Everyday until canon.
Boku No Hero Academia
There's literally nothing wrong about following rules.
Just coming by to tell you guys that mina will not be ruined in the future
you are right she is already ruined
Quien puede vencer la puta local y no estoy hablando de la puta loca normal, yo estoy hablando de la puta loca desnuda con un cuchillo, nadie puede ganar le a la puta loca sin ropa
Reposting because if you want to start with a bait, at least start with a decent one
Did nothing wrong, gero
why are you posting worst girl
It's really great how the inevitable main villain of the franchise thinks the main hero is a bretty cool dude
Here's some premium bait: pissposting is good
I hate what we've become
what an emo
>inevitable main villain of the franchise thinks the main hero
>the absolute state of current threads
i guess shigaraki would think toga is cool since they are friends and all
I'm blaming this on super fags
there isn't anything wrong with that image
>lesbian flag Mina
Why tho
That's a lesbian flag?
And neither will Hagakure
Didn't realise it was the lesbian flag
I just liked the way it looked
Who'd win from naruto Verde vs naruto Negro
More like
that room look like a love hotel
Its too late user trips confirm hagakure is a fag
OTP, Fags would say otherwise
I always thought they would probably be a cute couple
Because Bakuchako is patrician
These two characters are like pieces of naruto, and together they only make 1/4th of him.
Why can't battle shounen protagonist have actual personalities? Or rather why is the character writing so weak in both of these manga.
Shiggy is just trying to save Toga. Every fucking time, that's all he's trying to do. Nigga even melted down the walls of the school. What, did ya think that was done to "try and scare the students?"
Posting cutes
Post “THAT” image.
i'm not sure if siggy thinks his pals are cool but he surely have learn to appreciate them
You're my sunshine
My only sunshine
When skies are gray
You'll never known dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
My sunshine away
I need more of these evil goofballs
This Sun will never burn out
Esto es el fin dabi, tu mataste a mi padre
Cursed image
isn't it weird kaminari didn't know his body work as a taser until the usj invasion?
The jirou microphone edit, you know the one.
No yo maté a nuestro padre
>no doujin of Toga being a good friend and helping Shiggy graduate from being a virgin
Ah yes yes yes
I like this but do you have the edit where the microphones are censored cocks?
I gotchu
Thank you to all the anons who helped me pick a hairstyle for grown Eri yesterday.
I love all of you.
Ochako is CUTE
That’s not true, please leave her alone
not bad fag, how long do i have to wait for lewds?
how does it feel like knowing that someone out there is stroking their willy while looking at your drawings?
I mean do you have anything else for this pairing OP? it's an interesting idea though I don't see any fan art for it
>Constant teasing
You’re a cruel one
Nosotros tenemos el mismo padre porque yo soy tu hermano
Ochako is evil
I mean if you're gonna post your art don't post a cock tease. Post full frontal for her
la brava
+1 to CHADugou's harem, Hori knows who the best character is and funnels all the girls to him, just give up already Dekucks
You stole my bit, but I appreciate the devotion my friend.
Are you grapekun
Eso no puede ser, tu ya tuviste sexo con mi hermana
mein führer, you look so fucking fat!
No fuck that fag, I just relate to how much pussy Bakugou gets LMAO, who else??
I hope we'll get spoilers soon.
>Literally migrates to the next thread to be a gigantic faggot
For all the Sup Forums that frequent these threads, I’m surprised there hasn’t been any Rorschach Twice fanart
I'm working on them, but then again I'm working on a lot of stuff. I'm a shameless shipperfag though so it's more cute than l-lewd
Feels like I'm in heaven.
But that's the whole thing. I thought it'd look cute, so I didn't draw her whole body.
I won't post art unless is finished, I promise. Thank you for showing interest either way, user-kuns.
>Dekuck, Todocuck or Kamicuck
>Having a valid opinion
BTFO fag move over the Bakuchads are here
I only have a few art of them, since there's not that many.
No, yo tuvo sexo con NUESTRO hermana
>it's more cute than l-lewd
i can still fap to that
Thank you for making this despite the constant state of these threads
Fuck off. If you want to pick a shit meme character at least pick Deadpool where Twice is clearly inspired off of.
Please do not lump us in with you
literally every girl in this manga already agreed that CHADoroki is the hottest , and BETAko is an autist that no one wants
>Calls himself a chad while getting bootyblasted this easily
I like how you assumed what character I like just because I called you a faggot
I want to rape that Nazi.
His “I need my mask” is closer to Rorschach than to Memepool. His similarity to Memepool is just the insanity
BNHA threads are pretty chill. At least we have only one shitposter and he's easy to recognize,. There are other places on Sup Forums that aren't as nice.
Spoken like a true mutant
>0 girls
If you hate Bakugou you're obviously one of the faggots he stole a waifu from lmfao, there's literally no other explanation, it's sad
>I'm a shipperfag
alright no problem. could you do a cute pic of Deku sitting getting a kiss to his cheeks from two girls? Prefferbly Eri and Uraraka (or instead froggy and mina)
If I report you, how many of the posts will be deleted from here?
When will she force Gentle to marry her?
also the journal and the "twisted" way he sees society
I never said I hated Bakugou, I just said your an enormous faggot
>Moves on this thread because I blown him the fuck out in the other thread earlier
Ready for the second beatdown you self-inserting faggot.
>girl talks to BETAko that means she likes him
you BETAkofags are so delusional it's sad
>And now some random Bakuchad guy
Just block and do not respond to them, at this rate we may surpass the DB threads
Please stop replying to him