Finally get around to watching Hibike! Euphonium

>finally get around to watching Hibike! Euphonium
>it's a shameless Free! ripoff with forced drama and has way more homosexual undertones than Free! does

>Watching Commie subs

Yeah but Hibike has good the good kind of homosexual undertones.

Only people with the strongest yaoi goggles can see the budding relationship between Taki and Gotou.
I'm impressed.

>forced drama

every fucking time

Hibike always has been more gay than Free and It's not exactly a ripoff, It's kyoani doing a kyoani thing.

>more homosexual undertones than Free! does

It is. Hibike is more gay than Free.

It's just more bait than free!

Are you new to anime?

Whatever you want to call it. The thing is, it's more gay than free

>more gay

Hibike no homo itself all the time. Free doesn't.

There's no need to no homo friendship

So Free is more homo.

more like neither is homo, both are bait

But Free never says it isn't homo.

Hibike doesn't either, Hibike does not either, in fact they never refer to each other as friends.

How can you "ripoff" your own work? Surely you already knew what to expect from KyoAni Show #142341/A?

The characters in Hibike have canon crushes on the other sex.


Is gay bait the only thing that keeps kyoani alive? Their normal ones dont sell