Hides their true gender from everybody for their entire life

>Hides their true gender from everybody for their entire life
>Recognized as a woman by Shirou when they first meet in Fate Stay Night
>Confused with another woman by Caster in Fate Zero
>Recognized by basically everyone as a woman all the fucking time, except in her life

Personally I blame the Romans. The conquered Southern Britain before the time of Arthur and were notorious for running their drinking water through lead pipes.

Didnt Merlin casted a spell on her or some shit.

Have you seen Bedivere though?

don't forget how the whole twist regarding her gender and identity has been thoroughly retroactively ruined by GO - everyone and their mommy was a female ruler and there are Saberfaces everywhere - what, then, makes Arturia special? nothing.

thanks Nasu

TM jumped the shark the second they got a taste of the bit bucks.

Series is so garbage now and filled to the brim with brain-dead normalfags that haven't even read the original novels. Fuck Nasu and fuck Takeuchi.

If the King himself says he identifies as a man then there's not a lot you can do about it. At least if you want to keep your head attached to the rest of your body.

She's not the king of the people she meets in the future so they're all free to tell her she's not a man.

...but I didn't elect her...

Everyone & their mother knew she was female. She however was suppose to be a king, not a queen, so they just went along with it. You don’t question the chick who could kick you & your entire army’s ass by herself.

>King Arthur is a little anime girl
>everybody votes him into office
Briton knew the anime craze before it was popular.

Later Fate entries generally dropped the mystery of servant identities. It's a lot lamer that way.