All assortment of awful terrible mothers are allowed.
Post Shitty Anime Moms
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this slut
No other character could beat this.
Considering how she cucked the protag, she might be best mom in my eyes.
How Kayo cucked him of course...
what happened?
Hopefully not explanation would be needed.
I think the dad is even worse
>I love this woman who clearly treats people like garbage because ''issues''
Manami is the best chick in that series user...
Obvious pick.
God dammit user
What the fuck is it with nip moms in shoujo.
I don't even remember what Miyo did to her daughter but wasn't she a worse wife than a mom?
why did I enter this thread
She beat her
What the fuck is it with nip parents in shoujo.
Do all shoujo pull the same "parents treated me well and I did everything to met their expectations until thing happened" shit?
Yeah pretty much. Course there are some good parents here and there but if a character has some sort of tragic backstory, it'll always be to do with their upbringing. Best you can hope for is that their parents died in some tragic accident or something.
What sort of terrible mother would prey upon her daughter's classmate?!
oh, fuck you. she's top tier mother of all time. would your mother kill a nigga for you? doubt.
A good mother wouldn't try to keep her son from dating cute girls.
Or outright cuck her son's gf like this one does.
This is kinda hot, not gonna lie on an anonymous basket weaving forum
Just raising her daughter to be a school killer.
do you think she would beat the high score of parkland school?
This one is good
Does karma get her back at least? I hate all these series where the mom is massive cunt yet never suffers the consequences and is even forgiven sometimes. Pic very related.
so whats the story?
Never seen again.
Still better that then what you posted. Even worse is this series about a delinquent-looking guy and his ghost friend. Since his mom couldn't love a kid who doesn't smile, she decides to leave her son and husband for her son's fucking teacher. Then we find out that relationship didn't even last like 3 months so she went to another guy. MC sees her years later as a teen and she pretends she doesn't know him. She also has a new kid now too. The whole subplot is resolved with him holding hands with his gf smiling to her while she just leaves yet again.
Pissed me off for weeks. There was no proper closure or confrontation. I'm not looking for the bitch to get her comeuppance or anything but for fucks sake, having a damn chat to resolve shit isn't hard as an author.
The mom abandoned the MC while he was a kid and ran off to start a new family with another man. She never once bothered to contact him. She comes back but she's possessed or something. When the enemy is defeated she's returned to normal and the MC being the beta little faggot his is simply forgives her and says he doesn't hate her. The best part if that if she wasn't possessed, she would have literally never ever contacted her son.
why does japan love the hole asshole parents trope
>I thought you'd be angry seeing me again ;_;
It actually took her fucking husband to search for his wife's son to give him a book that she wrote about him in. There's no excuse.
Because it's easy access to a tragic backstory or something. Also we're cherrypicking too.
Posting god-tier mom.
Posting best mum of all time. There is literally nothing you can post that will be better.
try harder
OK, we always see mothers treating their kids horribly in this thread but what about the opposite?
I fail to see the issue here.
The fucking sex scene in this film still makes me nauseous. Fucking disgusting.
Why does the daughter's hair color keep changing?
Some children start life as platinum blonds — often called "towheads" — but experience a darkening of hair color before they reach puberty.
Also I can't believe his mom just fucking killed her husband.
Male lead's mom tried to commit a family/lover's suicide or whatever. Only succeeded at killing herself and husband.
The loli's mom is legit mentally ill and couldn't cope with the loss of her son, was also on her way to committing a double suicide with her daughter too until she was stopped.
I can think of several with stepfathers, but not many with blood related fathers.
Jesus fucking christ.
Saezuru Tori wa habatakanai.
It's BL with plot.
Pic related is another nice stepfather moment.
OK, thanks for telling me anyhow. Also Bitter Virgin has a very nice, pleasant stepfather.
Really makes you wonder, is there even a single manga where the stepfather isn't a dick?
Yeah. This one. He's gladly disowned by his rich family for sticking by a woman and her kid.
more like "post dumb sluts that ruined their respective shows"
You fucks are all going to hell.
there's only the great black void's motherly embrace
She isnt a mom, user-san
Depraved but also comfy
Don't see the problem. The cunt deserved it.
Not a happy ending for everyone involved.
The mother deserves this by being overpowered by a fucking 9-10 year old. Nevermind everything else.