What are you going to give this fairy for his birthday? Movie when?
What are you going to give this fairy for his birthday? Movie when?
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hopefully a yoi movie date
Yuuri as a Katsudon.
Is that Annie from SNK
No, he's Armin.
It's Armin and Annie's child.
>Bald’s route in the yume 100 collab stirred enough shit to have an English article written about it
Who thought this was a good idea?
Etiquette classes on how to hold utensils properly and cleanse his gopnik upbringing
>In the game, Victor says things like "Can you make like you gave birth to me?," "I want to be born as your child," and "Hold me like a child."
>The Russian ice-skating legend also apparently says "Mama!" and "Babumi!" in the game. The term babumi derives from baby talk and has come to mean when a character invites strong maternal instincts from another character, or especially from real-world viewers and players.
Who is the idiot who wrote the event's dialogues? And who is the double idiot who supervised and approved all of this?
Regardless, it's not a very smart choice to do a collab between a gay anime and a otome game.
>we can't make it explicitly gay or we'll anger the otome fans
>we can't make it explicitly het or we'll anger the yoi fans
>lets compromise and make it seem like viktor loves yuuri as a son instead of a boyfriend
>thats not gay but bait-y enough to please both crowds, right?
>The Russian ice-skating legend also apparently says "Mama!" and "Babumi!" in the game
That's hot
>tfw when even the VAs admitted they didn't like recording it
They also turn fairy into a little shit that insult everyone every time, it so bad that shitposter here sound nicer
Confirmed these people watched 2 max 3 episodes of YOI
>“In Victor’s route, he fell into the magic onsen and his whole personality changed into one that of a baby, so he ended up thinking MC is his mama and asked her for a hug/piggyback. Later on Yuuri found him hugging the MC and told him to let go. There’s also a part where they ended up with a lot of copies of Victor, so even the baby Victor might actually be one of those copies (One of them acts like a puppy/wanko type towards Yuuri).”
I’ve been seeing nip fujo calling it sexual harassment which is saying something. This might be untrue but some were saying Bald was rubbing his face on the MC’s tits when he was a “baby.”
Victor is into baby-play.
Is it because he didn’t have a proper infanthood since he’s an alien?
He lost his mother to moba games and had to be raised by wild figure skaters.
Yuuri really will be a mom
>lets compromise and make it seem like viktor loves yuuri as a son instead of a boyfriend
What did I miss?
>Onsen water transforms people or change their personality
Mhhh, very original
Nips being mad is what G Crest deserves. Not only this shit is out of character (all of them are) but the attempt at being erotic and wacky is a failure.
And we all know Victor would only suck on Yuuri's tiddies.
Don't forget the secret route where Bald and Fairy are complete dicks to Yuuri.
How much of the weird baby talk did Suwabe have to do?
Thank you for gracing us again with your presence and art, MSPaint user!!
Big thick Kazakh dick
>Let me translate line by line (note that this is all from the perspective of the MC):
In the guidebook Victor was holding there was an image of monkey-like animals tilting sake cups while soaking in a hot spring.
(Victor looked really disappointed.)
(Now that I think of it, what is that guidebook anyway?)
Victor: Drinking alcohol in an open-air hot spring… This image I admired was a fantasy after all, huh.
Yurio: Take responsibility, you shitty stone trash. [Note: I have no idea what’s the deal with the stone, this is all the context I have.]
Yuuri: Huh? Why am I suddenly being blamed for this?
After that, the three of them began arguing in loud voices. [Note: the word for “argue” could also mean “converse” and again, I don’t know enough of the context to know what this means for sure.]
(Why does it look like they’re somehow… really enjoying this?)
Just when I was thinking that, the time had come.
Filming crew: Cut!
[Where did the filming crew come from? How does this change things? No idea.]
>Next screenshot (I don’t know if this came right after the previous one or if something happened in between, or whether this came earlier but here it is):
Yuuri: Yurio, could you stop giving me nicknames based on the first random thing you see?
Yurio: Fuck off, stones don’t talk.
(I-Is this conversation going to be okay?)
Just when everyone [Note: no pronoun is used so I’m not sure if she’s talking about everyone present, about herself or about Yuuri specifically. “Everyone” is my assumption but it could be any other one of these three] was flustered, Victor took something out of his breast pocket and placed it in Yuuri’s hand.
Victor: Since we’re here anyway, I’d like to see Yuuri be more true to himself. Here, have this.
Yuuri: What? What is this poisonous-looking drink?
Victor: It’s delicious medicinal sake that’s passed down in this area! Now drink…-
Yuuri: Wait. This is alcohol, isn’t it?
Victor: Yeah.
Summary if anyone can moon.
Here’s one translated tweet
>”viktor calls Yuuri genuinely pathetic, yurios bad attitude is the same as usual so its within tolerance levels. And for the screenshots of it it seems like viktor wants yuuri to do something fun so he wants yuuri to drink sake. Yuuri is surprised and asks if its really sake and also asks yurio to stop glaring at him, to which yurio replies you’re annoying. Ofc yuuri is called a piglet by viktor and yurio says hes less than that just a weed they call yuuri a weed from then on. Thats where viktor says ‘pathetic’. Yuuri says ‘viktor?’ But viktor only calls him a weed again.”
Yume 100 can get weird but who would this even appeal to?
people who hate yuuri I guess?
Is this all some weird nightmare? Is this like fake baby Victor?
What is happening?
Puberty blockers so he can win gold forever.
Doesn’t every character have two routes? When does Bald say “I thought I was more important to Yuuri” or whatever it was in the promo?
Yes, and that why it has shitty OOC Victor and Yurio
Were there summaries for their other routes? I haven’t been to the threads since the Piggy vore route.
A bike ride
>lets compromise and make it seem like viktor loves yuuri as a son instead of a boyfriend
No, he developt that type of love for the player, yumes are mad
Other way around.
Is Bald an elderly baby in both his routes? Yumes were already outright rejected by Piggy. They must’ve made Bald a slut like all his collab versions.
Is that a gang sign for fisting?
Oh man, that doujin.
I just read that doujin for the first time and now I'm all fucked up. I bet they got the writer of that doujin to write the yume 100 event, it all makes sense now.
Didn't it turn out to be a clone Victor and the real Victor appeared and was suprised?
I wonder if Suwabe felt like crap after doing that recording.
That would make so much sense and explains why Victor seemed so OOC there. Still I can't even tell what exists and what doesn't with the translations scattered about. Supposedly Victor was being racist towards Yuuri, though it turned out to be bullshit.
Yes. Such as:
>Victor caressing Yuuri's cheek in both routes
>BaldFat dancing together in one route (I forget which)
>Victor leaving a bite mark on Yuuri's stomach
>Yuuri getting jealous at the katsudon Victor is eating of all things, kek
I feel like this entire collab is one big troll fest and a middle finger to the yumejos. They had Victor treat the MC as his mommy, not his girlfriend, kek.
>Is that a gang sign for fisting?
Cuffed pants?
Pink shoes?
Isn't that Russian code for homosexual?
A Bald clone that doesn’t also fall in love with Piggy makes me sad. Any Bald that doesn’t love him is a soulless Bald.
Seeing this until Bahamut was not so bad kek
Do Baldfag yumejos have a gay conversion fetish?
Victor is the only one of the three who has the image with MC, I wonder why
Kek is it him clinging to her like she’s his mother?
Yumejo Baldfags shouldn’t even exist
yes, I had seen the picture without context before, but now it makes sense
baldfags are the worst if we want to be honest. sure most are fine, but there are the yumejos that need to die.
user they're the biggest group of YOI yumes, I don't think they like weird shit baby play though which is why it's the one that caused a shitstorm, kek.
To trick the yumejos into thinking they'll get a chance with him. Too bad for them, he only wants a cute Japanese piggy.
He was a clone or fake but Yuuri brought him back by saying something cheesy supposedly. I see people trying to say it was fake Victor who was being rude as fuck to Pig, but I'm pretty sure there's no explanation as to why he was like that. Which is why nips were pissed. After Victor and Fairy insult him repeatedly the MC is like they sound like they are having fun arguing. So it's not supposed to be a serious scene.
I want to know what happens in Victor's routes other than the baby shit. Someone who was recording it on twitter said they wouldn't do it for Victor since it would piss off all the fans.
Got the image? I want to see the source of yumejo tears.
>Someone who was recording it on twitter said they wouldn't do it for Victor since it would piss off all the fans.
That’s retarded. We already know Bald was ooc and that this is written by people that don’t know the series past episode 2. It’d be entertaining to hear Suwabe sounding like a literal manchild.
Sauce? Does Victor have a heart-shaped mouth when he hugs her?
I guess they don't want drama. You see how yoifags react to certain things.
>teasing the Bald sun route but not saying what it is
Why must twitterfags be like this?
It’s always interesting to see nips getting mad though. Especially about racism and Bald being a sexual harasser to the self insert. Some are saying they’re going to boycott the collab merch.
context of stone is bald says pig is worse than a pig and it's an insult to call him grass. then fairy says something like he's a stone then and the insult goes from there. quality stuff.
I don’t understand nip humor
Nips didn't understand nip humor either since it pissed them off.
I just understood why ANN posted one thing about this
If Bald fell in love with someone else, would Piggy kill that person?
Just wait for he to pop up in Yuzuru’s bath at his home
Piggy would kill another person the second Bald stops looking at him
No where is safe from Yuzufaggotry is there
Don't know why phichit and bilke gets causal outfit not a skate one
This collab game will be soon forgotten like everything that doesn't come from the anime
And I hope in the future they'll only do collaborations with brands and real companies instead of stupid cheap mobage
YOI deserves better, this is the lowest scum
Nah they will milk it to dead, remember how they keeps deleted rings from the art
what is with that artist's obsession with treating bald like a woman? i'm not even surprised they finally made a genderbend doujin
I was glad that yoi didn't follow the conventional route of drama CDs, charasongs etc. but now I'm regretting it
Some weird fetish
Was there any new stuff animated besides the original anime?
Most of fan things have Bald as manlier/more cliche than canon seme with Pig as a shoujo heroine anyway, at least this one just went the distance and made him a girl.
There is the bonus clip of "Welcome to the madness" in the last BD.
Do they hate Piggy?
Most probably like him. They're just the self-insert type instead of being fujos. Can't totally blame them, Bald a best, but his true love is Piggy.
If they really wanted to be neutral they wouldn't shit on Piggy to clear the road for the self-insert players. All the male characters should be treated equally, there are surely players who prefer Piggy or Fairy over Bald. At this point, don't tease with the fujobait just to ruin it later.
Most players seemed to be okay that they got ignored by Pig and Bald in the beginning and were just going along with the adventure. Bald and Pig's flirty interactions with eachother was a plus.
I heard early on there are “not yoi fan” yume players unhappy that they can’t flirt with Baldfat
Or he's a rare hetero Bald.
This whole thing really could've been avoided if Yume100 had just not pulled weird shit with collab characters that already have established personalities. I doubt people would care as much if it was one of the random princes with the baby talk thing. The insult/racism thing too might have went slightly better if it weren't so blatantly ooc.
Oh they can't flirt with Baldfat? What a tragedy! Seriously, those people can go fuck themselves.
They could’ve gone the generic route like bahamut and have Bald be flirty with everyone. That shit is annoying too but it’s easier to ignore than make Bald a complete asshole to Pig. It better be a “fake” Bald because he would never call Piggy pathetic.
>angry because flirting doesn't work with two gay men engaged to each other
Nip yumes are genius
Yumejos are the type to think being gay is just a phase. They probably thought they could fix Bald.
Probably because their casual clothes are more iconic
Of course there are. Their popularity isn't that unequal. Though I'm pretty sure it's not intentionally to shit on him, but to be funny. They were pretending Baldfat have a bickering relationship kind of like how Fatfairy have a one-sided bickering relationship. Everyone is completely OOC in that scene.
Supposedly the only character who wasn't a total mess was Yuuri most of the time, who just flat out wasn't interested in the MC other than when he got food. Fairy constantly insults and berates the MC for no reason. I don't know why they went route with Victor, but I guess it was a way to get around no flirting with the MC but still wanted him to do something with her. Collabs always have romantic undertones with the MC.
>the only way Bald will ever touch a woman is by having his mind regress to that of a literal infant
How can someone be this homo?
It's still stupid and Bald is a literal brainlet slut when SayoKubo aren't the writers.
>Pig liked both the mark of the bite that took a photo
yandere pig