Whats Sup Forums opinion Sakura huruno?
What does a think of her?
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I hate her and I hope you hate her too
has nice porn
What happens when the rival's love interest is the lead heroine. A bad idea walking.
Who the fuck is this girl? Is she a main character or something?
Fun in femdom fanfiction.
kill yourself dumb newshit
Token female. Naruto would have been better without girls.
Indifference honestly. People who foam at the mouth when they see her have autism.
why is this whore not dead yet?
At the start of shippuden you get fooled into thinking she became a nice girl but after the Gaara rescue arc you realize she's still the same pinkshit she always was.
Garbage character.
Her husband tried his hardest to kill her but she doesn't fucking die.
God-tier design that keeps improving with each time skip but she's really irritating.
Why did saske marry her. it makes no sense whatsoever.
if saske is horny, he could just mind-control a random village slut and fuck her.
Shit, one of the worst girls ever.
Wasted potential.
At first she was called a genjustu type, that was the foundation for building a team where Naruto was the guy who did hand to hand, Sasuke did the long range power justu and Sakura did the pinpoint mental attacks. Then they decided to give the sharingod genjutsu abilities on top of the super kinetic vision and minor chakra sight. He set up stuff and cut it cause he had no idea how to write it for a girl.
Many great faps
Victim of Kishimotos deep lack of understanding women and his inability to writing female characters.
Better than breast girl
She looked better with long hair.
she stupid
I like fannon Sakura better than Part II Sakura. I thought it was wasteful that they went with the smashy smashy Tsunade II route when Sakura was clever and sneaky.
Maybe Sasuke married Sakura because she was the only village slut he didn't have to mind control into NOT always trying to rape him?
Would probably be thought of quite highly by a lot of people if her The Last personality was what she was like in the actual series.
It really makes me mad that Inner Sakura pretty much just got dropped, but then again, a lot of Part II was eaten up by Find Sasuke and the Fourth Shinobi War that never ends. In the end I'm madder for what they did to Kiba by turning Kiba into a joke.
Whitewashing Kumo's aggressive warlike moves of always trying to kidnap other village's girls, so what happened in the cases when they DID succeed?
Ships aside, it's impossible to call Sakura a well written character. Her single character trait is "Loves Sasuke". Which is bad enough, until he goes and becomes a villain. Even her other character trait "Has a temper" disappears in his presence even as he tries to kill her repeatedly.
Her undying love for him is a product of the status quo. She was in love with him in school, and never stopped so she will always be in love with him. The source of that love is never explained. Why does she love him? What do they have in common? At least Karin got a flashback to a bear attack where she first met him.
Sakura has no backstory and no motivations outside Sasuke. The only backstory we have of her is that she broke up her childhood friendship with Ino over him. The only reason she went to Tsunade was to rescue Sasuke.
Somehow Shino's father was introduced before Sakura's parents.
Worst of all, Her only goal in the manga, "rescuing" Sasuke, is impossible, because the plot says only Naruto can "save" him, and that means all of Sakura's efforts are doomed for failure. So she's forever stuck with the silver medal. The person that loved Sasuke the most, just not enough to stop him.
The only reason she is popular is because, as a cipher, and the heroine, she is prime target for self-insertion by female fans. I can't see another explanation.
I like her porn with Sasuke better than hers and Naruto's.
Other than that, I hate her. I only hate Naruto slightly more because he ruins quality sexy and fappable art with females in the series paired up with him.
She makes the perfect beard.
> Whats Sup Forums opinion Sakura huruno?
Better than the heroine of the overhyped garbage known as MHA.
It speaks for the shittyness of Kishi is random Doujins of her make her more likeable than he ever managed to do. Hell i even think she is better in the Boruto series as compared to the Naruto one.
>Doujin Sakura being better
>Despite being OOC and completely fickle in everyway
>Doesn't act like her fucking Naruto and at best is a warped imatation
>In one she literally states who cares if Sasuke is alright while banging Naruto
>Doujins don't try to justify why she fucks him or other ninjas
The only thing I like about Sakura in them is when Sasuke fucking rapes and demoralizes her for thinking he'd come back to a unloyal thot and fucks her just to torture Naruto.
Chad based.
MHA has a heroine?
Her daughter is better
She's unreasonably agressive towards to naruto even at the times where he literally did nothing wrong
Basically wasted potential the character, not a unique occurence in this manga, but probably the worst one, due to formally being one of the main three characters and as such having a lot of panels. There were so many different routes Kishi could take her character, but, for some reason, he outright refused to take any of them; as a result she was just a waste of the panels most of the time.
I don't think that the hate she gets is warranted though. Why do you blame the character for being usless when they're clearly aren't presented as such by the author, blame the author for failing to make her useful
A relatively fine character whose faults are exaggerated by the fandom.
>A relatively fine character
>whose faults are exaggerated by the fandom.
Because Sakura was very clearly never supposed to exist. She lacks significant backstory, a family, even a particular set of skills, because she's an afterthought to round out the team. Even the stuff she ended up with are traits just swiped from other characters; mostly Hinata and Tsunade.
>only 20 years later of series she became useful
Thank goodness for fanfic eh? There was one on FF.Net called A Golden Gray Mourning or Morning...some murder mystery where Sakura went into T&I. Then I think there are at least TWO good fics where Sakura was Orochimaru's student instead of Sasuke, the one by branchandroot on AO3 where Sakura went to Sound as a spy for Konoha.
Then there are many where Sakura did become Tsunade's student, still loves Sasuke, but didn't get the Girlfriend Disease around him where a heroine becomes useless:
Open Season by sazzafrazz
//The way Sasuke comes home is less myth and more devastatingly embarrassing happenstance.
One day Sakura is on one of the few away missions that Tsunade allows her. Ostensibly it’s to keep up her conditioning and improve diplomacy but really it’s to keep her and Kakashi from ganging up on the Council. They’re traveling through Wind about to cross the border into some small city state that has recently decided that Gaara and a city of ninjas is not a good enough reason to pay taxes when someone makes a hruk noise and drops to the ground 50 metres from them. Her escort from Sand jumps into the fray, like a moron, and stops at approximately the distance from which they heard the noise.
“Er, Medic?” He shouts.
“Yeah,” Sakura shouts back.
“I’m pretty damn sure this is your Uchiha.”
Any number of people have said that and she’s never forgiven any who’ve lied. She makes sure her face says so when she stomps over.
“You goddamn idiot,” she breathes. “You absolute snivelling worm.”
Sasuke gurgles some blood in his throat.
Sakura kneels down beside him, hands already lit. “I’m going to remove your goddamn spine.”//
Kishimoto wanted to go into those things, but either didn't have the time or would ruin the flow of the story. Sakura's parents from the Road to Ninja movie was always planned to be introduced, but Kishimoto couldn't find the right place to do it in the manga.
>Even the stuff she ended up with are traits just swiped from other characters; mostly Hinata and Tsunade.
I can understand Tsunade, but what's this about Hinata?
It was the most realistic relationship. The high school slut who perpetually lusts after the chad.
Yeah. The frog girl. You know the one everyone likes.
>Other than that, I hate her. I only hate Naruto slightly more because he ruins quality sexy and fappable art with females in the series paired up with him.
Really, I think Naruto is sweet, when in porn not churned out by the big porn sites.
She learned Tsunade's regen.
Even if someone beheaded her she'd still keep walkin.
He's only good in porn with Hinata because you don't have to try to morph him into some kind of Chad.
She's a reminder to the audience that some women are just bitches who love an asshole for no reason. A necessary character, but one that shouldn't have had such a central role.
>reminder that Salad is Karen's daughter and the only evidence to contradict a fucking DNA test is Sakura's word.
I used to dislike her but then I realized that all other female characters except for Konan and Tsunade are as badly written as her.
It was true love.
of course salad is sakura's daughter how else do you explain why she is so shitty.
Let's settle this once and for all.
The truest
that forehead tattoo made her so fucking ugly.
And yet her giant forehead needs something to offset it. Can't win.
Even though it was straight copied from Captain America vs Winter Soldier.
I liked how Sakura was written to be likeable in The Last, they redeemed her character there.
She could have picked at least a dozen different sociopaths and still went back to the one who treated her the worst. Realistic, but a horrible person no less.
Kishi can't write females worth a damn, and the half-interesting ones he makes are either killed off or ruined beyond repair.
They copied Amazing Spider-Man 2 back in that one OP with Madara flipping around
And Sasuke's word, and Karin's word
> no backstory
> no noteworthy combat abilities
> loves sasuke for no reason besides being mister coolguy in the academy
> aggressive ape
> bad design
> her only good quality is being a plot device to heal shit
worst female character ever
I don't care desu, if it's good it's ok. Naruto in general copied a lot of moves from movies.
> People don't lie to take secrets to their grave
Fucking awful. The worst part is that hackshimoto couldn't kill her in order to amp the drama of the Narido vs Sauce rematch once he failed to make anything worthwhile out of her character because he needed to keep Sauce redeemable I guess.
crimson comics made her a futa and I don't know why, I never watched the show
I'd fuck her though
she's the biggest cuck in anime history
Futa Sakura is a common thing in the fandom.
Huge cunt
now i'm interested
The doujin artist who drew that has autism or a mental illness, I fucking hate Naruto self inserts so much. He's easily the ugliest shonen hero to date.
Sasuke: Reminder soyboys, the doujins you fap to with the dobe, you and Naruto have been trapped in a genjutsu all along.
OOC: Man I hope someone makes a SasuSara doujin one day.
Is this faggot unironically roleplaying as Sasuke? Well he's homosexual and autistic, so it's not like he's entirely unlike you, but this is still pathetic and sad.
We need more interaction between Sasuke and Sarada period
>Autistic is you responding and taking it seriously
Are you having a stroke user?
Nignog, you don't know what greentexting is for and you have the grammar abilities of a caveman. You're the one having a stroke, or perhaps asphyxia as a newborn.
Nah, he's cute.
can shonenfags please put key shonen keywords in the topic titles so that the rest of us can filter you out? or preferably can you just leave this websight?
I always thought she was the sexiest character on naruto
She inexplicably was a nag the entire run of the series. Not even a tsundere, but a nag. Who wants to hook up with a nag? No one.
Think about it. Her personality- deeply caring, values intimacy- is a natural fit for Naruto's fun-loving, devil-may-care attitude. But she was written as a shrew.
Who the hell actively watches Naruto anyway?
I've only seen a few episodes back when I was 11 because it was on the TV.
She's an awful waste of character.
They should have dropped her from team 7 had her become an anbu and replaced her with healer hinata.
t. Naruto self inserter
The really bad part?
They could have completely redeemed her at the end by making karin sarada's mother and her sarada's adopted mother.
Had, had her go after sarada after she leaves the village because she's terrified of her becoming like sasuke, then confronting him because she thinks he'll take her.
Would have shown that she's grown into a strong capable woman.
Can't have that.
Can't have sakura as a "cuckqueen".
So we are now saddled with something so much worse. Oh my god.
Naruto is kind of faggy too, and I don't read Naruto doujinshi because the girls are nothing especial, specially that ugly 5head sow Sakura, but bitching about the representation of Sauce's character in fucking porn of all places makes you the saddest faggot on this entire board, and that's no minor feat. Have fun retard.
Could have been a character, but ended up being a flanderized one trick pony when it comes to personality. All she did was cry, throw more shit on Naruto, and lust after Sasuke. She had absolutely no depth to her, and when presented with the opportunity to have real feelings Kishi fucked it up with The only reason that would make me read Naruto doujinshi would be doujins about Naruto and Kushina which would make no sense, or Boruto and Hinata but there are pretty much none.
had potential but kishi is retarded now she's a useless housewife
honestly, the best she could have bumped herself to would be giving her the 8 gates and the Yin seal so she could be a taijutsu monster
I used think they were pure cancer but there are some that are diamonds under piles and piles of shit
She's one of the cutest girls in the show. Underrated.
I grew to like her more than Hinata and I used to love Hinata so much!
Sakura gets so much shit from Sup Forumsutists and the series that it makes me like her more.
hit me with the sauce of that pic
They don't like her because she isn't after Naruto's cock like she "should".
Makes sense. Kishi is a master of wasted potential and horrendous execution; only his world and characters are good.
And there are so many Naruto fanfics released everyday that it would be impossible to read them all. The volume is inexplicable for any series but especially for a shonen.
She chases after Sasuke's cock but at least that was a little more complicated than chasing after Naruto's.
>Sup Forums
>Whats Sup Forums opinion
>Whats [collective group's] opinion
Little cumboy
definitely, I think Naruto has the most fanfics on that website aside from Harry Potter so there is a lot of shit to go through but every now and then you find one that you really enjoy and makes you wanna go through more shit just to find another one, you could tell Kishi didn't expect Naruto to get so big otherwise he would have planned ahead but some stuff were just thrown in there mid Shippuden, but the world building is still top notch