magic is real and dangerous.

One of the calendars is so old you can hear the pages trying to come away from the binding whenever you flip through it. It's scary.

Trench coats and slim black gloves for clothing, tight waists for physical feature.

He seems like he doesn't stay put in his sleep, but he also gravitates towards things and people.

That's a cute Mint there. Big burg for smol girl.
Sweets of any kind. Never specifies.
>fast food
I think she would enjoy coffees or milkshakes the most. I've seen quite a few pictures of her with them.
>healthy food
Not particularly, she eats a lot of sweets. Miraculously she's still in excellent shape.
There's a special cake where I'm from called a Marie Antoinette cake. I'll show it later. It's unique, as far as I know, so I'd love to know what she'd think.

Another nice piece of summerwear for Miia. I love summer fashion, I can't wait for it to be that season.
Ann's greatest strength is her resolve to do what she thinks is right and to shrug off negativity. She's great at making people feel comfortable. However, she can't act well. Ann would be scared the most at the idea of her loved ones getting hurt. I love how kind she is.

Sure, she loves going to the park. I don't think she's outdoorsy enough to go hiking or camping that often though. I'd take her if I ever go though, with our friends.

Art like yours is a great example. It captures an affection for the character, even if the technical skills aren't stunning. She looks really cute there.
Fanart depends on if I like it or not. I can't really be any more specific. I judge based on my gut. For a gift, I don't know! I don't think she has much trouble with things. I'd be the type to wait until she asks me for help before trying to blindly fix things. As for hobbies, we share some, but I also like keeping some to myself. She likes some video games, so I'd let her play them too and see what she thinks. Working out too. (Though I'd hesitate because I wouldn't want to be distracted by her bod...) And for merch, I actually don't have any yet. I'd be pissed if I messed it up somehow.


We get entangled every single night. I love it.
Cute pose there.

Here's that cake I mentioned. Loved it when I was a kid, though I don't eat sweets anymore. This is something that I can share with Ann that I've never seen anywhere else. No matter how many sweets she's eaten, I could say that this is uniquely "mine" in a way.

Sakana and chips.
I'll try.

Are there two Annfags or am I being stupid?

There's two.

>What's their favorite food?
>What do you think their favorite fast food would be?
Probably just a regular burger.
>Would they be more a healthy or unhealthy eater?
She's definitely more on the healthy side.
>What would you cook for them based off their tastes in food that they would really like?
I'd prep more salads and lean meats.

>What is your waifu most skilled at? What about least skilled at?
Most, musical composition. Least, being honest with herself.

>Does your waifu enjoy nature?
Yes, at times.

>How do you like their official artstyle(s)? What about fanart styles? What do you like, what bugs you?
I love the official artstyle, but it always bugs me that they give them somewhat colored nails. Fanart, it really depends, but I'm not a big fan of when people give her bigger breasts.

I talk to my daki.

>If you can give him/her a gift that isn't romantic, but more of a "I think this would really help you out everyday" kind of thing, what would it be?
Vitamin drinks.
>If you want your waifu/husbando to have more interests in common with yours, what would you do to introduce them to your hobby?
I'd teach her how to play Street Fighter, or maybe get her to watch fightan streams with me beforehand.
>Have you ever damaged or ruined any merch of yours that involves your waifu/husbando?
I broke a glass once. Luckily Mandarake had another in stock.

>How long have you been with your significant other
It'll be 2 years in April

Her red hair/purple eye combo. I tend to pair those two a lot now.

Your wifus are all cute, and you should always do your best on their behalf.

Lets get going.

What's their favorite food?
Being a gem they don't eat and instead photosynthesizes

What do you think their favorite fast food would be?
If they did eat I'd say spicy food.

Would they be more a healthy or unhealthy eater?
100% unhealthy

>most skilled at
Either fighting, thinking up schemes or fucking everything up.

>least skilled
Thinking things through properly

>Does your waifu have any fears?
Probably losing another loved one

>Does your waifu enjoy nature?
The Gems are very nature orientated and Phos in particular spends a lot of time playing around in grass fields

Wow, that's some very beautiful hair. And the eyes, the lip color, and even the skin below coordinates beautifully. Gorgeous.

Really hope all this exhaustion hmeans a good future.

>What's their favorite food?
Crab cream Croquettes
>What do you think their favorite fast food would be?
No idea
>Would they be more a healthy or unhealthy eater?
Healthy of course.
>What would you cook for them based off their tastes in food that they would really like?

Crab Rangoon

Mint a cute!

Get well soon

>most skilled
Making friends.

Fuuka really likes flowers!

Soejima's style has a few flaws, but I like it.

Sutei's for sure.

I am considering getting a VR headset if I can hang out with Fuuka in P3DMN!

Ignore it
Laptop bag!
Start speaking in Spanish to make her curious.

almost 4 years! Anniversary is on the 1st of October


Hopefully cuddly!

Have a good week friend.

I love my angel Fuuka!

Usually I just lurk but today I felt like actually saying something this time. That something was that I hope all of you and your waifu's have a good Wednesday and a good week.

>Does your waifu enjoy nature?
I think he would, but he would romanticize it sometimes and be unprepared for how harsh it can be. It'd be pretty amusing to see him react to my country.

>How do you like their official artstyle(s)? What about fanart styles? What do you like, what bugs you?

There's a lot of really nice official art of him (especially promo art) that makes my heart feel all happy, so I'm thankful for that. Some art makes him look a bit bobble-headed or awkward but that's usually things for spinoffs.

With fanart it's more of a gamble - many artists draw him as a chisled ikemen or tumblr-offmodel instead, and the artists who draw him the way I DO like to see tend to ship things I don't like. There's also a lot of art of him being abused and bullied and again, all the popular ships with him have the other half constantly berate him so I have to dig through that to find the good stuff. That's the cost of loving a popular character, unfortunately. But I will say, there's some really beautiful art of him once you find it, and for that I'm really happy.

To everyone: What kind of music does your waifu love? Would you ever want to hear them sing, or even sing with them?