Where were you when SaPu won?
One Piece
Shit posting on Sup Forums. Right here, right now.
right here
Katakuri should've won.
Feels good
Pudding is literally gonna be left behind and never seen again apart from breif cameos, why put this much time and effort into a ship?
sanji and pudding literally got married this chapter
>he thinks pudding's three-eye lineage won't come into play in any way
Because is the first female to actually respond to Sanji's feelings in such an explicit way. And the fact that that had such a good romantic development in just one arc than any of the "proof" other ships have in 20 years of a series, is great shit user.
She will erase his memory. It's Over.
I doubt any of the crew members will couple up together in the end.
Why? She'll erase his memories. This is the end.
SaNafag suicide livestream when?
Her last request is going to be that he forgets about her for some stupid reason
Oda showed her fruit but she hasn't used it in any significant way, this is how she's going to use it before the end of the arc
Would've preferred it if he let Luffy go
not because he gained respect for him or a sense of brotherhood but because he selfishly desired a rematch with a equal even if it meant putting the BMP at risk
Him even thinking of Luffy as an equal means he already respects him, or at least respects his strength.
And Luffy clearly respects Katakuri since his last action was to put his hat over his mouth to hide it from the siblings until he woke up
Can't wait for the SaPu kiss fan-art.
Did the SaNa poster kill themselves yet?
he's still at the first stage of grief
Chapter when?
He didn't want the W hard enough
How much of a boost do you think Luffy's bounty would get if word got out that he defeated Katakuri? He wouldn't just go straight to one billion, would he?
They won, but there's NO WAY they're getting together. Sanji's lust for all women is like his only personality trait. They're not going to give him a woman to focus on. Not happening. They'll just erase his memories.
Let's be real you flaming faggots
Katakuri wanted to lose
Your OP wont stop SaNa
Cracker tier maybe.
Contentwise, this is one of Luffy's best fights, but for some reason it still feels really fucking incomplete.
I can't help but feel that Luffy caught on to future sight way too fast.
Her story is just Hancock with Sanji and neither will happen. How many times do you need Oda to show you the difference between Nami and Pudding in Sanji's love.
welcome to the rationality club
I feel like even Oda's editor(s?) might've said enough is enough. He can pretty much write whatever he wants but the fight feels cut short almost.
>No Usopp promise and "Last request"
Let people be in denial all they want, SaNa is the only Sanji ship now.
Well how often does Luffy's big fight have to share screen time with a plot as fleshed out as the cake bullshit? It reminds me of Thriller Bark where Luffy and Moria were dicking around behind the scenes for entire chapters and it was just kind of like "Oh, that's still going on?"
if the entire beginning part had been truncated so Luffy wasn't getting fucking smashed into walls and stabbed with spikes for 10 chapters it would've made it more believable when he eventually won
Kuri won. He stopped his attack when Luffy lost consciousness.
Definitely. Everything up until Katakuri's snack time was Luffy getting fucking schooled, even after that when he left and reentered the Mirror World he was still getting shit on. Until Katakuri stabbed himself, I can't even remember if Luffy got any good licks in.
the stabbing himself part was a fucking copout too, makes the entire thing a lot less impactful
if Toei weren't hot garbage they'd cut a lot of it out and fix the pacing but they'll doubtless make it even worse for the anime
more like he's too weak to launch another attack
>Oda showed her fruit but she hasn't used it in any significant way
Do you speedread that much? The fucking cake was only possible because Pudding used her powers continuously on the chefs.
>yfw Katakuri wears the hat all the time now
I'd love that
It's a pretty cool hat.