Remember how fun Ash used to be?

Remember how fun Ash used to be?

How can they continue with this character for so long? He just goes through the same old character arcs time after time.

The only good Pokemon series was the first.

well were supposed to grow up. Children of the new generation will experience a renew Pokemon every decade.

>The only good Pokemon series was the first.
Have you actually watched all the pokemon seasons?

Just pretend that Ash is different from current Ash, just like every Link is different.
At the very least, SM Ash is different from the one who's story ended in XYZ.

So? That's no excuse to keep Ash as the main character.

I've watched bits of every season and my point remains. Ash never should've stayed as the MC the whole way through.

The first season was the best by virtue of Ash being a fresh, naive character ripe for development. After gen 1, he's like a boring blob.

> Ash
His name is Satoshi.

>Remember how fun Ash used to be?

I bet OP is also one of the people who complained that SM is too "kiddy" and "fillery" and not mature enough

I enjoyed him the XY series. He's portrayed like an experienced trainer and ends up in much higher scale battles and situations to the point that he just fucks up everyone in the Pokemon league off-screen except his main rivals.

>The first season was the best by virtue of Ash being a fresh, naive character ripe for development
So what they'd be rehashing that every season if it were up to you. It's not like the writing in Pokemon is anything stellar, we'd just get one newfag after another starting a journey and 20 years of that would get just as old. At the end of the day, the anime doesn't matter, the games are what the average person care about;.

When I was 6 Pokemon was THE coolest shit that existed. When the TV anime was brand new, those grainy, simple, badly animated episodes of this goof wandering around with his collectable, colorful creatures were mind blowing

He's matured a little

It's all of those things, but they're not the reason why it sucks.

Everything after May was trash.

Everything thing after [Gen I stopped paying attention to the show] is garbage that shouldn't exist because [I didn't watch it]

>Poke-animefags in general

Maybe it was just a generational thing, he was fun for our generation, and then that generation changed.

I never watched the anime, hasn't Ash been a twelve year old adventurer for like 20 years and Gary is a literal professor now?
how was this even explained

Pretty sure not that much time has passed in-series.

Most of us know that they won't stop using Ash because he's the most recognizable human, or are you serious about a company discarding something that makes them earn millions?

Gary retired from training after losing to Ash and started following in his Grandpa's footsteps. As far as the timeline goes, it's only bee 2 years at the most in-universe.


Is this from when he was bullying the baseball loli? He was cooler back then. They'd never let him do shit like that now