Hides their true gender from everybody for their entire life

>Hides their true gender from everybody for their entire life
>Recognized as a woman by Shirou when they first meet in Fate Stay Night
>Confused with another woman by Caster in Fate Zero
>Recognized by basically everyone as a woman all the fucking time, except in her life

Personally I blame the Romans. The conquered Southern Britain before the time of Arthur and were notorious for running their drinking water through lead pipes.

Didnt Merlin casted a spell on her or some shit.

Have you seen Bedivere though?

don't forget how the whole twist regarding her gender and identity has been thoroughly retroactively ruined by GO - everyone and their mommy was a female ruler and there are Saberfaces everywhere - what, then, makes Arturia special? nothing.

thanks Nasu

TM jumped the shark the second they got a taste of the bit bucks.

Series is so garbage now and filled to the brim with brain-dead normalfags that haven't even read the original novels. Fuck Nasu and fuck Takeuchi.

If the King himself says he identifies as a man then there's not a lot you can do about it. At least if you want to keep your head attached to the rest of your body.

She's not the king of the people she meets in the future so they're all free to tell her she's not a man.

...but I didn't elect her...

Everyone & their mother knew she was female. She however was suppose to be a king, not a queen, so they just went along with it. You don’t question the chick who could kick you & your entire army’s ass by herself.

>King Arthur is a little anime girl
>everybody votes him into office
Briton knew the anime craze before it was popular.

Later Fate entries generally dropped the mystery of servant identities. It's a lot lamer that way.

That's why tyrant Saber is superior, she elects herself to office with anti-fotress beams, the only vote worth anything.

You don't vote for a king though.

Well, how did she become king, then?

Tell that to the Holy Roman Empire

Don't forget that not only did they assimilate the Britons, they then failed to maintain the infrastructure necessary to protect them from the Anglo-Saxons

On those points while GO isn't innocent, blaming it for it is unfair, Extra is actually the one that opened the doors to that stupidity.

Not only Nero the emperor of Rome turned out to be a girl that history masked as a man, it is an exact clone in appearance of King Arthur that history also masked as a man.

It makes even less sense if you consider Nero's story of killing his pregnant wife and relationships with an eunuch and Fate Nero's personality to go out of her way to make sure everyone knows she is a girl.

fair enough. GO was the flood, but Extra opened the gates.

Pulling Excalibur out of a rock I guess

>thanks Nasu
This but unironically

One woman, one vote.
Saber was the woman and she had the vote.

Yeah. The way her knights treat her, I think it was an open secret that she was a woman in court. They just don't have a choice but to consider her a man.

Excalibur didn't come from a rock; Caliburn did.

caliburn was the sword in the stone, and excalibur was from a lake, right?

Eh, who knows. Something like that.

In Fate, yes. It depends on which version of the story you're reading. Arthurian lore has never been consistent.

Yes. Thought thinking about it, they are either usually mashed together or Caliburn is completely forgotten once Excalibur comes into play.

Don't remind me.

The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that she, Arturia, was to carry Excalibur. That is why she is your king.

King Arthur should've been male and the Saber in the original novel should've been female mordred.