jesus christ, japan
Jesus christ, japan
Where is my friend, Zoro
100% Better than being quadriplegic for all her life. Sometimes necks broke man.
>implying people don't die from falling down stairs all the time.
It was far more believable than some other edgy backstories I've seen in other shonen. It's actually one of the few manga deaths that have stuck with me.
it was pretty stupid when you remember that one piece humans have shonen durability, even people who never train like usopp.
It's not even internally consistent. Sabo died in a flashback but didn't actually. Kushina died in a flashback but actually did.
Wasn't this how it was officially localized? I remember in the original Japanese a jealous schoolmate killed her.
no in the 4 kids dub she becomes ill and can no longer pursue swordsmanship becoming bed ridden, probably the only thing the 4 kids dub did right.
I have the japanese manga and it's the stairs
>everyone must die and stay dead in flashbacks or else it's not internally consistent
That's literally just a "rule" you made up.
>Jobbing to stairs
At least it wasn't from a cold or a truck
I dunno which more fucked up. dying from stairs or can't pursue your dream anymore
I don't make the rules, Oda does. It's not internally consistent because he makes the rules and doesn't obey them. You're a fucking moron if you don't believe the mangaka sets a standard for 535 chapters and then disobeys it.
Except there was never a fucking RULE about people dying in flashbacks, it was just more common so it became a meme. Are you really going to throw a tantrum because a mangaka doesn't obey a bullshit rule some random fuckface on the internet made up?
>Sabo died in a flashback
>imagine ever believing this
Yes, it's absolute bullshit that Ace dies but Pell doesn't, it's absolute bullshit that Kuina dies but Sabo doesn't.
Death is only important as it as dramatic...except when it isn't. Nothing actually matters in this anime. Luffy will defeat Gol D Roger with one punch because he didn't actually die and all the feelings we had for the pirate king don't count, nothing the fuck matters, he was alive all along, it turns out sengoku was actually roger@!!! roger didn't diee~~1! oh and he didn't actually birth ace, that was kokoro, you just didn't see it. see how precedents don't matter?
So did you die when hit by three cannonballs?
Literally the next chapter had Dragon carry someone who was wounded to his ship, you had to be a giant brainlet if you didn't understand the implication.
>reading one piece from beginning because i picked up the manga after thriller bark
>see this panel
he definitely killed her/erased her memory
Obito died in a flashback, but actually didn't.
>Death is only important as it as dramatic...except when it isn't.
Despite the second half of your post being incomprehensible garbage, that's what you got right. It's dumb how Bell was killed by a single gunshot when the rest of the series bullets and blades seem to be non-lethal even to fodder.
Back when I was a wee one my uncle came back home drunk one night and was confronted by his mother (my grandmother) after she got fed up if seeing him drunk so frequently. They got into an argument at which point she yelled at him to leave and not come back till he's cleaned up before giving him a shove. He was standing on this small entrance platform, bout 10 cm high. Stumbled back, tripped and fell smashing the back of his heainto the ground. Died the following day of a brain hemorrhage.
Human beings are fragile things.
Ivankov turned Kuina into a man...
And today he is part of the revolutionary army along with his father.