>Game mechanics
>Endless descriptions of dungeon grinding
>Machine translation
Highly recommended
>>Machine translation
>Highly recommended
Threadly reminder that you should be writing your own isekai! If I can do it, so can you anons!
Dumping Newest Tanaka Chapter
who cares if somethings been done to death? just come up with something the mc runs into that he wants to stop or take action against
Spine hair
Tanaka most retarded MC of the year.
Is this the Isekai where guy got cucked?
Roxanne is a sociopath that led may children to their deaths prior to becoming a slave.
youll find out soon enough.
Their own fault for not dodging
>Over 500 skills
Jesus christ, just how many skills this Rou faggot needs? I read the wiki just to see if he's as bad as you guys said in the previous thread and he is awful and his setting apparently makes no attempts to hide the fact it is a videogame considering that some skills are gained from fulfilling achievements like one hit kill shit.
He wasn't cucked. He willingly joined a party named Paladin&co(cksleeves) and overheard them banging violently. Not like he had any relation with the girls beforehand.
Youre too late, now BRACE FOR IMPACT!
What am I picking up
Funnily enough this is actually tolerable for a while because of how the author makes the MC a legitimate autist. He doesn't know how to interact with anyone in a normal manner and is always thinking that someone is out to get him. He's not even confident enough that his slaves won't leave his ass if he's not controlling. Gets boring as fuck after the 2nd slave though.
Esther NTR count 1.
I love how its just glossed over like, ok w/e she hot tho.
Becuse when it comes to information, only new things are useful. Duplicates accomplish nothing.
Damn, Allan's a chad. How does anyone else compete?
I actually do recommend this series as I think I'd probably act just like the MC.
Slowly grind my money to buy a nice sexy slave in the clisest dungeon
Add more titles to this.
I wouldn't trust Roxanne unless she was a slave, she'd probably lead me to my death in the Labyrinth. Like all those poor kids in her village.
so you present new information about the characters or the world. make them likable instead of just bland selft insert bait or waifus.
Mercedes silently masturbating.
I don't think there are any publishing companies as fucking lame as the ones in Japan. I mean I guess Amazon is an option...
>Overlord that high
Esther is now considering her life choices.
SS Youjo Senki
>Death march above Tsuki ga
Where's Log Horizon?
And Tanaka comes in to douse the drama.
Sherry is best.
Please put OP's rec on tier A
Deathmarch and Tanaka should be lower. Konosuba should be higher. Mushoku Tensei can then be moved to B.
Hey Bro wanna go kill a dragon?
Vespa > Roxy = Sherry > Cat > Dumb cunt elf.,
You know, Allan is pretty fucking attractive. I'd want to join his harem too.
I think Death March should move up but can see why some don't like it, but why is Tsuki ga so low?
Tanaka scoring Bro points.
Party complete.
Is this the one where the mc is too much of a pussy to have sex with anyone and dies in a fucking well?
reminder to
not reply to tanakafags
report all their posts
don't talk about it on isekai threads
Time for Tanaka to fix the Teens dumb problems.
Put Death March and Smart Phone on D and move Arifureta down to E. realist Hero should go on C. Log Horizon should be SS.
damn thats a big girl
Konosuba a bit higher.
Also, are korean-dog isekai allowed? If so, Dungeon Defense should have a fairly high spot
Konosuba to SSSS
Shield to S
Tsuki ga to A
Slime to S
Tarakuji (pic related) to B
For me its Vespa > Sherry > Roxanne >>>> Cat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Elf "GOTTA GET READ FOR THE LORDS CONFERENCE" Cunt
I said it in previous thread but there's bunch of some good stuff in it, between the endless descriptions of how many Bitch Butterflies the enemy group has.
Dungeons remain dangerous even as MC goes up in power and there's actual thought being put into minimizing danger. The new party members actually feel meaningful and there's clear sense of progression even if you ignore the attack counts.
MC actually has to pay attention to his harem, what they want and that he doesn't favour any single girl over others.
MC has to deal with the fact that he killed people once it hits him that the whole thing is real. And do it again after he decides to hunt bounties. He ponders if it's worth it to intentionally seek out humans to murder, even if they technically deserve, just so that he can buy his big boobed dog-girl sex slave.
Manga seems to cut away lots of grinding bullshit, so it's looking good. I'm a bit sad that it did cut away the rabbit murder he did it in the starting village because it kinda showed how strong monsters actually are.
stop posting this cuck shit
This cute spider deserves a high spot
I kind of like this one, but it does grind to a halt after a while. Its better if you straight up skip the dungeon chapters. Its the poster child for its okay to buy sex slaves if you're isekei'd though.
Where's Kumo?
>Game mechanics
>Endless descriptions of dungeon grinding
>LH translation
fixed that for you
What's the slave dealer's keikaku? Dude seems shady as fuck.
Its pretty damn comfy series, I wish Updates would come out faster.
Add spear hero to A or B.
Why doesn't this dude just have a threesome with these girls? It seems they both want his dick.
Dungeon Seeker should be an E
I was a hero that got sent to another world as a novelist that writes Light novels about people being sent to another worlds.
What rank would kino seeker be?
The dude is just out to make a living like MC.
He did but Estelle wants to be the top bitch and forbid the other bitch from getting laid unless it's in a threesome.
Tanaka is bad, and so is Fran
for you
Him offloading Roxanne was his #1 priority. Well that and her clan looking for her for reasons
Next Update Tanakas Big D takes Center Stage.
Overlord and Death Mage are too high.
Konosuba is too low.
SS: Eliza
S: Re:Zero
A: Risou no Himou
B: Bakarina,
C: Mistaken as A genius
D: Nidoume Yuusha
E: Dungeon Seeker
Kekkon Yubi to C
World Customize to B
Tsukuyote to C
Gunjou Senki to C
New Gate to A
Isekai Maou (Diablo) to C
Kumo to A
Kouritsu (Zeff) to C
Hachinan to the lowest rank possible.
Kou 1 (sexy Mummy) to C
Everyone seems way to helpful and suspicious in that one. Like the merchant he buys the monster cards from. He seems like he has some big ulterior motive too. I think the real answer is that its just bad writing.
Bakarina should be an A.
honestly, i'd like to read this.
Dungeon Defense should be added
I like fran, don't care for tanaka but both are pushed too hard in isekei threads these days. You can't talk about any other series without someone dumping old chapters everyone's already seen before. Its making me hate them.
Maybe that's why the MC is so paranoid.
So do they ever explain why a fucking holy sword was lying around in a barn or does the author not give a fuck?
Slave dealer honestly cares about customer service and feels kinship with Mishio, the dealer is a 2 timing douche that is constantly looking to profit off him.
The reveal that those two are former lovers explained so much.