Director, Script: Shinji Takamatsu (Gintama, School Rumble)
Character Designer: Hideoki Kusama
Studio: Zero-G (Battery, Tsugumomo, Dive!!)
'Grand Blue' Anime Info
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Forgot to mention Takamatsu also directed Nichibros.
Basically, he's a perfect comedy anime director. Animation will probably be shitty though
FA needs to speed up those translations.
At least the director is good. Near perfect even. Studio is trash.
They actually got the best director the series can ever have. But they got shittiest studio ever for it.
Can Takamatsu actually save it?
I mean, let's be honest, Nichibros had some pretty lackluster and below average animation, but Takamatsu's directing was so perfect that didn't even matter. So I think it will.
>Perfect director
>Shit studio
Who'll prevail? Hint: It's the latter
It's not like Nichibros actually needed great animation really. But yeah, I kinda get what you mean. That said, the burden is bigger now for Takamatsu to bust out something. He has to carry that extra weight.
A good director can almost always shit animation.
*almost always salvage
grand blue doesnt even need good animation. just get the stills right.
This is actually kinda true for this series. As long as they don't butcher the stills, they can get by.
Takamatsu was doing Sakamoto which was animated by DEEN and it was fine.
Look. It's not like DEEN can't into animation. They can do great when they need to. You can easily see it in Konosuba.
Zero-G though. That's an unproven studio. Doesn't help that they butchered Tsugumomo.
Shame about the studio. But I'm really glad about the director. Well animation isn't that important in this kind of series but hopefully Hideoki won't mess up the character designs, his works aren't half bad.
I wonder how many people will watch this thinking it's about scuba diving.
holy shit a diving anime, nice
A lot
So I'm assuming 12-13eps. When will it end? Okinawan trip?
> diving anime
read the fucking manga
>taking a obvious bait
Seriously? You fell for that?
So this really is happening? Well I hope the threads can still be salvaged after the secondaries come in.
It get getting a simulpub by crunchyroll from now on.
I guess the screenwriter will be the bakatest guy since he screenwrote illya.
I cannot wait to watch all that
Will he though?
They got the greatest comedy director ever. I'm excited.
fuck yeah im just happy this is made.
now im just waiting for dungeon menshi and ill be content.
my romcom side will be fine with either komi or kaguya getting an adaptation.
i really did not expect this to get an anime, hope it's not absolute shit
Why has nobody posted the PV yet?
>Studio: Zero-G (Battery, Tsugumomo, Dive!!)
Well. The animation is going to suck ass, isn't it? I'm still traumatized from the water animation of Dive.
So is it coming in spring or summer? Any details on that?
I thought we just got a Granblue anime.
Sugita confirmed
>Shinji Takamatsu (Gintama, School Rumble)
There's hope.
I hope everything they release makes it look like a serious diving manga with everyone just smiling acting like they're all great friends. Then when it comes out we see all the drinking and how much pieces of shit they are.
Who is iori voice actor
holy shit I love it
so misleading
Everyone in PaB but Iori is alright. Iori is just scum.
No va cast was announced yet. There's still time till summer.
Summer most likely
Yeah by they I kinda meant Iori,Kouhei and their classmates.
There won't be any water anyway, only the one inside the alcohol.
Sakamoto was ugly though
Anime no one wanted. Normal people will be disgusted by the Bara gay. Fujoshi will be disgusted by fanservice and gay played as a joke. The rest will drop it because of stupid humor.
Let's be honest. Nichibros/and Sai 10 are 10/10 comedy manga. Grand Blue is shit.
Are you ok buddy? There's no need to be a wet blanket all the time. Chin up.
There was a time GB pretended to be about diving though for a little bit when Iori started to genuinely enjoy it.
>Shinji Takamatsu
basically confirmed we get at least Kamiyan or Sugita in the show
Well he enjoys it fully now so it's not really an issue anymore.
Because the pic in the OP is enough since the PV is literally just that+discovery channel footage
>tfw busujima sama won't appear in the anime
Who will voice /our guy/ kouhei though?
I hope it's Daisuke Ono so bad. Blond, buff, gives a serious vibe but is a total loser -- quite similar to the roles he's doing.
That's just a remake of famous 1988 movie "Le grand bleu".
I bet he uses his volleyball scene he did in Nichibros, Binan, Sakamoto, etc
Amanchu also exist, sequel next season
>I bet he uses his volleyball scene
One can dream.
>hire a studio with track record of drawing terrible water
>for a diving manga
>but there's no actual diving
This is the closest to an anime version of Animal House, huh?
>muh animation
holy shit this not a battle shonen, the manga is just reaction faces anyway
Won't she appear in the idol festival?
In contrast, Nichijou had above average animation but the comedy itself was ass.
>he lets the buff senpai do volleyball drunk and naked
>ryota drew hinata
>is an ochako fan
Oh god. I'm glad I saw the light and don't think Ochako's best girl anymore.
Holy fuck, YES.
Me until just now. Fuck
The colors are going to look awful in this adaptation. This is one of those series that easily looks way better in black and white than it does in color. Seriously what was the author thinking with those hair colors?
I hope we get Sugita and Nakamura combo for Kouhei and Iori.
>air in 3 months
>not a teaser but an actual PV
>no animation to show off
So how fucked is this project?
>Seriously what was the author thinking with those hair colors?
Initially I thought this as well, but I've gotten used to them. The only one I still have issue with is fucking Iori's hair being cyan of all things instead of just black.
Would he be happy married to any of the women in the club?
>Casuals will now flock to this series and say this is the next Konosuba, and constantly say how the jokes isn't as funny
>it will constantly be mocked and trolled in stalker threads for not selling x amount and not topping the charts
>Fujo's will be spamming the thread about their bara and slash ships, with more yaoi doujins coming out
>Shippers will be bitching about how x is shit and their waifu is best girl
I can't fucking wait.
4% of water at best.
To everyone ITT saying
>waahhh the secondaries are gonna ruin everything
Who fucking cares? If the adaptation is good then great for us, if it's not then the manga still exists.
>Those visuals like this is some serious anime about diving
Kek, anime only are in for a treat. Studio is trash though
>Kek, anime only are in for a treat.
Not really because all the manga readers are constantly spoiling that fact and recommendations are already flying around on the basis of it being a comedy-heavy series.
Its like with Made In Abyss when every single thread everywhere, and almost every recommendation made reference to the fact that it got dark/violent later. Either directly or with a pretense of innocence so flimsy it'd give wet rice paper a run for its money (i.e., "this is just a fun adventure anime where nothing bad happens really :^^^^^^)))))").
The only people who'll be legitimately taken for a ruse cruise are the rare few anime-only who somehow avoid contact with manga readers or other anime-only who have come in contact with manga readers.
>advertise it as actual diving
Cast them folks
Iori: Kamiya Hiroshi
Kouhei: Sugita Tomokazu
Chisa: Satou Rina
Azusa: Sawashiro Miyuki
Nanaka: Kayano Ai
Aina: Hanazawa Kana
It's not that important anyway, in GB the "twist" happens maybe 10 pages in the first chapter.
Konosuba is barely discussed anymore. Things will only be worse in the short term. Though I guess some fanbases can't be fixed though.
>implying grand blue isnt already a borderline normalfag manga
It really isn't
I don’t think you know what that word means.
The pic is wrong, the guys there have pants.
The real question is: What would YOU have done?
>Azusa: Sawashiro Miyuki
Perfect for fapping to.
Nothing, this was a red flag if there ever was one. Even if Azusa was 100% honest.
there is nothing wrong with having sex with your friends
With the force of thousand suns
>Director, Script: Shinji Takamatsu
it's top 10 in the MAL manga ranking
Its a new studio they can do a great job, Tsugumomo animation was ok and the Director is a 10/10 for this series so I expect this anime to be aots/aoty probably.
Why is this director so based?