Episode 41 is out
Revolver is still austistic

Episode 42: ???????????? – Sut?dasuto R?do no Michibiki
(The Stardust Road’s Guidance)
Playmaker manages to withstand a brutal attack from Revolver’s Link Monster. Sensing the presence of monsters in the Tower of Hanoi, he flies into it. Playmaker then bets it all on a draw, but…

Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker: Ishige Shoya
Ai: Sakurai Takahiro
Kusanagi Shoichi: Kimura Subaru
Revolver: Takeuchi Shunsuke
Dr. Kogami: Sugo Takayuki
Frog/Pigeon: Seki Tomokazu

Script: ???? || Takegami Junki
Storyboard: ??? || Eran
Direction: ???? || Takahashi Masakazu
Animation Director(s): ???? || Kaneko Yuji

Episode 43: ??????? – Igunisu no Tanj?
(The Birth of Ignis)
Playmaker has realized who Revolver might be during the Duel. However, due to a shockwave generated in the Data Storm, Yusaku is forced to log out. He now heads to a certain location in the real world, where Revolver is supposed to be…

Yusaku fucking gary stu

So what do you think Playmaker's trap is?

Oh my god

when is Aoi back?

Wonder why exactly they chose to change Revolver's hair color.
It's like they first decided to go with a plain look to contrast his VR look, but then remembered "oh shit this is a Yugioh series" and went all-out prettyboy.

So, this basically confirms that Specter is a party member?
well fuck



Post more Aoi.


Mirror force too

She must be insecure if she made her boobs so much bigger in VRAINS.

>stardust road
what did they mean by this?

Crow's going to make an appearance in VRAINS as well.

I think you meant Yusei.

this arc end will be full gay isn't


It's so sad how the Vrains threads are dead. Even on the day we didn't get a filler episode.

people still isn't used to the new episode day even on the 40th episode


Crow's going to come with Yusei obviously.

>You arent my friend
Fucking stone cold