speak american you stupid yellow monkey
Learn Nip Crossboarder.
Its not the same. The best I can do is Romanji: ochinchin.
Have a more appropriate MacArthur
I'll translate:
I couldn't give less of a damn about your godforsaken backwards tongue. The only thing I'd like to hear from you pacific islander savages is one thing: we surrender--nothing else. One more word from your dirty mouth to my ears and my colt will do the talking instead.
In the words of Megumi.
You savages revere your "great emperor" as a god. Viewing him would be akin to witnessing Buddha themself. Yet he shows himself before me on his figurative knees not as a deity, but as a man of flesh of blood. I know only one almighty God above and he is on OUR side. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are a testament to our divine retribution; an act of revelations carried out by His chosen children.
>implying I believe god is a human
This is art right here
Does the を particle really work here? My Japanese isn't that good, but that seems really off to me.
I wasn't sure either, but I played the video and it sounds like she said wo so I added it.
ochinchin daisuke desu
Are there people on Sup Forums who don't know kana at the very least?
Blame that on removal of /DJT/, additon of shounen threads and crossboarders
>additon of shounen threads and crossboarders
Those have always been here though.
Why is this allowed
Not implementing kana captcha is a mistake
They know exactly what their audience wants
Picked the fuck up
Pretty sure she says お使い, not を使い. I mean they both sound the same but my guts say it's the first.
I seriously hope they didn't use a real 12 year old to rotoscope this.