someone tell me what the fuck was this ending
Someone tell me what the fuck was this ending
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we ran out of money lol
No budget left.
so they animated 2 episodes of nonsese because they had no money left?
Weren't you paying attention? They ran out of money halfway through, which is why the elevator scene was so damn long, even though nothing happened, or why the Eva held Kaworu for like 2 minutes.
They didn't have money to animate what would eventually be End of Evangelion.
literally yes.
yeah I noticed that. I just tought they were artistic effects of some sort
False. They run out of time not money.
Pretty sure they ran out of both.
out of time, out of veteran key animators who can draw mecha in motion, lastly but not the least anno didnt know what to do with the show at the time
whatching eoe now hope I get something out of it
Well yeah. They were obligated for 2 more episodes and somehow made 2 more episodes, albeit low quality. Its like trying to write a college paper when you have one night to do it. Its not going to be good but you will have a paper.
even eoe does not make sense
from where seele got the knowledge this would happen and exactly what the fuck happend? all people just got merged into lilith? why is only asuka and shinji alive and why shinji tries to strangle asuka to death
Why didn’t Gainax get a loan to finish the series properly?
a placeholder for the actual end in End of Evangelion
The Secret Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered with the historic texts in the cave in Qumran and covered up. There is no explanation in the series for how documentation that came to Earth on a spaceship that remained buried for billions of years got onto parchment in the Middle East.
whenever I see this thumbnail I think of bokurano, digimon and noein for some reason
>Instrumentality happens.
>People get merged into one weird ass dream/mind where everyone can see your mind
>The last 2 episodes is the cast coming with terms with it, its just a massive group therapy session in the afterlife.
>The congratulations scene is people congratulating people for accepting them into his life/mind.
Now go watch EoE for a different view on instrumentality.
>from where seele got the knowledge this would happen and exactly what the fuck happend?
Some side material say they found some prophecy in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Its basically a manual to how to control lilith, the spears, everything you need.
>all people just got merged into lilith
Yes. Thats is what instrumentality project was about. Not something people expected, but not a stretch after seeing shinji merging with 01 a few episodes before.
>why is only asuka and shinji alive
Yui and Rei tell shinji anyone with strong will can come back. Shinji and Asuka are the first to come. What happens next is up to your interpretation, other people might come back, the world might be fixed to some degree.
>why shinji tries to strangle asuka to death
Now there is a shitload of theories about it.
Mine is that shinji (and asuka for that matter) was still confused and he wanted to finish what he started in the instrumentality, because she rejected him and made him mad, but couldnt go through because he had a moment of clarity.
>why shinji tries to strangle asuka to death
he had no idea if Instrumentality was still ongoing, even after Lillith/Rei fucked him, i assume that Shinji assumed that only somthing as severe as attempted murder would be enough to cut a clear line between actual reality and instrumentality reality
>side material
I forgot that. The scrolls are mentioned in the series, and give some idea that they predicted everything.
But they also tries to explain everything for the retards afterwards anyway in side materials.
I always it interpreted as Shinji being afraid that because of what Asuka had learned in intrumentality, she would reject him just as she did in the coffe scene, so he reacted the same. Which is why he broke down crying, as a sort of emotional tipping point, when she kinda accepted him.
Yeah, but why would they believe the scrolls? There are tons of ancient cults, why would anyone take this one in particular seriously?
the implication is that the secret scrolls are not just speculatory nonsense, but a very simple manual for operation of the Seeds, Lances and Angels
The Seele are the super-jew, they know things you dont.
They also found a giant angel god thing inside a hidden moon in japan and another one in antartica, which match up with the scrolls.
You tell me
The best ending in the history of anime.
All good theories, but you are wrong.
While in instrumentality, shinji saw that asuka has a fetish for erotic asphyxiation. Fetishes, according to trusty Freud, are caused by childhood traumas, hanging mom and beheaded doll = strangulation fetish.
You can see it during the series because she is always wearing a choker.
So, after waking up, he started his apology by pleasing her, and warming things up.
Dead sea scrolls
Instrumentality merged everyone but Shinji and Asuka(who chose to leave)
Because he wanted kaworu to be there not Asuka
>It was just foreplay
It makes sense for shitty girls to have shitty fetish
>which is why the elevator scene was so damn long
Actually in the end of eoe it is not asuka. It resembles asuka but in fact it is the 3 female characters shinji cared about the most. She has tha appearance of asuka but her eyes brown matching misato's eyes inatead of blue and she ia bandaged the same way rei was. Also we dont know how much time have passed since because the LCL makes shinji to not age. He could have been alone for 10 years or more
You deserve a Pulitzer, user.
>Unsubstantiated bullshit
Back to LCL with you, faggot.
What's not to get? Learn to be at peace with yourself and stop tormenting yourself. I feel like this ending wraps Evangelion up much more nicely that EoE. It comes out of nowhere right after episode 24 but I feel like the whole show leads up to this point.
>why shinji tries to strangle asuka to death
Post-nut clarity
Good taste
Shinji discovers his penis.
Why do you people only care about ideas or messages or themes rather than how they are used to form narrative or story? Tv ending just blatantly throws all ideas and message over at the viewer. Whereas EOE actually tells a story that makes the message and ideas feel more impactful
I addressed that in my post. Going from 24 and Kaworu's shenanigans to suddenly Human Instrumentality out of nowhere is extremely off-putting. Previous episodes with trains of thought and self-reflection always had some sort of cause. This just goes straight into a therapeutic session. It's a horrid way to tell a story but the final message of those last two episodes just hits closer to the heart than EoE for me. It's not like I don't like EoE. I think it's fantastic.
It was time more than money, I believe interviews said they had budgeted everything, but the production schedule ran into overtime and the animation cell count dropped as they rushed to complete the last set of episodes for air. Hence the PV's which are literally penciled in storyboards.
If they had extra budget, they could have hired freelancers to help complete it, but they simply couldn't handle all the animation and production constraints within the airing deadlines.
That doesn't make it interesting, entertaining or a good conclusion.
There's a reason it was remade. Watching 40 minutes of indiscriminate bullshit talk with no plot or real character interaction fucking sucked. Just because the ending was "out there" also doesn't beat out a superior cohesive story telling.
There's no real point to discussing why I prefer it. We both get something different out of it. I acknowledge these things in a previous post i made.
I wish Sup Forums had been around when Eva originally aired.
Imagine the fucking shitstorms. Imagine.
It's a pretty organic stream of consciousness with characters continuing each others thoughts and associating images. They probably just banged it together in a week, but it was effective at representing some sense of the strangeness instrumentality would be to experience. They still used it in EoE, there was more visual spectacle outside but instrumentality was that same kind of montage again with greater focus on Shinji.
And it's not like it was desperate improv and Anno wasn't already acclaimed for that stuff.
I recommend the manga 10 times over that shitty movie.
>NGE manga
Nice user. Now we know you have unredeemable bad taste. Thank you
It's not nonsense. I honestly don't know how people don't understand it. If you can't figure out the meaning behind it you might as well give up on watching anything that isn't completely spelled out for you and just stick to moe shit and Transformers. I'm not saying this because I think i'm smart, i'm saying it because I think you're dumb.
>I'm not saying this because I think i'm smart, i'm saying it because I think you're dumb.
"Fuck you"
-Anno Hideaki
"Fuck you"
-Anno Hideaki
i would rather 4.0 never happen. He is ruining the series enough already with 3.0 and 2.0
>someone actually wants to see 4.0
lol ok Anno
I'd rather someone tell me what her original purpose was?
Look at this pretentious fuck trying to act smart, stop sucking the show's dick and admit the ending was shit both the anime and the movie endings were shit.
Watch End of Evangelion and it'll all make sense.
Marketing. And it worked, people were hot and bothered at the time to learn about her.
>to learn about her
It's been a while but wasn't there next to nothing to learn? Just a pilot with no important connections to anyone?
A very unclear executive directive order by Anno, specified that she was supposed to be in the rebuild movies and ultimately be responsible for the "destruction of EVA."
Who she was, and how to integrate her into EVA was entirely left up to the development team. This ultimately proved to be a very tedious and confusing assignment, which led to the character we have seen on screen.
Yeah, in the final product. She just has implications and it's been too long for anybody to care if they''re paid off.
Using Coalgirls release.
>rick and morty: the post
Evangelion wasn't deep or clever. It wasn't even all that entertaining. How did it become one of those shows that insecure kids watch in the hopes of impressing other people?
She frees up Asuka so she can take Toji's place in Unit-03 and get infected with angel DNA.
And he doesn't know what to do with Rebuild either.
Shinji looks like a grill here
My friend said something like it symbolizes shinji dying, moving on and going to heaven or some shit
Jews win and the world becomes one with open borders
We all die
It says loss.jpg in that scroll. Trust me I'm the eternal jew
Your mind is too small to comprehend the depth of Shinji masturbating to comatose girls.
Sure. The ending to Evangelion is in fact not nearly as good as the ending to Madoka.
Unironically this is true
And it hurts to admit that
Way to miss the point. Eva wasn't clever, the fact that people still think it's nonsensical proves how retarded they are.
So the first impact was when lilith crashed into earth with its moon and gave life all living things on earth. Then adam caused the second impact when he crashed the earth and he gave life to the entities called angels. Angels wanted to kill lilith to destroy its creations so adam's creations can take their place? Correct me if I am wrong.
>which is why the elevator scene was so damn long
This is called theatrical pause.
worse. you're smart
muh art
No. I don't remember who was first, Adam or Lilith, but Adam incapacitated Lilith with spear of Longinius. In turn Adam and his angels were supressed and humans were free to develop themselves. Second impact was caused when humans tempered with Adam and Adam's AT field activated.
Why ya gotta make me remember this Sup Forums
now i'm angry
I think adam came first.
Lilith crashed and took over
Adam second impacted
Im not sure if the angels want to kill lilith. I think they want to merge back with the adam fetus