What happened?
What happened?
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Right tried to be more like the manga.
lanklet moon is kawaii
She developed an eating disorder.
Is the manga really that hideous?
She's got a fucking huge head.
This is something that would actually be great for the series to address. It comes close in a couple of episodes.
Why is right arms like noodles and the tiara is so small?
No. Doesn't have soulless eyes like Crystal did, that's for sure. Crystal didn't even have its writing be accurate to the manga - they cut out all comedic elements, made the soldiers useless, and even made Usagi weaker.
How does her skull work on the right?
She stopped stuffing her face all the time.
She developed code geass decease
Wow, she is the living embodiment of CLAMP.
That is an alien.
Yeah, it's pretty bad. Everything feels forced, and if you thought the plot was dumb and dense in the anime, you wouldn't stand the manga at all
And that is (part) of it's folly. The anime is better then the manga in almost every regard which is a rare occurrence.
>cute and appealing style on the left with an also cute color palette
>somewhat generic and not very appealing style on the right
>new hair shaded like it's made of plastic
I never watched either anime, though
The old anime tried to be its own thing. It was inspired by Naoko, but the creators worked at making their own design which they could produce with reliable success. Crystal tries really hard to ape Naoko, possibly both Naoko and the original anime at the same time, and ended up a mess as a result. They didn't work out that they could make it look good, just that they could make it look (kind of) similar to the manga, and decided to go with it.
There were other problems as well (a lot of god-awful bloom and design from current anime invaded Crystal's design) but that's probably what you really wanted to know.
How did the show look after they changed the character designer?
The proportions are a lot better and so is the coloring (somewhat)
Imagine being the person responsible for this fuck up. Embarrassing
The roundness of her face shape is captured better in the original anime imo.
The OUTFITS are more accurate and the hair is more whimsical like in the manga but the old show did the facial structure better. The eyes were simplified in the original show, sure, but the proportions and rest of the face's shape... much better than the pointy, alien mess Crystal tried to pull off.
Is it just me or am I the only one that likes the art style of Crystal season 1&2? I like the lanky characters and expressive hair, something that I absolutely adore about the manga style. Season 3 looks nothing like either the manga or original anime to me and just seems more generic 2010s anime style.
though 90s anime SM will always be my fave
Season 3 is good,
They invented shadows.
S3 was GOAT
Crystal haters BTFO
They knew that no matter what they would make bank purely on nostalgia alone so they basically cheaped out wherever they could.
not saying the new show is better by any stretch, but i think it looks pretty good
So, how close to Chernobyl was she when she was born?
Crystal is shit.
Let's not blatantly offtopic shitpost, Sup Forums
Jet wolf would ree at you and call you fedora-twirling trash. But you're in a more rational place regardless if your opinion is unpopular.
Bonjour reddit.
Grey hybrid?
What they should've done
>keep to the manga's general flow but expand on the characters and events similarly to how they did back in 1992, just without Bandai's oversight and knowing where things go, maybe at 20-ish episodes an arc.
What they did
>Redraw manga scenes as cheaply as possible
All it did, all it could ever do is expose how shitty Takeuchi is as a writer and how bad the original manga actually is. 1992-7 show owns its sucess wholly to Toei Animataion's staff at the time - Sato, Ikuhara and the others. Crystal was a vanity hackjob and even Kon couldn't salvage a fundamentally flawed approach to the material.
Literally everyone agrees with you on this. Like, the number of people before you expressing that exact opinion is countless. This isn't to insult you though, as I agree.
>and knowing where things go, maybe at 20-ish episodes an arc.
I feel that certain arcs, Dark Kingdom in particular, could do with 26-30 episodes easily, as there's so much stuff to introduce and deal with at the start that it makes sense to open with a relaxed pace and let the characters live out their lives at first as everyone finds each other, which was one of the charms of classic.
But its the fact that we already have an overall plot and know where everything ought to lead to that should really allow so much to be cleared up and properly developed in ways that the original really couldn't. We can do stuff like have overall arcs for the characters and their parents/families (the latter especially being something that's worth being tapped into more) progressing over the seasons. The whole issue of say, Ami grappling with the sacrifices she feels she has to make to live up to her mother (who ardors and supports her through her father leaving them to become an artist), and how this impacts on her friendships and love life would be compelling enough alone, let alone all the other potential plot-lines to tap into.
This has to be an edit
No, Crystal just interpreted it badly. S3 is an improvement, though.
I watched Crystal ss3 and I like it but god, the Opening's storyboard is so shit.
It's so bland and lazy, the Ending song about les couple is good though
The first Crystal seasons are akin to the first Tsukihime anime. It's a terrible attempt to adapt the source material that strips away some elements that should be part of it.
It's not. Naoko has a particular look that stands out, making the manga a treat to look at visually. The S1/2 director just dropped the ball.
Give it another ten years.
go watch ballroom e youkoso
it's by a female, ofcourse it is
Should Ignore season 1 & 2, and start from 3?
It looks like the designer they had for the 2 seasons tried too hard to ape the style she used for the shinsoban covers.
This isn't Sup Forums. You're on the wrong board.
No, Crystal is shit.
If you haven't seen the original anime I'd recommend watching that instead.
12 episode per arc could've been perfect if handled by actually competant writers who knew how to write faster paced and more well structured stories. Instead they left it incredibly slow and with absolutely nothing happening 90% of the time.
She grew up and not beautiful anymore. Just like everything else.
Fingers in S3 are even worse. Why can't anybody draw anymore?
Low birth rate.
They didnt "redraw the manga scenes" even - it looks terrible in comparison. Even when Takeuchi isn't the best at anatomy, you can always get a good sense of emotion from the characters. Crystal gave everyone dead eyes that can't even focus.
The writing isn't even true to the manga either. They cut out all the comedy for some stupid reason and actually made the girls weaker.
Okay do we need to make a god damn sticky that just says 'Japan's economy is a dumpster fire and that's why animation is bad'?
How many times does this need to be said.
Made worse by the fact of how money is distributed in the anime industry makes animators work for slave wages.
Then how come there are 10 times more anime per season coming out now than in the past?
It wasn't even animated by Toei Japan. It was all outsourced to the cheapest people they could get in the Phillipines. It was basically a soulless cash grab for nostalgia. Remember how it was meant to be for the 25th anniversary? That part still stings a bit.
Pleanty of female mangaka can draw well. It's just that Takeuchi has an ugly 90s artsyle.
Having money won't automatically fix everything though. If you threw money at the same guy that won't mean he'll automatically learn how to draw decently. Or the fact that you still need to make everything on a weekly basis.
And look at the quality of those animations compared to some of the good stuff from when the bubble hadn't burst
I mean really look. Sure there are some gems here and there but even Fate Apo was starting to make DEEN fate look well done at times (with the exception of Karna's NP)
First off there is this thing called morale. I'm sorry but I would think if you were getting paid to afford a week's work of cup noodles you'd be a bit demoralized and wouldn't work so hard or care for their work. Even a great chef makes crap food if they're getting shit pay or working in a shitty environment.
Next there is the fact they can hire MORE animators, dividing the work load out more so more can get done and more time can maybe be focused on being on model.
Of course it won't always look perfect and yes it won't just fix the fact that Japan is idea bankrupt but it would still be a step in the right direction.
S3 was a slight improvement in terms of design and animation, but it was still garbage. The transformations somehow look worse than the CG from S1 and 2. I love how they clearly just gave up on Uranus and Neptune, tried to copy old transformations and failed miserably anyway.
S1 looked awful in every sense, the direction and animation ranged from nonexistant to terrible
S2 was at least watchable and had some actual effort put into it
I've been told S3 looks alright but it's not like I'm rushing to see that after the bad taste that the first season left in my mouth
The VA was good at least
They tried to draw it from memory
Even if you're paid a kinds ransom in shares, cash and platinum bars you'll probably still feel dead inside after working on High School Slice Of Life Series #5341908700000000000 while wishing you were either doing a job that actually contributed to society in a meaningful way or made something with a bit of artistry so you don't feel like your degree was a waste of time. Not that it would happen anyway since the market is too flooded so it becomes a race to the bottom in seeing how cheap you can get away with being while earning the most amount of money. Either that or hope that OVA's actually make a comeback so they can make quality animation without being handcuffed by a strict schedule.
Why did they change everyone's VA except for Usagi's in Crystal, I thought japs were anal about that sort of thing.
Probably because a lot them couldn't do the voice anymore or had retired. The reason we got Mitsuishi at all is that the Japs are super autistic about it even though her voice had deepened quite a bit.
Right is "prettier" and maybe technically better, but the left is comfier and easiest to look at, and therefore best overall