> Baka is translated as retard
Baka is translated as retard
>Baka is translated as idiot
>usunoro is translated as retard
OP is a fucking baka
>Aho is translated as bitch
>character says hi
>subs say yes
>character says senpai
>subs say the character's name
Isn't this pretty accurate?
>subs say moshi moshi
>character is jesus-kun
>薄鈍: blockhead, half-wit, fool, dimwit, simpleton
Based subs immortalizing Chadhan.
>Baka is translated as OP
Fuck off back to your dead VEG thread retard
>japanese character clearly saying an english word
>it's translated to something different
>not watching the dub
nu-Sup Forums needs to die
oh I fucking hate this
>Not watching it muted and lipreading
Reddit needs to go and stay go
Kono bangumi wa goran no suponsaa no teikyou de okurishimasu!
>yare yare is translated as give me a break
>Not buying the bluray and sniffing the disk to literally smell each episode
9gag get out
>Character says hai
>Subs say yes, sir
I understand your frustration but wasei-eigo is a real thing. Just because they clearly say "american dog" does not mean we can't translate it correctly to "corndog". Or "mobile note" to "notebook".
>American says 変態
>subs translate as エロアニメ
>rub a dub dub
Kono band gummy wa grandma sponsor no tokyo day oh christmas!
>is translated
found the problem
Kaguya a cute
>nakama is translated as friend
>nakama is translated
>Idol Unit localized as comedy duo
>fuzakeru is translated as stop dicking around
>Character doesn't even mention another character but is just referring to her in conversation
>Subs have him say her name
Are you actually this retarded or is this bait
>tfw the Lucky Star BD rips don't have the comfy sponsor ad with Konata drawn on the beach
The exact opposite of this is when characters keep saying the name of the people they're speaking to like "and even then MC-kun was so nice, you did a lot for me today" due to moonrune incantations and the subber translates this without any modifications.
>it can't be helped
>or rather
>Stand name is Killer Queen
>subs say Deadly Queen instead
this is only appropriate in formal workplace, mr.retard burger translator.
Nothing wrong with that.
>scanlator doesn't join page spreads together
I hope you're not one of the retards who think "juusu" means juice and "Hambagu" means hamburger.
I, for one, hate page spreads, so this is fine.
>Yare yare
Yeah! Today was a really busy day!
Eh close enough
Sometimes you can't get them joined without a gap, but I'm more talking about a page spread that's just single pages like they expect you to look at half the spread at a time even if they can be easily joined.
>engrish-speaking character isn't subtitled
Merry Christmas to you too!
>Engrish-speaking character isn't subtitled with proper English
>lolicon is translated as pedophile
that was for retarded copyright issues.
>character's name is officialy romanized very early into the show
>translator insist on his meme way of naming said character
>engrish speaking character is subtitled, but the subs are different from what they say
Dumb pedo.
Not that surprising, desu. We all hear and understand English differently.
>We all hear and understand English differently.
>one character gets translated into ebonics
user, that's not how it works
>We all hear and understand English differently.
Hellsing? Or are we talking of BERUSERUKU?
Wolf Guy is ebonics, the mango.
>character says onii-chan.
>subs list character's name.
This is shit.
Remember when we used to bitch about translators not using honorifics? We have fallen far.
Fan-subs are dead and a growing market, speed-subs for e-wang bragging, and you-know-who killed it.
>Uhhh is translated as Yeah
El luz eterno...
>I’m so fucked up..
>senpai is translated as [character name]
Yes, but be careful, we don't want to summon him.
drama queen
Fuck Commie, fuck CR, and fuck whoever started that shitty trend. Few things make me as mad as this one. They do it too for any other title even when it doesn't make sense
They don't even say brother/sister or bro/sis, they just say their fucking name and it's so annoying.
danke fur die grub.
>not paying an orphan to perform the series via interpretative dance
I think ifunny might be more your speed
I'm honestly all for English adopting Nip honorifics because its cute and so that subs can just write it down literally.
>anytime they play shiritori
>dosdet is translated as why
fucking idots
m o t h e r f u c k e r
>studying japanese for a few months
>can literally understand the sentence
>subs are completely wrong
I'm starting to see why people get so autistic over subs. I also hate when they say "shogi" and it's translated as chess or checkers.
They aren't even trying to speak English when they use English words.
>Let's play じゃんけん
>Japanese singer for VRAINS OP says "boost up"
>translated as "speed up" or something like that
>game has younger cousin call you Big Brother all the time in dub
>game has everyone else slap honorifics to the end of everyone's name
Fuck off. It's because of retards like you that Bitch is used wrong all the time.
Wow its almost like its meant for another culture. How often do you refer to siblings as the birth order or gender?
Wow its almost as if we want to watch Japanese stuff for their Japaneseness and escape from that "other culture".
Who the fuck does that? I watch for entertainment and watching the most awkward, stilted dialogue detracts from that.
>all words can only have one meaning in any context and you can translate just by substituting them for words in another language
Eat your hamburgers Apollo.
>kids show
>fan translation always has them saying fuck and shit
To be fair I was saying fuck and shit as a kid.
I fucking hate this with doujins. Like fuck, the page spreads are usually the super sexy money shot, I don't want to flip between both pages at light speed so I can see both parts simultaneously
>not storing one image in each half of your brain
>leave honorifics and words like senpai as is
>still swap family name - given name