>tfw no anime will ever be as good as pic related
Tfw no anime will ever be as good as pic related
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>no trigun maximum adaptation ever
I really love this show! It doesn't get talked about enough.
>no anime opening will ever be as good as Trigun
FTFY, shit is hype as fuck.
I'm okay with that. Maximum's arcs for Wolfwood and Rem were awkward, and the Gun-ho really petered off in impact after the puppeteer. Nightow has his Magnola figure, so the series is basically done.
I love the anime, but I read like two volumes of that shit and I had no idea what was going on.
I actually like the anime ending more that the one in Maximum
Did you read the first manga run? Maximum is the sequel to that, so things would make less sense if you didn't read it. But the anime follows the manga very closely until partway through Maximum Vol.02, which hadn't been published (2000) when the anime was made (1998).
Tigun was great. People think it's only goofy shit but it actually explores the limits of pacifism to the point that you almost side with the antagonist.
I can't decide whether to use English or Japanese VA. English is just so cheesy I love it.
Honourable mention to France for having the most ridiculous one.
Gungrave soundtrack by the same composer is even better, but both are underrated because normies don't watch old anime
Tsuneo Imahori music is incredible.
so much shit gets revived, rebooted, refucked, and trigun maximum still doesnt have an anime by Madhouse with Imahori music.
Fuck this world.
Isn't Trigun pretty normie though? I only say that because I'd consider myself a pretty casual anime and manga fan.
Shame that they had the opportunity to do something for both anime and manga fans, but decided to play it safe and made a huge filler movie that's not even about Vash(and other main characters barely appear)
trigun was the door for new anime fans like 10 years ago. no idea how it is right now.
its a very entertaining film though.
I thought that was a pretty good movie. It was what I was expecting - a 90 minute episode of Trigun.
Did they peter off? I thought that was a way bigger problem in the anime where some of them don't even get a fight.
It was normie back in early 2000s.
It's not bad, I just didn't like how it revolves around new boring girl and her daddy issues instead of actual Trigun characters.
I tried to read it but I just can't understand what the fuck is supossed to be happening during the action scenes. They are a mess.
It isn't as popular as before, but its still entry level.
Find Dark Horse scans, it's slightly more coherent both translation and art quality-wise
Trigun is actually quite bad. It have aged horribly and is only upheld thanks to nostalgia.
I posted that because it was the first image I saw on google, but I actually bought the physical manga.
Animation yes, story and music no
I'm interested in this as well. I watch it as a kid but never saw the whole thing, so I'm about to watch it from start to finish. Sub or dub?
You should never watch dubs.
Sub is better overall, but some of the voice actors in the dub are unironically good and it's worth checking out after watching the original.
I watched it for the first time about 4 years ago and I enjoyed it.
The dub was pretty good.
I watched about 75% of the series originally in dub so I think I'll give the full watch in sub to give it a different experience. Thanks for all the input
it's a book tier good manga about humanity and i want the new ecranisation. And it's cute
Maximum 'skips' four, as Wolfwood (1), Wolfwood's mentor (2), Wolfwood's rival (3), and Wolfwood's rival's alternate personality (4) are all dealt with in one encounter. That leaves just the one "strongest", as Legato has been amputated into a useful tool by Knives. Clever play to emphasize the significance of Wolfwood's death, or Nightow taking a shortcut? Not certain, but it has a similar 'That was it?' feeling as the anime.
And I can somewhat excuse the anime, as it was made before those later volumes were written, so they couldn't have known what they'd be. Having Legato and Knives hurry their plan in response to Vash was a decent conceit.
Wolfwood replaces his mentor so that's really only three of the members in one encounter, and even then it doesn't completely resolve Livio and Razlo.
I'm not even particularly knocking the anime, though. Zazi doesn't get a fight in that but his resolution is still important to the story. The anime in general just doesn't seem to place that much importance on the Gung Ho Guns.
I think both trigun incarnations are interesting for different reasons, but in the specific case of the Gung Ho Guns I think they're a lot more relevant/interesting in the manga.
If only it got a ultimate/brotherhood treatment with Maximum
Forgot to mention but legato also isn't a member of the Gung Ho Guns in the manga.
Man, it blew my mind that Zazi was actually some kind of alien hivemind in the manga. And I gotta hand it to it for making me stop seeing Rai-Dei the Blade as a joke, he gets a pretty decent encounter in the manga.
No disagreement here. It'd be hard for the anime to do much with the Guns when about a third of them were unknown.
>legato also isn't a member of the Gung Ho Guns in the manga
It seemed reasonable to mention his fate since anime-only and starting readers would both wonder what happened to the 'leader'.
Vash vs. Knives in the anime was kino.
Are you stupid? Because Trigun is far from being the best anime.
Its a good anime, but compared to stuff like Cowboy Bebop its a fucking joke.
Whoops, I forgot this is Sup Forums and that all the posters here are children who like sillier shit like Trigun and anime with catch phrases.
Do you know exactly which members were introduced/had their fight in the anime first? I'd be curious if the puppet master encounters being so similar was just a coincidence.
I consider Trigun better than Cowboy Bebop, desu.
Maximum's tanks started in July 1998, while the anime started airing in April 1998. So pretty much everyone after Rai-Dei. It's clear Nightow had a good idea about several Guns' identities (Midvalley and Zazie in particular), and how the puppetmaster fight would play out.
good shows on this board don't usually get discussion much.
sorry you're so wrong.
Oh is nightow actually the one who came up with the anime plot too? That would make sense.
only thing i didnt like was the very sudden tonal shifts
like dozens of innocents are being gunned down and vash suddenly makes a silly face and cracks a joke. this is no laughing matter you fuck
other than that its great
Boner reaching TTGL levels.
He killed millions
That's kind of his whole character though. Desperately trying to smile despite everything that happens to him.