This is Zero Two.
She's feeling down this week.
Say something nice to her to cheer her up!
Darling in the FranXX
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I like your horns!
Imagine being Hiro in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Ichigo, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your flat, midget body and incompetent leader skills. I will totally listen to you, both as a person and as a pilot." when all he really wants to do is initiate the smooch on his hot Oni girl wearing the modest one piece swimsuit in the ocean. Like seriously imagine having to be Hiro and not only stand on the cold beach while Ichigo flaunts her slutty 2 piece bikini, the night sky barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just stand there, second after second, line after line, while she stammered out her beta orbiter feelings. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her bossy attitude as everyone on the beach told her she's A COMPETENT LEADER and DAMN, ICHGO LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to stand here and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been locking lips with the pink-haired Oni for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Plantation 13. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her shitty haircut as she starts walking in your footsteps like some creepy autistic stalker, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to listen to her childish feelings and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then she starts talking about the kiss you hated and trying to be the homewrecking slut in your relationship, and you know you could continue ignoring her and swim out to the ocean to see 02, but you stand there and endure, because you're fucking Hiro. You're not going to lose your recently appointed position as Strelizia's stamen over this. Just bear it. Interrupt her confession and bear it.
You are evil and I know it
get yer shit together desu
Strong and thick Futoshi dick
Hopefully your darling will evade the attempted homewrecker instead of just interrupting her this time and initiate the kiss you are trying to urge him into.
how long until PV?
55 minutes
I'm afraid Nishigori fucked up. 002 is the Jorougumo.
I want to marry Ikuno
You're about to lose, bitch
>tfw Ichigo made sure to officially welcome Hiro to the team and pretend 02 didn't exist
Oni's a bitch but Ichigo was petty for that.
I want 02 to win the MCbowl, but it’s becoming more and more obvious Ichigo will win.
This is suffering.
I think that screen grab is actually my OC. Pretty sad but that made my day desu.
Oni is not for bulli
Daily reminder she's a bakemono
I just had a thought.
We've had all these theories like charlemagne etc but isn't it strange that we've had 7 episodes and we still don't know what the fuck the plot is supposed to be about.
They keep alluding to a love story and throw in a multi dimensional love triangle. Maybe a rebellion? What the fuck is a crevasse? I just don't know.
Ichigo kissu Hiro.
While I await the PV to go up, for the sake of fun, I am going to compare Franxx to the Three Kingdoms.
Now, anime MCs have a habit of sharing traits with Liu Bei - the "humble, true pious knight" figure so as to say. Indeed, upon first appearance Hiro very much resembles Liu Bei in his soft-spoken demeanor and attitude. Additionally, like the infamous Shumaker, he also harbours hints of subtly hidden ambition - for example, his EP 5 quip that one day he might control the rain.
However, perhaps it is only this duplicity that he shares with Liu Bei. When you look at the relationship between Hiro and 02, the first thing that should come to mind if you're a Three Kingdoms fan is the relationship between Diaochan and Lu Bu. And indeed, Hiro resembles Lu Bu one way - he is hypercompetent in Franxx combat - "valour and virtue" indeed.
This is all very disturbing, because the fall of Lu Bu came from his overdoting on Diaochan and neglecting his duties as a warlord. Perhaps this is what Dr Franxx is trying to warn against. Only time will tell.
So who is Cao Cao/ what traits does Hiro share with Cao Cao? Who is Zhuge Liang or Sima Yi? Who is Liu Xie, Xian of Han? This is all very interesting speculah.
I might do an Undertale comparison if I feel particularly bored, but given that Undertale is somewhat contentiously received, I will refrain for now.
for me 02 and in love with hiro, she is not manipulating him.
In ep 2, 02 observed hiro training, she watched him until ep 3 waited until after the workouts and asked if he wanted to run away with her.
in ep 4 she was in tears because she had to leave hiro to go back to fight .. plus she stated that she wanted to be with him ..
When hiro confides her feelings, she stops and smiles, but it's not a manipulative smile, she did it because she knew what she was going to do ..
In ep 5 she treated him like her boyfriend.
In the end she laughed, because he still saw her as a tool to use to drive.
In the quarrel with ichigo, 02 has behaved like that because he does not consider ichigo as a threat, she behaved like that because she is used to being treated like a monster, and closes in on herself, not surprisingly she became furious when ichigo said that it is not human.
When it started it rained, 02 calmed down and thought of hiro thanks to the rain ..
In fact the next day, she asked hiro if it was him who made it rain ..
In ep 6 there was confirmation, 02 continued to stimulate hiro to bring him to her level because she believed in him ...
in the end she became furious because she feels guilty for killing hiro, in fact as soon as she watches hiro lying on the ground, she comments and becomes even more furious ...
There was no more connection at that time, but hiro managed to see the sadness of 02 for his death, because they already knew each other much earlier, they met at the grand cravasse and they kissed them the first time. ...
The confirmation of all this happened when hiro hugged 02.
Ep 7 Dr. franx, warns hiro .. in a nutshell, the doc .. said hiro to use his head with 02, must be a relationship at the same level, he must not do everything he wants her, must understand her and trust her, but at the same time make sure that she and he do not get hurt.
02 Is sad beacuse is not in a group.
If nothing else, we saw Hiro giving the advice that Dr. Franxx gave him serious thought.
Implying that he does want to always be 02's partner, and he's trying to figure out how to make that work. Too bad Dr. Franxx has to be the cryptic old wise man trope.
Nobody REALLY likes this selfish bitch, right?
How the fuck can anyone like her after her hypocritical monologue at the beginning of the last episode? She keeps going after Hiro because she wants him to love her but has she ever stopped and thought about Hiro's feelings?
A few more edits to remove the last of the old stuff (the leathery skin and stretchmarks can easily be replaced with something else) and you'll have a perfect copypasta worth spamming.
Excellent start!
I miss Worried Strawberry.
You're way better than Violet Evergarden and I know you're going to beat Ichigo and be happy with Darling.
Don't bully Cocona. She is just a lil silly
15 min guys!
>What the fuck is a crevasse?
A very large slit in mountainous terrain.
It's 30 minutes.
But you have to keep it recognisable and as a homage to the original. It still kind of works with her.
It will be a bit late and maybe banned outside Japan anyway.
It's not going to be sex related is it?
It fucking is, I bet.
This never gets old. Added.
let’s see
-slim body
-tight ass
-strong willed
-yet soft on the inside
-literally pure maiden since she’s unable to notice Goro’s feelings despite being a close friend
-a top notch partner
-believes Hiro has found what he needed with 02 but she will continue to behave protective until 02 agrees not to hurt Hiro
-a friend leader
-looks gorgeous with green eyes and blue hair
-thinks kissing is intriguing
-had a kiss with Hiro and absolutely nothing happened because he’s too obsessed with a aids infested whore to realize Ichigo is perfect
-cute face
Not a single person ITT would choose 02 a used good over her.
That's a crevice. A crevasse is a crack in a large body of ice.
still fucking mad. Hiro obviously got up to talk to 02 but Ichibitch interrupted him. Dude should of just said "leave me alone" but of course he's too nice to say no
>Not a single person ITT would choose 02 a used good over her.
>Not a single person ITT would choose 02 a used good over her.
Speak for yourself
>ichifags only defense against Oni is "s-sh-she fucks tons of dudes, she's a whore!"
17 minutes
That never mattered. Its not banned on their twitter account and someone always rips it and makes a webm of it.
Both Ichigo and 02 are boring and we have better couples to discuss anyway
>Hiro: Gosh 02, the entrance looks really small, are you sure about this?
>02: Don't worry about, just stick the Franxx on in there
>Hiro: Uungh, it's a tight fit, bit it looks like we're in action
>02: Haah, yeah, you're right. Keep going deeper Darling
Well there is Hiro. The second most important character in the show.
>Ichikawa: After the 4th episode, Mitsuru won’t get to say much. Recently, there have been episodes where I only have 2 lines throughout – just when I think he’s got something to say, it only turns out to be him taking a breath. ‘So today, I’ve finally been reduced to only breathing…’ (laughs).
>The apex of 02's romantic knowledge is the kiss, her holy grail
>Something to reserve only for the one you love
>Used goods
Hiro is more used goods than 02 is at this point.
Someone's gonna die next episode, aren't they?
>Not a single person ITT would choose 02 a used good over her.
>Says this
>In a haven for virgin betas who've very likely to have friendzoned girls like Ichigo for not being 02s
where do you think, etc.
All I want is Goro not to die a virgin. That's all. Best boy should get something for being best boy, friend and husbando.
*smiles externally*
>Miku, I want to like you as a friend but if you grope me in the changing room ONE MORE TIME I will stab you
>Zorome, just fucking shut up for once. Shut up. No-one cares.
>I wish you'd actually try to act like a leader for us Ichigo and not just pine endlessly over Hiro. Goro would do a better job.
>You're so gross 02 I can hardly believe it. Can't you even try to eat food by yourself like a normal person? If you eat all our honey like that you'll end up looking like Futoshi
>And I can't believe you just let her act like that around us Hiro, it's totally improper, don't you have any self-respect as a guy?
>Yeah go back to reading your books Ikuno, it might help you forget that you're only good at holding your partner back
>You could at least pretend to care about anybody other then yourself Mitsuru, maybe somebody might actually like you then
>I'm sorry Futoshi but I hate you and always have. You have no idea just how disgusting you are when stuff another whole bread down your filthy mouthbreathing hole to feed your bloated sluglike body, the day I was chosen to be your partner was the worst day in my life. I thought it would get better if I played along but here I am
*continues to smile externally*
Too soon
You can fuck and suck dick without any kissing on the lips involved. It's what prostitutes do for a living.
His mouth are busy kissing Kokoro
Where exactly will the PV be uploaded? This is my first time staying up all night (it's 4am) for a damn PV
If you want to pilot 02's ass, you must not fall in love with her.
>Not a single person ITT would choose 02 a used good over her.
Except for...Hiro.
It'll be posted as a youtube link on the official twitter
assuming it's not region locked on youtube then you'l have to wait for some fag to reupload it elsewhere.
I have a hard time seeing the pathetic ugly autists who watch this show "friendzoning" anyone. They probably never talked to a female in their lives.
You can tell they are 02fags because they take schadenfreude at Ichigo getting sisterzoned by their self-insert character. Something they will never get the chance to experience first hand.
Nobody in Eva died until what, like episode 22?
saw this posted before but this is so fucking stupid I love it
that fucking "get in the franxx (should say car imo) dahling" with 02's face kills it
Oh, is Hiro ITT? Self-inserters don't count.
what did he mean by this?
I wouldn’t be surprised if 002 died, a girl winning MCbowl right in the first ep of an anime is almost unheard of, so you know something’s up.
That guy from the school.
I am Hiro.
What a nice girl
Watch more anime.
Not in the anime, calm down Sadamoto.
>Self insert.
I am also Hiro.
>I have a hard time seeing the pathetic ugly autists who watch this show "friendzoning" anyone
that's some projection there, and trust me, it can happen without you ever finding out until it's too late for you to do something
I’d take that twist, especially if Zero Two or Ichigo off each other in the process. Leave Hiro a devastated wreck and open to going fully insane? I’ll have two.
where is it
Yes it was, episode 17.
PV delayed for another hour.
Episod delayed
Trigger episode?
Toji didn't die. Are you thinking of someone else at the school?
Toji doesn't die.
fuck it's 3 am
Where is it