We're waiting for spoilers. What do you think will happen?
Boku no Hero Academia
aoyama will dance
Redemption Endeavor will show up with Icymom to surprise Shouto at the festival.
Concert happens, Eri watches, Gentle shows up. Don’t think there’ll be any surprises.
It would be amazing enough if Endeavor showed up by himself
Boring Deku training
and boring festival stuff
Loving parents
No, that's fun
chapter 173:nothing happens. again.
What was in that deleted post?
Really really hope Todoroki will resemble his father as he grows. Young Endy looks fantastic.
Where are her nipples?
>Made 3 general threads with only 30-100 in one day
I'm both impressed and dissapointed at the same time.
Nor the a-1 stuff
I have no idea, I don’t even know how i managed to reply to that instead of
The usual amount of IPs on non-spoiler and non-chapter days are usually around 100. Dunno how big the number is in American daytime, though.
>Made 4 general threads that only contain from 30-100 posters in one day
I'm both impressed and dissapointed at the same time. Come on guys we are better than this.
Why did the last Thread get deleted? ;-;
What's funny is that OP's picture is more inline with what Midnights costume actually looks like. They have a thirty year old woman in a skintight, nearly transparent costume teaching highschool age children while obsessing over the 'youthful' boys. Why is she allowed to teach again?
>more inline
That's how it is. Not more inline.
why not?
One Piece, Shokugeki, We Can't Study and HxH spoilers out.
Where are my Hero Academia ones? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>What's funny is that OP's picture is more inline with what Midnights costume actually looks like.
It's an official coloring by Hori. He always intended it to look like that, not white like in the anime.
nobody cares anymore
Will Midnight ever be confronted over he sex crimes? Will this predator ever be stopped?
Mustard will avenge the young boys
I want to thrust my hand down the front of Mina's shorts and fiddle her twiddle.
why bnha spoilers are so late
What if Inasa cheers Shouto on as he hits his growth spurts?
>"Wow you're growing so tall! Want to compare shoulders?"
>Todo feels emasculated
Don't know.
But it's still one week apart so it doesn't really matter.
Yonkou will probably post soonish.
Please don't get my hopes up. I'm still under a delusion that Todonasa has a chance.
>Inasa bumps Todoroki's shoulder
>"Hey! I can bump your shoulder now!"
>Todoroki about to get mad
>"That's so cool! I love seeing eye to eye with my friends!!"
>Todoroki taken aback as per usual about Inasa
I'd say they have a high chance of becoming a hero team
Would be nice.
>"Hey Shouto, shaving's such a drag, right? I have to do it twice a day or I'll have crazy stubble. How about you?"
>"I.......don't have to..."
>He is part of Todoroki's story arc regarding his dad
>Endeavor has a positive opinion of him (because he said he would cheer on him when he said he'd make Shouto proud)
>points out how compatible their quirks are
>Inasa actively tries to befriend and get close to him
todoinasa is real user
I want a tongue out blowjob from lil' Ochako, not the current one.
>>Todoroki about to get mad
better COOL off before inasa floors him
In the Berserk Blu-Rays.
I want to smell the manly musk of Inasa's sweat, I best he smells like pure testosterone
>Endeavor is not telling Inasa to stay out of his way, therefore he likes Inasa.
>Inasa tries to befriend pretty much anyone, but in Todo's case it's romance.
When's todoroki gonna get a cool hero name?
Man can you guys just post some cute feelgood shit I need it right now
>Todoroki doesn't have to shave because he burns his stubbles on sight once per month with his hand
Kinda unfair, man.
I wanna sniff Tooru's cockstink
I dunno if you like gayshit or not, so for now have this Ochako. I can also post comfy gayshit if you like.
>things are going good at festival
>in comes gentle and lovelover
>Eri has flashbacks of all the bullshit shes been through and begins freaking out
>in her stupor her abolities go haywaire and she accidently rewinds Mirio to the poi t of regaining his quirk
>her horn is conpletely vanidhed now and her quirk gone (at least for now for plot purposes)
After it all goes down when we get back to the mainline story, it'll be an arc about the todorokis/ endeavor redemption arc
Imagine being this deluded.
I don’t but thank you for the thought I appreciate the ochako
You can’t rewind things that have already been rewound over that’s not how rewinding works
>Mirio to the poi t of regaining his quirk
>mirio is now the number one hero
You see why that wouldn't happen, right?
You guys are retarded, im hori. I know what im talking about. Screen cap this
Why else would they stress eris horn being in a degenerative state. This is key in the stories progression in order to keep a limiter on her somehow
maybe i can dream that at some point she can rewind OH to heal his hands cause i feel sad for my boy
He destroyed 3 arms he deserved to lose his hands.
but he gibbed the tranny
maybe a few fingers but not both hands
user, you've got to admit it's adorable how hard he tries to befriend Todoroki in particular.
Even with his quirk, Mirio isn't nearly as busted as 100% OfA. Mirio would have been completely useless against the first Noumu, maybe it couldn't hurt him but he sure as shit wouldn't have been able to hurt it or stop it in any way
Now Mirio WITH OfA, that would be a broken as fuck hero for the ages.
He deserved to lose at least one since he destroyed Compresses arm.
I don't have to admit anything. I know it's fucking adorable and so bloody tempting, but it isn't enough to suggest that ship it has any chance of being somewhat official. Stop being such a naive baka.
That wasn't even me, but saying X ship is real is just memeing, dummy.
Pic related
>that huge boy is a first year student
I still can't believe it, those are some genetics
I wanna sniff Midnights naughty bits
who would win in a fight, tokoyami or hagakure ?
idc give me spoilers
The fuck is a PV?
Preview, I believe.
promotional video
As cute as this gif is it still bothers me Idas eyes are red like how do you fuck up so bad?
Aren't his eyes light red in the manga?
>mfw I still can't stop laughing over the fact that some user tried so hard to prove that Ochako wasn't useless, but instead only proved the the opposite.
ochakofags in general are really dumb
Todoroki should definitely become a big guy and form a team with Inasa. Maybe they could be called twin towers or something.
I hope you feel better user
The one that spams get out ?
Depends on how strong Hagakure is in hand to hand
neutralizing DS with pure light is one thing, beating Tokoyami is another
They were redish in the colour pages of the manga, the anime went with different coloured eyes for some characters, I think I remember Shinsou having red/pink eyes with more blueish hair in the manga colour pages too
Yep that one.
I really wanna see if Tokoyami followed All Might's advice
Is Horikoshi manlet if everyone is considered tall by him? Is this why Deku is a manlet too?
Yeah and Bakugou had like, grey hair in early colorings before the anime made him blond.
they are almost the same stat-wise
Their quirks would be good at preventing plane crashes.
Holy fuck I’ve been lied to
Can we have an arc without Deku, Faguko and Todoroki?
>can we have an arc without the main characters?
No can do.
PV soon lads.
>can we have an arc
hmmmm no
>Odd Future
Nice one Uverworld
I love Deku
Hori really seems to like red eyes
Like shiggy
Jeez is it the brown eyes of the bnha universe?
>red eyes
Screencap this