This is Sato-sensei, a Demi-chan and a succubus. Try not to get an erection.
This is Sato-sensei, a Demi-chan and a succubus. Try not to get an erection
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>Try not to get an erection.
Too late
I wanna get cold.
How much self-control did it take for Ironman-sensei to not rape her? It must be difficult with all that testosterone he has.
I want to be pinned to the ground by a JC succ.
Doesn't that hurt?
It's not rape if she desperately wants it
Dear god man! Don't fall Ironman! You can do it!
>can't rape the willing
>Nutted but she still succ'n
Iron-sensei s a god among men.
He's a big guy.
It would probably be horrible, since after you fuck, she’s probably incredibly sweaty with Succ stink. It’s like a positive feedback loop of dicking
you should go see a doctor about that
Stop it, user.
My dick can get only so erect. It's starting to hurt.
You could always lick the stink off, however that could have unforeseen consequences
Have translations advanced nicely after the anime ended? I think I stopped reading when they were explaining dullahan chans head portal shit.
You're killing me, user.
This might come as a shock to you, but not every man will start raping women just because they're sexually aroused by them.
Ha, nice try man. Men are just violent animals who think with their penis. Now get back to the garage and fix my car.
Well if they hook up what will happen? Will she have 24/7 erection and all the time they are together in the house would he rape her?
>muh dick
I don’t think she has a pOnOs, user, and since they’re both very attractive and horny, I don’t think he’ll have to rape her
I mean more like what would their everyday life look like. Would he get used to this? Or all the time he would have to restrain himself.
It would just be like every other relationship. He'd be in the mood all the time and she'd be in the mood like every two weeks at best.
Do we know when succubus auras start to happen? Hopefully at LEAST puberty, holy shit otherwise it'd be bad.
Her earliest negative experience with it was being bullied in high school, so it probably sets in with puberty.
That was middle school.
I want to lovingly pump Sakie full of babies
Me too, but the thought that I'd probably end up unwillingly sexually assaulting my own daughter(s) is scary. As a husband and father to succubi, you'd have to move away at some point.
I'm sure there'll be no negative repercussions if I'm around the kids in a haz-mat suit. Or stay in touch via video conferencing. Or constantly inject local anaesthetic into my groin.
I'd do it all for Sakie.
how can someone possibly be this fucking erotic? holy fuck man
Can't tell if SJW, joking, butch-feminist, or religious leader demanding no one be allowed to see ankles
t-too late!
rape explicitly requires a lack of consent.
if she's actively after you, and wants you, and finally manages to make you lose it and ravage her, there was no rape: she simply won.
>if she's actively after you, and wants you, and finally manages to make you lose it and ravage her, there was no rape: she simply won.
how can we men even compete? its very unfair
You can just submit.
Her show didn't impress me that much to be honest.
same only sticking for fanarts and porn but most of it is NTR so idk
I couldn't possibly get hard looking at a girl with glasses.
And without?
Too blurry to see? Take yours off and get a new prescription man.
Since she has no experience, do you think she'd be bad at sex? Or would it come to her like a natural instinct.
By picking your battles.
This one, the only way to win is not to fight it.
Satou-sensei is asleep.
so if she is succubus, does she have the sex drive of a succubus WITH the aphrodisiac effects?
I could hear the sound effect in my head
I'm disappointed she got shit doujins, She got ONE good one and the rest were shit. At least Sasamori could have done something with her.
Why is everybody posting the Gif when the Webm is superior?
She probably does. Plus, spending your life knowing that you're going to be wanted that badly is going to have an effect; the moment she chose to start going after iron-man, she basically had to accept that she intends to subject him to the full force of her body every day from then on once she does get a relationship going.
I think you might have autism user
I've never been diagnosed, but it kinda 'didn't exist' as a thing to even test for for most of us 20 years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if I was a little bit on the spectrum.
That was by far the most polite fucking reply to being called autistic I've ever seen on here user.
it's the most autistic reply too
'least it's not an assburger rage.
>tiny areola
Only acceptable by low test faggots
don't worry, there's a way to make them bigger.
well, they'll get a bit darker too.
Is she the kind of succubus that sucks your... soul after sex?
She'd be bad, but you wouldn't even notice, already having to intensely focus on not nutting instantly.
tiny is best, big is ugly
that's a very odd euphemism for cleaning off your dick
All glasses are terrible except this one.
Would a lesbian be affected by her or did they say it was men specifically?
It affects everyone.
Everyone? I have to read/watch it again I guess.
Get in line, buddy.
I am paladin and i want to punish this succubus in the name of god, deus vult
Punish for what?
Pretty sure it only affects men, since none of the girls acted weird during the pool episode.
for her foul existence
God is a racist. Wow.
You didn't know? That's why we need to find Him, kill Him, and take His power for ourselves.
There are succubi other than Satou-sensei that are far more deserving of your purging.
I haven't seen any more translations for the past few months now, sadly
>pure girl who has lived for hundreds of years
>pure gyaru
>pure succubus
What's next?
It got licensed so translations won't show up the usual places now. Some user gave me this link and said it was some newer chapters up to volume 5.
Either it's:
>single mother
>cheating mother
Unless you just mean pure older woman, which there are already many of.
That flew right over your head, didn't it?
Bahamut did that already
That's not what they meant, probably, but the MILF could have adopted.
No problem. I am immune to old hags.