I had a bad dream, Sup Forums...can I sleep with you in your bed tonight?
I had a bad dream, Sup Forums...can I sleep with you in your bed tonight?
No way fag
Why would I want a little girl when I could have a woman instead?
can someone remind me why Tessa wanted Sousuke's cock so much? She basically had two modes: Commander Mode and Cocklust Mode
I want Sousuke's cock and I'm not even gay.
fuck off
More like you had a DRUNK dream
and every night Tessa just to be sure.
Tessa is perfection.
I think a better question is why didn't Sousuke want to crush her puss? As for Tessa, look at what's she surrounded by. Stuck on a sub with older men, perverts, and whatever the fuck Mao was. Of course Sousuke looked like a Godsend by comparison. Truly a shame that she will die a virgin who married her job.
fake news
>why didn't Sousuke want to crush her puss?
Sousuke is lean mean fighting machine with both an honest soul and a courteous nature, but he's utterly clueless about the whole tab A into slot B part of life.
chain cig breath not even once
It's not that bad. Plus, you know that she's got serious oral cravings that need satisfying.
>I think a better question is why didn't Sousuke want to crush her puss?
Sleeping with your commanding officer is generally a pretty terrible idea, he's professional enough to not go for it.
S-sure but there isn't much room.
No I'm sleeping with my robot bro tonight and I don't think there's any space left
But I've always wanted to drive a Testarossa like I stole it.
i sleep naked nigger
Sure. I'll be a gentleman when I''m awake, but I can't vouch for my behavior when I'm asleep.
That's the stupidest insinuation I ever heard.
That guy really pisses me off. So much so, I want to seduce Tessa, secretly tape the consensual sex, kidnap this faggot, and make him watch the whole thing on loop in an abandoned warehouse.
Seriously, with her job, Tessa will already have more than enough trouble finding a man. She doesn't need this faggot scaring away any that she does happen to find.
Overprotective father figure out to protect his daughteru's butt-purity.
The first time she gets off that sub near a middle eastern country or Africa, they will take more than her butt virginity.
It's the truth, user. I'd never grope an unwilling girl while I'm awake, but I have done just that, and gotten punched for it, while I was sleep.
hence the need for the fatheru
I want to abuse Tessa
you misspelled "cherish and spoil"
An actual male would want to see how many times he could bring her to orgasm before one or the other collapsed from exhaustion, user.
so, you were slepping with a girl and she got offended because you touched her?
sounds fake
But she looks so hurtable.
I sleep mostly naked, you stay on that side of the bed.
She's for gentle only
I told my female friend, who really needed some non-sexual physical contact, flat out that I wasn't sure I'd be a gentleman in my sleep. She took the risk. In my sleep, I swear, I got a bit handy. That was followed by my getting punched in the gut, which woke me up. We managed to stay friends, but just barely.
Gentle bitchslaps?
Look, you can dominate a woman by getting yours without regard to her pleasure, or by melting her brain with the pleasure you forcibly deliver to her. The second is the most powerful approach, user.
You can sleep on the floor
my waifu is the only one allowed in my bed
What about continuing after she collapses?
That's the best kind of abuse.
>my waifu is the only one allowed in my bed
So then you also sleep on the floor?
>Non-sexual physical contact
>Warn her
>Punch you
She is a slut and a bitch.
Sure thing, just squeeze in where you can.
Why does he look like he hates it?