Rebellion made a lot of money so we're going to get a Madoka 2 eventually r-right? We're going to get to see our favorite mahou shoujo JKs go on more cute adventure with lesbian undertones soon won't we?
Rebellion made a lot of money so we're going to get a Madoka 2 eventually r-right...
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>We're going to get to see our favorite mahou shoujo JKs go on more cute adventure with lesbian undertones soon won't we?
Sorry Homura, but you won't Madoka's got a restraining order on you, move on.
We better, I need more Homura oni
Not everything that makes a lot of money gets sequels. They need to get the band back together but apparently everyone's off doing puppet shows or whatever.
I think they would've made it by now. Urobuchi wanted it to end iirc, but of course he was forced to leave it open. I think it's gone now though.
I just wanted to say that I just watched this in two days with zero spoilers and expectations. I was not prepared, there was no universe or timeline where I was prepared
If I were Gen Urobuchi I'd make the sequel to Madoka be a spoof of shounen shit, like Madoka was of Shoujo shit
Hmm... maybe I'd have it take place in a world with comic book heroes? Capeshit is pretty popular these days.
u dum op
Homu did nothing wrong!
Good man.
desu I hope they don't. they ended on a good note
I did this too and it fucked my shit up, wouldn't have had it any other way
I mean seeing the usurper’s true colors come out was an enlightening experience, but she still deserves her just desserts.
never EVER madocucks.
It kind of irritates me how prolific spoilers for the show are just because of how fantastic it is watching it blind. I know it's been 7 years so it's perfectly reasonable to throw spoilers around but I just don't like the idea of anyone who hasn't watched it being exposed to them, it's just so incredible seeing all of the twists with fresh eyes.
Those eyes are empty.
>Homu did nothing wrong
It helps that I didn't touch anything anime-related since before it came out
Then what made you decide to watch it?
Saw some anime available on my amazon prime account that was free, remembered that I used to like anime and decided to jump back in.
How about having a Madoka spoof with Infinite Stratos-like outdoor mechs?