Eren is objectively the best shingeki.
Shingeki no Kyojin
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Killing of women and children was inevitable, and their lives will be worth it for the freedom the rest of eldia will gain.
Care to expand?
His the most attractive.
Extremely proactive.
Martial art specialist.
The most committed.
Just all around the best shingeki.
t. Flocke
He had to, if he hesitated WHT would've killed him by now.
If Eren can bust out from underground, the only thing stopping Reiner was the civilians.
Does that mean Annie could do it? What does this mean for the anime where they need muh lightning bolts.
>His the most attractive.
He looks like a tranny and basement dweller
>Martial art specialist.
Still jobs all the time and needs to be saved
i don't remember what you mean about "lightning bolts" but I guess its a slight plothole, but maybe Annie just didn't want to risk it, maybe also the tunnel thing was a little more further down than we think, iduno
Eren a shit.
Shifters are hit by lightning in the anime
Post spoilers to instantely become the Female Titan
LH is objectively the best ship
or they are the source of the lightning, as lightning can be ground to cloud. Titan Research Facility may have more information as to various chemical/biological reactions that are happening but of course we'll never know
>as lightning can be ground to cloud.
It can be, but it isn't. It comes from the sky.
Didn’t Ymir’s transformation have a big ball of light? I don’t remember her getting hit by lightning.
I guess however it works with regular lightning, it is happening in a Titan Transformation to the point where it causes a lightning strike in broad daylight or with no weather shit, simply such a powerful electrical reaction going on it forces the issue. Matter is theoretically being formed out of nothing. Obviously our normal physics and chemistry knowledge can't be applied to when a Titan is being formed
well it was big ball of light with a bunch of electrical bolts going on about, and the sound it made was definitely electrical.
when she transformed in the flashback in the snow it wasn't focused on her, so we just saw the flash
We only saw her transform from the ground up, any time we see her from the top of the tower, the titan is already forming. Lots of Electricity too. I still think the answer is Science.
If nanomachines confirmed is the endgame, I'll be mad.
naaah. If you ignore any scientific possibility to Titans forming, then via magic they are basically creating Matter from nothing.
So whatever the chemical reaction is, and biological exchange is.. all of it, is something just on some absurd scale.
However, NANOMACHINES may come into play in the future! Despite what Magath says, and their new policy, I believe at least the Shifters will be useful for many decades. Biological Metal Gears are coming, they basically already have one.
When can we expect s3 trailer? I want to see Zackly.
Around the 22nd.
>feeling nostalgic over this series
>read till the latest chapter
>found out Annie never came back and is likely dead
Wished I didn't bother at all
i enjoy your suffering you useless annifag
Harsh bud brah
>yfw waiting for the Marley animated
>end of Season 4
>all pure titans is dead, BRZP killed in Shiganshina
>sad story about Grisha invented titans, and tested serum on Zeke.
>Armin seeing ocean, The End
I will kill myself
I'll join you
Nice knowing you, you're both as good as dead.
When will Mikasa give up on Eren?
>implying jean the man didnt pop 2 kids in that puss already
Someone summarize what happened in the manga since Ymir and her gf ran away
>what happened in the manga since Ymir
I will summarize this in three letters: WTF.
Politics and flashbacks.
Her transformation in the forest had a big lightning strike
I think in the anime there was also lightning in the background when she shifted on the snowy mountain.
le monke
Erem transformed underground and busted out of the tunnel in Stohess, although the anime might have messed that up, I forget. Obviously the plan was to bring Annie deeper.
Kind of strange Eren could shift in that basement, but not in the dwell. Unless there was maybe at least a little sunlight in the basement. Also Porco and Pieck also weren't able to shift in that hole.
Eren couldn't shift in the well because he didn't have a goal
Porco and Pieck couldn't transform because they would crush each other
Now you know that the "lightning" is the visualization of a path sending matter to a shifter so the titan can form.
Multidimensional matter transference, bitches.
>we killed a bunch of people already so we have to kill a bunch more to justify that
Even the official BSM is saying to look forward to this month's chapter. I know it most likely means nothing but maybe it means something will happen. My bet is on Colossal Armin or seeing Annie/the FT again.
Also, it's been a while since the last major character death. We're due for one soon.
>i used google translation so i dont know how close it is
>Headache, nausea and dizziness seem to stop stopping 40 shoulder and love ... It was, it was not?
What did she mean by these ?
On wich day the chapter will be released?
Pedo, do you follow any other series?
I assume he follows any show with little girls he can fantasize about.
Low quality objectively wrong OP
200% WOAH.
But really, even Asano at this point knows japan couldn't care less about Armong.
>major character death
*cutes in front of you*
Sasha is next
Eren is a cucked puppet that keeps repeating the same mistakes
The mistake was allowing the Eldian Empire to be ruled by King Fritz. The Jaegers will bring it back to its former glory
>a pathetic cowardly jobber
>mikasa's little bitch who's also a jobber
How would you bring peace between Eldians and the rest of the world? Not genocide or slavery allowed. Bring your best, anons.
t. Speedreader
Complete ignorance of each others existence, define borders and leave each others alone. Eldia just showed that they are not the be messed with
Make titans outdated and let time work it's magic like it does in the real world.
Armored being brough down easily by a few bombs is a sure disay of that. Ragetard's show wasn't glorious either.
True, but the world still need to see nuclear Armong do his thing and terrorise everyone, and the threat of the colossal titans in the walls is still alive
Only allow non Eldian women to reproduce with Eldian men.
Well Eren is pretty boring so it happens sometimes with him
>Armong terrorize everyone
They'll laugh if they see him.
> Hisu offers chocolate to Ymir for valentine day/white day
> EHshit cucked again by a corpse
Did she give it to her while wearing a sexy maid costume?
Have aliens drop down from the sky and force peace at laserpoint.
Alternatively, have the rest of the world make children with the Eldians until everyone has some aort of Eldian blood and can become titans, without goving up their unique cultures and races entirely. If all humans are titans, no one will be discriminated against for being a titan.
It would also come handy in helping humanity protect itself from an alien invasion.
My point is that it's not that easy or clean.
what will they name their child ?
This desu.
As long as Paradis doesn't expand its borders, and find a country friendly with them to mediate diplomatic efforts (the asians could likely fit the bill), there's nothing saying eldians can't live peacefully with the rest of the world.
As long as they keep a strong navy to defend themselves, they're in a good position to defend themselves being in an island. Nobody will go through the trouble of invading Paradis if they keep to themselves in that case.
Plus, economic interests would likely bring Paradis to the world scenario, since they have a ton of natural resources the world will be interested in trading.
I think that Paradis will be what Isayama wanted for Japan: a powerful country in an island, with its own characteristics that sets it apart from the rest of the world.
Nothing, since there will be no child.
So Kruger Kruger?
>chocolate in heart shape
Cute. Wish I could play this game as well.
LM soon.
Hongo OUT
So they name it after the father.
>I think that Paradis will be what Isayama wanted for Japan
Article 9: the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force
He's not really being subtle about it.
Eren is gay
While yes that's likely what Isayama wants and what would have happened, but sadly Eren exists and will probably fuck everything and everyone over just because.
Why so mad LMfag
Not really, manlet sees her as a family anf SL are basically kids for him unless you are a speedreaderor unless you are a dumblrina with daddy issues that would please old men and flirt with your uncle
This is the superior Shingeki.
Oh fuck. Isayama confirmed for wanting imperial japan back.
Kek you keep coming back with the same argument LHfat. There is no source to back this up.
Honestly even Levi and Hisu had more chemistry than Levi and Mikasa had, I don't know why some people think Mikasa would fuck his 20 years older uncle all of a sudden, shit is pretty disgusting and Mikasa can't stand Levi that much.
Today I will remind them
Kruger best shingeki
>rivamikafag asking for source
Read the manga and not tumblr, Zeke can sit on manlet that Mikasa would only care about Eren and Armin