Trunks should have stuck around in the main timeline
Dragon Ball Super
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>no *raffs*
I have read the manga and I read it and I heard people like wow say it is good ... it's so bad. Vegeta can defeat the hit, but he used blue for 1 second against hippopotamus, so he has 1 / 10th power?
Goku bat no KK 10? Idk, I'm incredibly eerie, how I felt about it. He can not use his power for more than one minute. I like his ability to work with stronger people than he, but he is very weak.
I still dislike the overall explanation about Vegito. I like he totally hit Zamasu. But it continued very short and the best explanation Kai was simply ridiculous. So the whole trunk is a healer (this part was stupid), but he can heal only one SSB at a time. That does not make sense. Goku's energy is only in the base form when healed, why is SSB energy important? At that time it should have been the only vegetarian to rule Blue instead of Goku.
And, ignoring the merger division, then Zamas which divides into hundreds of Zamas. So then
Zenos could not enjoy the fight. Because God was too fast to see what was going on. Like what? And they changed God's rats to those that defeat Virus in the battle of weapons, but that implies that Diren is stronger than Bereus IIRC, a more powerful destruction god.
I am thankful that Blue is a truly powerful turning point, and also the emphasis that it is also a struggle of Beerus. But I meant something beyond that, it was really bad. (Of course, animation is also contradicting)
Super Saiyan Rage Trunks training with Whis for a year. He'd be so broken
Why are you posting a picture for ants?
I never enjoyed the Buu series for a number of reasons:
1) The story sucked. Very little of the story involving Buu was intriguing/clever. It had no tie-in with the other characters... the whole premise was that in the entire universe, babidi managed to plant Buu on earth. I thought the whole premise was eye-rolling.
2) Buu was a lame villian. I didn't mind his last form, but the first few were just dumb and un-intimidating. And the whole you-can-break-me-apart-and-i'll-just-reform was gimmicky... especially since we had already seen something similar with Cell.
3) Too much Mr Satan. Especially with Fat Buu.
4) Goten and Trunks being able to turn super saiyan completely de-valued the whole thing. From the other sagas, it took some uniquely desperate circumstances to attain the super saiyan form - AND, you become insanely strong. We got none of that from Goten and Trunks. Fuck, we don't even know how Trunks became a super saiyan. It just happens, and we're supposed to shrug it off.
Will Oob ever see his master using pic related? I mean, will he actually force Goku to use Blanco? Remember that Freeza went from weaker than all SSs to SSB tier, just imagine Oob's potential
He is so perfect.
5) Fresh in Goku Super Saiyan 3 and 2 Super Saiyan. At some point, he said, the idea of Akira Toriyama transformation as "crime", and. And as the tribe goth, so far, there's no story behind them. Not just referred to as "cold". Not only that, Goku was impressive § 3 .. But at least, that he is different from all other changes of the soul, is much like the one in which it is achieved. The reasons smoked millions GT. The weak form for work shoes. And it's not like rice, rice fields, and their faith in the stock is to save the world.
6, the rest of the world "is just a concept change. It seems to be something like "Just Visiting", the concept of Monopoly dbz. It was not made to design the value of being fully alive. I never bought the idea. Further, since it gives way to fear, the souls of the dead Dabura, if it is supposed to be new. I only ask you to think
7) I have no idea, really hate the mystics. He is the "unused" guru and a hidden power ... and he did it again to become SS2. You are no longer the potential, not to believe that it is there, and even in the SSJ is set before you? I conclude that this is the structure of the hash-hand problem of hate.
There's a bunch more. I guess the show lost it's glamour with me after the Cell saga.
Manga Trunks is a Shin's apprentice = received healing powers
Manga Zamasu is Gowasu's apprentice = received no healing powers
> But Zamasu killed Gowasu, so he's no longer an apprentice
Then why was his fusion unstable
So what happened here? Why doesn't Zamasu heal when it's an obvious asset to his moveset?
Depends if Tori wants to continue the story with goku or just make it next-gen
goku's face is too profitable for that, toei knows it and they won't dare cast aside goku
What or where are you google translating from?
>Manga Zamasu is Gowasu's apprentice = received no healing powers
Did you actually read the manga?
Isn't he Gowasu's apprentice?
Before he killed him, he WAS his apprentice. Right?
Why should I do that toyospic?
I fucked up, see
Demon realm soon.
How can people say manga scaling > anime scaling when:
ssj2 goku black > ssb vegeta but spending 1/2 a day in ROSAT made
SSG vegeta = ss rose goku black?
>Manga Zamasu is Gowasu's apprentice = received no healing powers
Next time try reading the manga, toeishill
>killing your master means you aren't affected by the ritual that made you a Kaioshin apprentice
Nice headcanon
Also the fusion being temporal is part of the outline, only Toei ignored it
He was an apprentice in the manga. It's the only reason why their fusion was acting up...because he wasn't fully promoted to kaioshin.
Are you baiting? Honest question
>creates an argument revolving around the manga
>why should I read it?
Why are toeishills so retarded?
>1/2 a day in ROSAT
That’s at least 6 months. How nice of Dende & Popo to keep the place stocked though. It would be hilarious if Vegeta nearly starved.
You said he didn't have healing powers.
I have read and I'm up to date with the manga. Why are you so defensive?
Toeipics don't know/like to read. They are spics after all
>toyospics say I have to read to understand
I bet you read the manga instead of browsing wikia articles.
I understand Super is another series in Dragon Ball saga, but it feels so childish now. Dragon ball had more serious moments in it. Here we are with the strongest warriors between two entire universes and there is no emphasis on these matches. It's like nothing matters or is at stake. Also complement this tone with what I feel is more comic and simple art style feel the whole show ... Lame. I'm still looking because I could never get enough Goku and Vegeta kicking butt. The GT was not the best, but I felt that the baby and omega shenron bowls were better than what we get now. Does anyone feel this way?
I'm not baiting. How can Vegeta go from weaker than ssj2 black to stronger than rose that quickly. In the cell games he couldn't even surpass perfect cell with his 2nd day
I know, and he should've because he was an apprentice
Naw. Can't have him taking Goku's spotlight now can we?
I am struggling myself for all the hate comments & downvotes here.
But after watching all the DBS files until now # 97, I have started to lose my interest in the whole sequence because TOEI makes Goku's character completely different from the manga's original role.
The way I see it now, there are two different versions of Goku in the DB universe:
Toriyama Goku
Based on manga continuity
fighter calculations
serious but step back
Based on DB animators & movie
clumsy fighters
egoistic & naive
impulsive impulsive & unreliable
I do not know if this is a common thing in Japanese culture, where the main character is portrayed as naive in general, but I really can not stand it. TOEI seems to really like the idea of Goku being a mentally retarded hero, which seems to be very well received by Japanese fans.
Peter Griffin was mentally mentally ill, but was originally designed to be the same because the Family Guy series was a pure humor.
While with Goku, his character has changed for a full relief reason for a series that it is not a pure humor genre to begin with.
Think of you guys on these?
Weak bait
How come Trunks looks his age on Heroes but not on the anime and the manga? Hell, he looks even younger than when he first appeared in Toei's version.
I wish Goku had SSB Kaioken in the manga
Seeing it in FighterZ is so hype
At least Vegeta in Heroes gets Gamma Burst Flash, even though the form he's using is a Toei-only form
I blame toei's laziness and scheduling. Dragonball is a household name now, and unfortunately it is now 2017. There's a limit to what you can get away with. And they don't have the excuse of "sticking close to the manga" like they used to, so there's absolutely no leeway with Sex or Violence. And in the end I think it causes the stakes to just...not even be there.
That said I can't help but feel the biggest issue is that none of the characters treat anything going on with any amount of dire straits. They never feel like they're putting their lives on the line. I keep waiting for that moment where it clicks and everyone realizes how fucked they are, but it just never comes.
Omega was shit.
Baby was okay, but I prefer Black
>it is now 2017
I would say that after getting the energy from the other humans and goku/vegeta, trunks would be solidly as strong as ssb goku and vegeta before he started training with whis
>40 posts in
>already full of bait and manga vs anime faggotry
Point is that Zamasu DID have healing powers, speedreader.
>Toriyama Goku
>Based on manga continuity
Not when he's even more if an asshole and wasn't there for Gohan's birth
And since he wasn't there for his firstborn son's birth in the manga, and he thinks babies just pop out of thin air.
Glad that wasn't in the anime
Did you actually read what Vegeta was working on while in the chamber?
>SSG Vegeta = as rose goku black
You're missing an important detail, try reading the chapter slowly next time
It's the jacket, it hides his muscles and makes him look much thinner. He also looks younger in the first few seconds of the trailer because of the jacket.
When? And again, no need to be defensive
Im not part of this anime/manga divide. I genuinely enjoy both
Confirmed ameriburger with retarded opinions, only goten and trunks point is valid
SSJ2 goku black > ssb vegeta (post senzu)
explain that
senzu should bring his stamina and energy back to normal which means black had more ki in ssj2 let alone ss rose. Vegeta made up that much of a gap in 1/2 day of ROSAT?
Also I know he used blue when he attacked but ssg could keep up with ss rose speed when they moved around which would make them equal
So, let me fucking understand this
Vegeta only gets stronger.... when he goes Kawaii..... what the fuck? SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME
>限界突破×サバイバー (インストゥルメンタル・B Type)
>Im not part of this anime/manga divide.
Neither am I. I'm just saying you didn't pay attention when you were reading the chapters. Reread the chapters.
Because merchandise
Sword of Hope canon status: CONFIRMED
Anyone got a download link for the full thing?
I got Dragonball Super cancelled.
It was me.
I am the reason Dragon Ball anime is ending with no future plans.
I killed Goku, Gohan and Vegetables.
6 months is plenty of time to work on an unfamiliar form to increase its power dramatically
In a year Goku (while spending half of it training Gohan to get SSJ) was able to go from weaker than an android to near perfect Cell level just from mastering SSJ. Vegeta used the 6 months to familiarize with SSG and to use SSGSS in bursts so he can utilize 100% of its power without it leaking so much
Why couldn't that be the regular cover of the volume? It looks much better than a boring rehash of an old poster.
I really like this redesign, wish he had it in super
Reminder that this is the average Zamasufag.
if normal ssb < ssj2 black than how can 100% of blue > ss rose?
Because Vegeta is able to control Blue to. Higher degree after training
whats wrong with that post?
>Control Blue to higher degree = Am I kawaii Kakarot? Uguu~
It's obviously coming from a 14 year old pseud with a thesaurus who was told once that he was really smart for knowing big words.
I think we can all agree that Goku is perhaps the strongest mortal fighter in the universe, maybe even stronger than Beerus now with UI. However, he isn't even the best martial artist on the planet Earth.
Yeah, Goku is an expert martial artist, but he's not the master that she should be. Goku for all of his fighting skill and training with various masters and gods, isn't the martial arts master say Tien or Master Roshi is. No, I'm not saying that he's a brawler, because he clearly isn't, he has a fighting style and has said on multiple occasions that he likes to observe his opponents fighting styles to come up with a strategy. But, Goku seems to only focus on training so he can gain strength, speed and stamina. We never see Goku refining his technique and coming up with new moves and attacks like every other fighter does.
For example, when he fought Tien in the tournament, he was clearly stronger than him, however Tien bridged the gap with his seemingly innumerable amount of techniques. In fact, technique and strength will beat strength every time(even though Tien winning was a total fluke). What original move or technique has he come up with besides the Dragon Fist? Even then, I'd argue that' just Goku punching real hard.
Now I'm not saying that Goku is dumb like many other people think he is, because he clearly isn't stupid, but he needs to come up with some new moves and techniques that complement his fighting style other than simply being stronger than his opponent.
Jesus shit, at this point I wonder if Goku can even read. Dude can't even count
I thought he was going to be in the ToP, to be honest.
First of all, Vegeta never was stronger than Black until he went SSB. Black literally says he knew Vegeta would have been perfect to make him stronger and Trunks said Black was HIDING his great power all this time, he was baiting them (until Vegeta went Blue at least). Hell, Black even blocked a hit from SS2 Vegeta in base, of course he was stronger since the start.
Also Black never went SS2, it was SS
>b-but sparks
His hair was still SS Goku's hairstyle and sparks are just an indicative of great power, no more. Cell had sparks too to represent he got a power similar to Gohan's, Vegetto had sparks when transformed into regular SS and even Nappa had sparks in the saiyan arc while charging his ki. Black was SS so retardly strong that even his aura was similar to SS2's aura, that's all, his hair is undoubtedly SS Goku's hair the 99% of time
And no, SSG Vegeta isn't stronger than Rosé Black, not even SSB Vegeta is stronger than SSR Black. It has been explained several times, in the manga SSB's peak of power can only be used the first moments of the form, then Blue lose its explosive power and drops to his regular level (still stronger than God but not as strong as the first seconds of Blue). The form can't be spammed so easily but (like Goku states) Vegeta used his months on RoSaT to train and improve his usage of Blue, so he's able to spam the transformation (therefore, he's able to spam Blue's explosive power) all time, he only used God to move around because it's the most balanced form, but everytime he needed to dodge or attack Black he used SSB.
SSG Vegeta < SSB Vegeta < SSR Black < first-seconds-of-SSB Vegeta < first-seconds-of-SSR Black
That's also why CSSB (Goku's technique) isn't a real power up from SSB, it's just SSB's explosive power but permanent, even if you used and lost Blue's explosive power, CSSB makes you recover it and allows you to use it all times (Vegeta's technique was worse because it relies on his reflexes).
Good work. You've performed a mercy.
Thank you for euthanizing it. we all thought we wanted a new Dragon Ball show, and we were all oh so very wrong.
So how was CSSB = Merged Zamasu then?
If Future Trunks stayed.
He should have at least stayed in the manga, those healing powers of his would have been able to actually shine. At least he's acknowledged in one of the last couple chapters.
His healing powers were temporary
>Too much Mr Satan. Especially with Fat Buu.
This was one of the few good parts of the Buu Arc, though. After him showing up in the Cell Arc and being a dick, it was nice to see that he actually is a genuinely good person.
Hell, he does more to save the Earth during the Buu Arc than the main characters.
The state of Trunksfags
His grocery list in that one episode was just crude drawings with numbers next to them.
Also, in the episode where he fought Beerus in a Monika costume, Beerus tells him to do 100 trillion sit ups. Goku said when got to 1 trillion, he thought the actual order of numbers was 1 trillion, 2 trillion, 3 trillion, etc.
Is DBH considering Gohan's Potential Unlocked the past arc to be different from Buu Saga Potential Unlocked? It's a bit weird seeing him paired with Goku/Vegeta's new forms
They should have just let future trunks stay in the present timeline after Zamasu wiped out the Future Timelime universe. I mean, assuming (big assumption) that they start in a year or so, they're just going to make another arc where he's the main dude. Mind as well cut out the fat while we're at it.
El Hermano
wew laddie
How not? Goku is stronger than Vegeta even after Vegeta's extra time on RoSaT (he was in the anime too, even without KK) and he never was confirmed weaker than Black.
That on top of future Zamasu being a fly compared to Goku, Vegeta and Black. Merged Zamasu is just a slightly stronger SSR Black that gets Kaioshin powers and immortality, that's why he finally matchs real Goku's power. Even Toriyama's outline had that merged Zamasu wasn't supposed to be strong enough to beat two SSB fighting together
Really don't get why that's the special edition cover, wasn't Trunks's sword normal when he stabbed Black in the manga?
Denim jackets are too restrictive for Trunks' muscles
>Peter Griffin was mentally mentally ill, but was originally designed to be the same because the Family Guy series was a pure humor.
Peter was retarded literally only in the reboot. Beforehand he was just a dumbass that could occasionally make good points.
he says this in episode 129, what happens?
>Suupaa Saiyajin Goddo Suupaa Saiyajin Ikari Shinka Torankusu
No thank you, SSGSSE and SSGSSKKx20 is long enough
>"At his core, Zamasu is good like Shin"
Shin confirmed for main villain of Dragon Ball Ultra.
Even in that cover you can see his sword is still intact unlike anime-Trunks' sword, it's just glowing blue referencing the anime but it's still manga-Trunks