Anime of the fucking year
Anime of the fucking year
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This thread made my daughterwife smile!
Why does everyone think I'm a lolicon for watching this
>watch it *because* im a lolicon
>it doesn't tingle my loli senses at all
>enjoying it 100% platonically
feels good mane
>MFW I tell my little sister to watch this show
>Unknowingly she is on Sup Forums on the daily
>Asks me "user you do know that show is for lolicons" wearing the smuggest face possible
>I throw her to the ground and run outside her room
Bros what the fuck do I do?
>wearing the smuggest face possible
how do I get a smug imouto?
She's reading your post right now!
Too bad it's not selling well.
Because that kind of garbage infest the threads unfortunately.
You know what to do
Because it's our fault the show isn't a sausage fest for terminal homos like you.
Report blogging?
Says the pedo who does nothing but ruin everything.
If you weren't you'd be reading the pure manga, not the pedo pandering adaptation.
>who does nothing but ruin everything.
Says the ban-evading fujo shitposter.
James, I know you are reading this. I'll wait for you in my room when mom and dad are away.
How the fuck you recognize me so fast?
Quick, user, give her the D before she reports you!
I liked it when she stepped on his head and was all smug about it.
Imagine fucking a color.
You’re telling me this didn’t tingle your lolicon senses? Are you gay or do you have ED?
I feel compelled to agree.
>ban-evader trying to take the high ground on anything
Am I the only one that sees a subtle pee stain. God I want to lick it.
I want a footjob from Yui.
So Sacchan is for anal, Yui for impregnation, what is Kotoha for then?
Either lolidom or rape.
I'd go with rape, personally.
But these posts make the threads better.
You have to dick your sister
and then theY FUCKED
Thanks, mods!
>>I throw her to the ground and run outside her room
>>run outside her room
You complete moron. You're supposed to have your way with a girl after throwing her to the ground.
What if the girl refuses, though
That's not an anime, it's a narrated slideshow.
Not all the time.
That's just when Yui is on screen.
Why do they bully Yui so much?
Depends, can you reliably mindbreak her?
Nobody likes Yui.
I want to protect Yui from user bullies.
Hell no, if anything it just makes everyone to go away.
Thanks for what?
If they get offended by random people on the internet wanting to fuck anime characters (which are present in many, if not most, threads), there are lots of other places they can go to discuss this show.
Fuck you, I don't have nothing to say against that.
Because she cries over nothing with the snap of a finger. Easy target.
Sacchan is cute, CUTE!
She would be even cuter if she walked around wearing only panties.
I bet she'd be cuter without her clothes.
Fuck you
Do you guys think any of the colors masturbate?
I'm fairly certain that Sacchan does, or at least rubs her loli pussy on the corner of desks/tables when no one is looking.
Y-yui is the most cute color!
A-at least that's what I think.
Please don't bully
this to be honest
they bring up poop and stinky things way too often for me to get aroused
Fuck off with these questions dude
Yeah, Sacchan is the most likely. Yui probably tried it once but got too scared of the weird new feelings to try it again. And Kotoha most likely never bothered when she felt tingly down there.
>Can't pick both
Why did you even bother making this?
>Can only choose one
I want to help Yui-chan get used to feeling sexual pleasure!
Stop fapping when you watching it or do it when nobody else is around at least.
Mods sure are taking their time with your ban-evading ass this time.
Holy shit, Yui just moved up to my number 1 spot. Exposed Kotoha for the garbage she is. This is why you don't push her buttons.
How's it gonna compete with Pedos stay/night?
>can't even be red properly
Yui is the garbage here.
Dumb sexy bipolar monster.
Glad to know not all of you are complete monsters.
Man /k/otoha dressed like a complete dork this episode. Sweet CQC though.
I thought it was cute, specially the hat.
The clothes itself remind me of something, but I'm not sure what. And no, it's not Auschwitz jews.
I want to CQC Sacchan together with Kotoha.
The vertical stripes look tacky and if it weren't for the length of the sleeves, it looks more like she's wearing an oversized t-shirt of her darling boyfriend which is of course me instead of a dress.
I believe you mean me.
Lol waifufags are so gross
You clearly meant me.
She doesn't have a boyfriend you fucks.
Because she's my wife.
Not as gross as ban-evaders.
I proxy voted half of it to make it look decent.
What a spoilsport. Stop posting Sacchan, you don't deserve to do so.
Nah, pedo waifufags are worse.
I voted a few times as well. Yellow is a cute.
Wake up
Where do you think you are.
My wife Machi is so cute.
God I hate this show. It gives me massive boners but at the same time makes me laugh too hard to the point that I lose the boner. Then I get hard again.
Endless suffering.
Your wife is mindbroken, dude.
>hear about the poop jokes
>think it's going to turn me off just like Mitsudomoe did
>it's actually great
I'm happy about this.
I'm in a thread about a cute harmless show that for some reason pedofaggots likes to trash every time.
By me.
Why don't you go to reddit then, fatty?
The COLORS are for having cute consensual relationships, which may or may not include slightly sexual parts. The important part is that it's up to them whether they want to go that far or not.
Too bad they're not deliciously fat and whored out like the Mitsudomoe cast.
What are the Colors for?
I want to go the farthest distance with Kotoha!
Kotoha needs to be disciplined.
>it's up to them whether they want to go that far or not.
Sacchan definitely would. She would even want to do it outdoors.
The aren't real dumbass. Stop mixing your retarded fantasies and just enjoy the show.
pull a Yosuga no Sora on her
>wearing the smuggest face possible
Marry her desu.
Spanking is the only option.
Maybe to you they aren't.
By who?