Only GOAT Ghibli movies

Pic related.

WOTH aka the best Ghibli movie.


>When the only good Italian is literally a pig

Better a pig then a fascist.


Good film on technical level, but there are still many elements that piss me off, or seem flawed. Doesn't deserve GOAT status.

Enjoyably movie, but it does nothing to truly elevate itself to must-watch tier.

Insufferable movie, just like Nausicaa. Still worthwhile on a technical level, as is everything by Miyazaki.

I'm going to be a double contrarian and say that Spirited Away is the best one. I would also suggest that Grave of the Fireflies is truly the GOAT option, but lots of people want to bitch at that movie now.

>Insufferable movie, just like Nausicaa.
Mfw those are two of my favorites. But maybe they speak to me cuz I'm a enivromentalistfag, idk.

Spirited Away is just solid in every way. A lot of Ghibli movies, I feel, just have a sort of "something" missing that Spirited Away doesn't lack.

If I spent more time thinking about it I could put my finger on it but I'm too busy scratching my nuts while shitposting.

Castle in the Sky doesn't get enough love.