> makes me literally invincible
name one fight where Luffy loses
Don't read that shit if you want complex battles and power dynamics.
You are reading a shonen, the hero wins
> name one fight where Luffy loses
Would you want half a season of character development just to have the MC die? Once you start a series like this, you commit to the main character. This type of shit posting is just unimaginative.
Prior to this fight:
>Luffy barely defeated Doffy even though the latter was severely injured by Law.
>Luffy only defeated Cracker as a result of his limitless appetite, Nami's assistance, and using Cracker's biscuits against him.
>Luffy goes on to beat Katakuri, who is stronger than both Cracker and Doffy, all by himself. Katakuri even had to injure himself and Luffy somehow got really close to Kata's KnH level.
Good writing, Oda. Good writing.
> B-but Goda is a g-genius, r-right ?
Akainu fucked him up hard.
Luffy will be the first to make him fall down, then the fight will be interrupted though heavily implying Luffy would've lost.
Be honest guys, if this was any other manga the outcome of this fight would be trashed to death
It's true
This title ruined shounen. Before that we had titles that erent campy and childish like Yu Yu Hakusho, Ruroni Keshin and Hana no Keiji to name a few. What happened to manly manga?
This fight kills One Piece credibility. It's fucking unironically Fairy Tail status now.
Togashi is the only non hack left in jump
> trained 2 years
> almost Yonkou tier
What did Big meme do for a training? Binge eating and mating?
Aokiji stomped him pretty good.
>You are reading a shonen, the hero wins
This has to be bait. There are plenty of shounen manga with complex plots that lets the main character sometimes loses fights, you just happen to read a lot of shitty ones sorry.
Naruto killed the battle shounen genre further, that's for sure, it features everything wrong about the genre itself. Manly battle shounen still exists, but they can be certainly found in Weekly Shounen Champion, as most battle manga from other shounen magazines sadly often features a cast filled with bishies.
The vast majority are exactly like that other user said
Name three shounen that fits exactly what I described then.
crocodile, TWICE
rob lucci
multiple fights on marine ford
>oh my genie sister that reverse all stakes and consequences of the last arc
>oh my off screen roulette ability
>o my rubber nen becoming stronger after death now meaning i can talk to it and give it delayed, extremely specific instructions
>Using whats available to defeat stronger opponents
One Piece hasn't been good since Alabasta, and arguably Skypiea. Water 7 was the start of power level faggotry which was the end of typing based battles.
Crocodile (2 times) Aokiji, Akainu, Lucchi, and he couldn't defeat Magellan
Crocodile fight 1 and 2.
how can he ever Pirate King if he looses his fights, user?
Because he will be Pirate King.
It's a full circle.
>typing based battles.
Exactly, I loved that shit!
The fight for Ace's life.
You become PK by finding One Piece. Even the weakest shitter can be PK in theory.
>Smoker couple of times
>Crocodile twice
>Enel once, granted Enel kinda pussied out of that one
>Lucci at Water 7
>Sentomaru, Kuma etc
>Marineford in general
Entire crew lost to the Pacifista's and Kizaru during Saboady.
To be fair bringing up Crocodile only enforces the plot armour argument.
not really
>falling barrel of water saves the main character
So the Katakuri fight?
Its not really plot armor as more of its plot progression.
Characters failing is something that every writer should strive to do, so they can set that character up for a courageous come back.
Luffy fled Katakuri and really my expectation was Luffy was going to lose, but like every MC he has the plot stamina.
So its not plot armor but more progression and plot stamina.
There's failing (or putting your character in a rough situation) and then there's putting your character in a situation that should definitely kill him twice in one arc.
I love One Piece to death, but Alabasta was a bit ridiculous in those moments.
Yes to anyone who is not the MC, and thus the point of plot armor, but you can say that for any victory that a hero makes. Super Saiyan, sage mode, HxH tall hair mode, being half quicy half shinigami half hallow, my stand learning za world.
All of it is an excuse on how the hero wins, and for Luffy being made of living rubber gives him a lot of durability.
But it wasn't his rubber body that saved him those two times.
Luffy literally got knocked out though.
Katakuri technically won that fight but his sense of honor got the better of him.
Being impailed while having a rubber body wpuld reduce the damage compaired tp a normal body, the other one was just MC plot armor luck.
It's been explicitly stated that sharp objects still affect him the same as a normal human.
Where was that again?
If you mean the Mihawk thing, it means Luffy can be cut into pieces, yeah, but that doesnt mean he is no longer rubber.
Try poking a hole in to a rubber band and look at it with out stretching it. Hard to tell if it has a hole, right? I imagine its a lot like that.
Some time in East Blue.
Krieg used a lot of spiky things, Enel thought so and Luffy confirmed it to him which Nami was momentarily mad about.
Thanks hun x
If Kizaru is so powerful and a one man army, how come he couldn't defeat the supernovas by himself
If Kizaru is can be as fast or close to the speed of light, why couldn't he go fast enough so that Rayleigh wouldn't see him and use haki on him?
Shit opinion.
Best arc is saobaody
Doesn't work like that. It's not only one piece it's also being recognised as tje most op character on the seas. The one character with thw strongest conquerors haki. The freest man on the seas.
Pretty much all over Marineford
Crocodile Round 1 and 2
Lucci Round 1
>how come he couldn't defeat the supernovas
Plot armour but the kind that's not egregious
>why couldn't he go fast enough so that Rayleigh couldn't use Haki on him
I always assumed he couldn't attack while moving at the speed of light.
Honestly, this is more of a symptom of Whole Cake Island being an extremely bloated arc than anything else.
Gonna need more info than that
delete this
He can be pieced by sharp objects, that doesnt mean he is no longer rubber where the wound is.
It IS being trashed to death
Nice headcanon.
Superb taste user!
This guy has you covered
Again that doesn't mean Luffy isn't rubber anymore he still can be pierced and cut. It's only blunt objects that bounce off him.