SBS out
Translations soon
>Panda girl is the 19th daughter. Her name is Boire and she shares a father with Galette
>Peros, Cracker, and Smoothie are 50, 45, and 35 respectively
>We may or may not get more backstory on Katakuri
SBS out
Translations soon
>Panda girl is the 19th daughter. Her name is Boire and she shares a father with Galette
>Peros, Cracker, and Smoothie are 50, 45, and 35 respectively
>We may or may not get more backstory on Katakuri
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder Smoothie is a milf, best girl and only mine.
Post favorite reaction images.
That sure was a lot of ode to chode there
>first exchange
Katakuri withstands the blow Luffy doesnt
>second exchange
Katakuri takes it Luffy takes it but spits up blood
>third exchange
Katakuri hits Luffy without Luffy landing a punch
If Luffy wins this im flying to Japan
So what you're saying is she's been soiled?
So was g2 supposed to be used for crocodile as the end of series power up? Makes sense to me.
Shit, Cracker's holding up pretty well.
Supernova Nationalities/Occupations
Blackbeard - Somalia/Archeologist
Capone - Italy/Shoe store owner
Drake - Turkey/Zoo caretaker
Kid - Scotland/Weapon dealer
Apoo - China/DJ
Bonney -Australia/Pizza shop
Law - Germany/Doctor
Urouge - India/Hostess bar manager
Of courseby me
Perospero is 10'11, Cracker is 10'1, and Smoothie is 15'2
>Panda girl is the 19th daughter. Her name is Boire and she shares a father with Galette
So are they twins, or did Galette not come out right? Because I don't believe BM would fuck the same guy twice just for the fun of it.
>Does Katakuri have a child?
You tell me
>Blackbeard - Somalia/Archeologist
Oda might be teasing something here.
No but he will have one with luffy
>Urouge - India/Hostess bar manager
how can you not like urouge
We've already known his hobby is historical research. From the same SBS that told us Urouge likes boozing and fucking bitches.
What does it say about Hancock? Maybe something with what is in the letter
Urouge confirmed for street shitter.
>Hostess Bar Manager
You mean confirmed for CHAD
Birth 1: Peros/Compote? - 50
Birth 2: Compote?/Daughter? - 49
Birth 3: Kata, Daifuku, Oven - 48
Birth 4: Quintuplets? Daughter? - 47
Birth 5: Quintuplets? Daughter? - 46
Birth 6: Cracker - 45
Birth 16: Smoothie, Citron, Cinnamon
Birth 25: Chiffon, Lola
Birth 30: Joscarpone, Mascarpone
Birth 31: Yuen
Birth 32: Decuplets
Birth 33: Pudding?/41st son?
Birth 34: Pudding?/41st son?
Birth 35: Flampe
Birth order is something like that i think
>Urouge - Hostess bar manager
What a fucking chad
Spoiler is not here, where is it?
He's from a sky island. If you think they don't just squat over a cloud and shit on Blue Sea people all the time, you're stupid.
I dont think so but I am hearing there is a question on Luffy and cute girls. Maybe a question about whether Luffy can tell who is attractive or not.
Manages pussy
Your mom is full time employed
So we are all in agreement that Galette and Praline are best girls right?
Based on the pictures I think it's a question about mail delivery. Bat, News Coo and the little birdie in Hancock's window.
In my panties
Did one of you autists ask him if they were married?
I want to marry Galette!
>Hangs out with Kaido
>Defeats a Sweet Commander
>Probably slays pussy at his irl job every night
How does the Ma D. Monk do it?
i want to know Lola's full name
I want it to be "Charlotte Lollipop"
>Shits on the street
The Decuplets are all 18.
>Luffy is Brazilian
>Blackbeard is from a nigger country too
>one piece is 2 shitskins fighting to be kang
Hol up WE?
it seems that there's more than perospero, cracker and smoothie's age and height
does anybody know what do the moonrunes under their little portraits say?
>Urouge - India/Hostess bar manager
says a prayer
Loli pudding is cute
Place your bets
>you will never get the loli version of the cutest woman in the world
This isn't answered though,or is it?
That's gross. Reiju is 22.
Damn, this a ship I'd actually support.
>Smoothie is only 15 feet tall
Why did Oda make her so short?
In another SBS Blackbeard was said to have an interest in researching history too
Thats a fucking gross ship. Reiju is too young for him and she is already taken by her brother.
>Conis will never take a dump on you
why live
>Urouge - India/Hostess bar manager
People fucking love those Sweet Commanders. I hope they get a cover story.
How tall did you want her to be?
They're the best characters for each other
30 feet
She will NEVER look at Kata with these eyes user
Where is the retard who always claims he knows nip? Faggot was lying after all
Give it time
>believing anything unofficial in the first place
>Luffy won
-Yonkou Production
what happened
>believing anything you read on Sup Forums
Nothing personnel
Katakuri Daifuku and Oven were born on November 25
wtf im an odaisahackfag now?
>2 days before my birthday
Shit, so close
wtf i hate oda now
Haven't these two like fucking never interacted?
Wan Piss
Does Brook remember hearing about Big Mom when he was with the Rumbar Pirates? A monster child with an ever growing bounty like that would have been big news.
Also, what were the seas on the New World like before Roger and the Yonko?
You still have Blue Gilly. All I've got is that FUCKING sky fox.
>thinking shippers care if the characters interact
>1 month and 11 days after my birthday
any Octoberfags here?
Stop lying you faggot
He said it in his discord.
So what? Caesar and Gastino have never interacted and you can tell with a glance that they'd get along swimmingly.
OoOoOh Ben Beckman
How me proof then
>Reiju x kata shippers
Absolutely pathetic
>2 days after mine
At least I still got Kizaru.
My 23 November nigga
Katafags absolutely destroyed. Based Oda.
Write to the SBS, maybe Oda will doodle a 16yo Linlin.
No he hasn't
He's not gay
>Monet survived
-Yonkou Production
Smoothie is an Octoberfag
Damn lads, apologize to Monetfag immediately.
Nah, Kata x Robin would be better plus their powers are sexually compatible
>luffy died
-Yonkou Production
same bday buddy
why would their kid have a third eye?
give me (you)s if you want smoothie to sit on your face
It's pudding
Don't ship Katakuri with a fucking Germa
why not?