Will this go down in history as the first unhatable anime ever?
Will this go down in history as the first unhatable anime ever?
No because I hate it
it's gotten plenty of hate since it started out-selling VEG though
VEG and Franxx are shitting on it already. Maybe after the season ended, no one would hate it
You want an unhateable anime now?
Aria, Tamayura, and Yama no Susume.
It could use some hats.
The hat Rin wears sold out immediately iirc
>as the first unhatable anime ever?
spot the newfag.
Who /hat/ here?
Sorry but Kotohat filled the entire quota of girls wearing hats this season.
I hate anything without a male in the main cast, so no it won't
what? you need the self insert blank space with legs?
Fuck, I think it's possible!
Because kyoanousfags and triggerniggers will both FINALLY realize their studios are shit, at this time.
I already hate this because is making a tiny anime being forgotten already
I don't think so, especially now that the Sup Forums-tier faggots who try forcing console wars into everything are feeling welcome in here.
Why is MC always an airhead?
is nadeshko really the mc or is it rin
because is moe, innocent, cute, and easy to write.
Just look for all the promo material and see who is in the middle or center position.
VEGtards hate it with passions of thousand suns.
They even came up with MUH CHINKS STREAMING
Found the homosex.
It's just not endearing or interesting, though I don't hate it.