Emiya-san chi no kyou no gohan

Isn't the new episode today?

Yep though I'm not sure why there was a delay between episode 2 and 3.

Cause it airs the first day of the month. That's the thing. It was like that between 1 and 2 also.

Air date was announced after extra last saturday, I just fucking forgot when.

It's already out.

When does the blu-ray for the first heaven's feel movie come out? So we know when to expect it on Nyaa?


Man Sakura's voice has had a big improvement in this series. I like it.

This was a very cute episode.

Can't come out soon enough. Saw it in a theater two days ago and am already craving to rewatch it. The Lancer vs True Assassin fight scene was pure orgasm.

>Tfw middle of fucking nowhereville so I never get any screenings of anime movies in my town.

Same, hopefully it isn't too long before we can see it.

Pls post screenshots that show off Sakura's titties


Had a brilliant idea to ride my small scooter 50km to the next city in the midst of a snow storm, just to catch the movie. Thought I was gonna die, almost didn't make it home. Well worth it, in spite of hypothermia.

What is this, Why Saber & Rider is still alive ?

I hope it was good user, sounds like you deserved it

Because it's the perfect timeline

Really wish ESLs would just leave

I'm not an ESL, I'm just someone who loves Sakura's huge, perky 15 year old breasts.

Its Hollow Ataraxia Timeline, NewAnon. So Theres a possibility where every servant lives or Only Saber & Rider lives.



Why is she so much smaller than in the Prisma Illya movie?

Different artist/studio.

For what reason?



no thank

It's been so long since I watched or read anything fate related that all of the voices besides Shirou's sound off

It's been a long time since the 2006 anime, and I think their voices have actually improved.

No doubt about that, have there been any seiyuu changes since then?

Not that I'm aware of, I think they've just gotten better from more experience.

Someone call an ambulance, my heart just stopped.

This Cooking look better than Extra

Best duty ever.

That's because it is.

Illya is so ugly


She is cute and suit to yukata.

Disappoint to not see her maid in the show.

>adaptation made out of love by ufotable animators who have cooking as a hobby
>generic rushed adaptation of some videogame by Shaft that's looking to be another Mekakucity Actors

Fuck off and go suck some cocks, homo

Just watch EP1. Absolutely Maximum comfy. You need to Read FSN & FHA first obviously.

Disgusting shitpost
To begin with, LE is not that rushed and is NOT an adaptation of Extra.
Kill yourself for even comparing it to Mekakucity

Can we not bring shitposting about LE here and keep the thread comfy, like the show?


What type of meal do I need to cook to win Medusa's heart?

Not snakes, and not horses.

Sugoi kusopost, aniki

Crystal Mirror Meth.

This and LE are different shows and both good at what they want to do

>Kill yourself for even comparing it to Mekakucity
It's Mekakucity all over again
>popular franchise in Japan
>main creator writes the plot for the Shaft anime
>'original story' that adapts the main plot people know
>everyone hyped
>anime starts disappointing
>quickly turns to shit

Illya is so disgusting

this any good??

Fate musou ruin everything about how good of fate.
plot is bad.
character is lazy design.

is it not named fate series and shaft studio. everyone in stalker thread are still laugh to see it fall.

Its Good & Comfy
I recommend watching this show while eating though.

I don't remember her being all that interested in food to be honest. I'm pretty sure she just eats whatever is made for her.
I have memory of a scene in FHA where Shirou asks her what she wants to eat and she doesn't really give much of an answer. There are foods she definitely doesn't like though as mentioned here

>'original story' that adapts the main plot people know
Wrong. LE was NEVER going to be an Extra adaptation. They were clear about that from quite a while ago from the short trailers and PVs
>everyone hyped
>anime starts disappointing
>quickly turns to shit
>fate musou
What? LE=/= Extell
Is IS a named Fate series (FATE/Extra Last Encore)
>plot is bad
>character is lazy design
>stalker threads
Shit posted in shitposting threads doesn't count

You know what to do, folks.

This might be the single most boring Fate shit I've ever seen. Fucking Apocrypha and Prillya was better than this, and I dropped both of those shitshows before 3 episodes.

It's nothing happens: the anime. And no, "b-b-b-but it's SoL!!!" doesn't fucking excuse that. Even slow, iyashikei SoL have a couple of nice jokes, focus on some cute or nice characters, this shit has nothing. It's a boring cooking shit in Fate skin.
THE only reason anyone would give a single flying fuck about this shit is because they look like F/SN characters. Because these fuckers look like character from a GOOD story. F/SN. They're literally riding on the coattails of F/SN. Just change how these fuckers look, and LITERALLY no one would watch this slog. Not a fucking person.

This isn't a show that stands on its quality, it stands on face recognition. That's literally all it has going for it. Fuck this shit and fuck every single brainlet that called this SHIT """""good""""" and recommended it to me.

you take that back

How can Prisma Nu-Illya fags even compete?


Shirou doesn't love Illya

>Big Brother
Really grinds my gears.

Man, Secondaries nowadays is truly embarrassing.

>Implying he doesn't love his elder sister

spanish subs when?



Read Fate Hollow Ataraxia, Faggot.

Hard times ahead for Paco.

Why is F/SN Illya more seductive than her Prisma counterpart?

Because FSN Illya is 19 Years Old, And Prisma Illya is 11 Years Old. Normal people obviously choose Adult Illya.

I have. It's an actually good story. Characters do more than just fucking cook, there's an actual plot, the character interactions are actually fun. Not this UGUU~ AM I CUTE bullshit. Never fucking compare HA to this pile of dogshit again, you fucking secondary.


FHA is 20% Plot, 80% SoL, Secondary Kun. Stop Falseflagging, Secondary-Kun

Buy her some nice wine.


Oh look, another falseflagger trying to shit up a perfectly comfy Fate thread.

20 Years old Illya is Better

Food On Top of Tohsaka Body Episode when ?


>Choosing Rin when this beauty exists.
No thanks.

Illya looks like dogshit

>Rin whore
Sorry sweetie.
This an Illya thread

This spin-off is not meant for ADHD battle shounen-loving kids, it's meant for true Fate fans.

Cuck shit

Can we have a nice and quiet thread for once please?

I don't think you know what that word means.

Because they're aiming to surpass Kanatagatari

Rin is the most great girl.

Usually you can during Eurofag hours, but sadly we have reached shitposting time.


The weird thing is Rin was more seductive when she was little.

My nigga.

fuck off


Learn to read, you dumb fucking retard. In HA, "the character interactions are actually fun".

Pick literally any fucking scene from HA, it's full of everyone showing their eccentric side, everyone having great chemistry together and making jabs at one another, some actually nice settings. Pick a random fuck scene, like Lancer fishing, instead of just one faggot sitting there, explaining how fishing works, and two faggots looking at him and going SUGOIIIIIIIIIII, we get Redman to show up and compete with him, while Lancer wants nothing to do with it. Then comes Gilgamesh and ruins everything, while being actually fucking funny.

That's all of HA. No scene is this devoid of life and boring as anything from this shitshow. It's just quiet, faggots talking while smiling like retards over nothing, cooking that is actually worse than HF cooking scenes, literally nothing fun ever fucking happening.

HA scenes are something you'd see in CP. Actually fucking fun. Not this slow shit about LITERALLY FUCKING NOTHING. Crying "s-s-s-s-secondary!!!!!" doesn't fucking change that. This show is shit, not even comparable to HA. Go actually fucking read HA before comparing this shit to that. This is like the worst parts of HA taken, made somehow worse by taking what little fun they had.

But that's it. I'm done even complaining about it, because no one in this fucking thread even know what Fate is, since they seem to think this shit is somehow that. It baffles me some braindead faggots would compare it to HA. Just goes to show no one left on Sup Forums has even read the VNs at this point.

Enjoy your boring slog, pretend you "get" it and you are Fate fans, because you're watching something with F/SN cast in it. That's all this thread is, anyway.
