Seeing Umaru's smile always makes my day better
Seeing Umaru's smile always makes my day better
Other urls found in this thread:
tortureposts incoming
FUG, Kill, marry, be friends with
Umaru blanco is cuter
FUG Ebina
Marry TSF
Kill Umaru
Be friends with Kirie
Befriend and fug all
>Those eyelashes
>top 10 anime punching bag face
Get this fake Umaru out of here
Super Umaru Blue coming through
Fuck off
no u
marry TSF
befriend Umaru
kill the others
>not killing the rat
But it’s so fun
Why would you watch this anime? is it a kink? I can't imagine willingly submitting yourself to this kind of mental torture unless you had some form of mental illness.
You have a dedicated umaru thread in /c/ yet you keep posting it here. It's like you want the tortureposters coming here.
Watch season 1, It just show that she is a normal girls who tries too hard to hide her power levels ans fails in the process, so many of us in this board can relate to her, but in season 2 is just mindless fanservice so dont bother.
OP is a kind person
That sounds like bazinga theory.
>haha it is funny because they are doing nerdy things
I wish the fanbase for this show wasn't such utter trash so we could get some actual discussion now and then and it didn't attract autistic abuse posters
>season 2 is just mindless fanservice so dont bother.
Did we watch the same series
I want to see Kirie make it as a children's author. She is my top friendfu She also has an under rated singing voice
The problem is there’s nothing to discuss, which is why whoever keeps making these threads is retarded because by now he should know that it’s basically inviting bullyfags in. Threads with image dumping and no discussion belong on /c/.
it's not because of that at all, I dump new chapters and the autists still shit up the threads making it impossible to discuss anything
It’s exactly because of that. Dumping a chapter once every few weeks doesn’t justify several pointless threads like this constantly being made almost daily.
I’ll also add that there was little to no bullying in weekly episode threads during S2 because there was actually something to discuss. There’s no need for several threads of the exact same thing when there’s nothing to discuss.
it's totally not, if it was those worthless newfags wouldn't post their garbage in threads with chapters since that's where the discussion would be
user, there was one chapter thread among several weeks of threads like this. Still no discussion. And it was a chapter from weeks ago that wasn’t even posted when it came out. No discussion. If the fanbase can’t maintain discussion, and the bullyfags are the only thing keeping the threads alive, then they do not belong here, let alone several of them made daily. Just look at the OP, literally no different than all the other several pointless OPs.
because it's impossible to have a discussion when the autist posts 5 gore pics for every page I post, nobody is going to stick around for that. you fags are shitting up the threads and then pointing to your shitposting as if that proves anything
I've always ignored the gorefaggot but it is a bunch of people or one turbo vitriolic Umaru hater?
It’s several, the bullyposting’s been around for years especially since the anime
>for every page I post,
That’s exactly your mistake. There’s no reason to make multiple threads of the same thing, for that, you might as well stay on /c/. Sup Forums is for discussion, and if there was anything to discuss, it would drown out the bullying. Again, look at the episode threads all throughout season 2. This shouldn’t be so hard for you to get.
why do people like abusing a defenseless nugget
>autistic character
>autistic fanbase
Gee, I dunno
hamusuta no poosu
I know it has, I've been watching Umaru since episode 2 came out like 3 years ago. I never got the bully posting, it was 20 times more rampant back then.
>Discuss Umaru
What is there to discuss? Ebina's tits? Why Alex may or may not be a spy? It's a comfy fast food show with cute characters, just post cute moments
no wonder these threads get deleted or shitposted, the ratshitters are literally retarded
you're fucking dense or shitposting, I post those pages to try to create discussion and fags like you derail so no discussion can happen, that's why goreposters get banned and threads remain
When people spam the board, expect them to spam right back. It’s funny when people suggest that bullies actually take the time to make these when it’s literally just saving pics that were made years ago.
Stop viewing through your hate basis, there is ever rarely more than one Umaru thread at a time
Several threads have gotten nuked, and they’re dead otherwise unless goreposting. Are you seriously going to tell me “UMARU ON THE FRONT PAGE” and OPs like these
Just be happy you have /c/.
Making several of the same thread back to back almost daily with topics that do not encourage discussion IS spam
Then delete 75% of Sup Forums My God, this board has such an identity crisis
I don't think I've ever even been to /c/, you should just ignore thing you don't like that isn't breaking rules, instead of encouraging the breaking of rules
There is unironically more discussion in SHONENSHIT of all places than here
Post lewd Umarus
Jesus fuck lad, so join debate club if you want discussion. fun posting is fun
why is there no steamed hams video edit with umaru characters yet?
I just explained to you why they do break the rules, they only stay up for the same reason shonen generals aren’t deleted. Naturally those threads are still shit. If you keep trying to force threads when you know there’s nothing to discuss, you have only yourself to blame when bullies are the only posters interested.
Because it's not January anymore
Newfag, Sup Forums is specifically for discussion and /c/ is specifically for “fun posting”, see
no there is stuff to discuss just no one is able to because of you shitposters, are you esl or mentally challenged?
I want to inflate the nugget with jizz.
So that Umaru... How does she turn chibi?
I thought you’d never ask
Once again, wrong. There was plenty of discussion during S2 episode threads. You faggots are just too retarded to maintain your own threads without bullyposting. Just face it, you have nothing. Stick with /c/ and you’ll be fine.
Me too
>only dumping chapter now after being called out because nobody cared when it first came out
Kek, you tried this already and it did fuck all, nobody even cares when new chapters are out
You know this one was coming
Which mom would u fug?
nah Sup Forums is for anime/manga not your shitposting spam, this belongs more than you newfags
You’re not going to blend in by spewing newfag and overcompensating. Chapter threads are okay, but nobody ever dumps them until retards like you get called out. Shit fanbase can’t even manage itself.
I'm the one dumping them not the one getting called out you dumb fuck, just hide and ignore the thread instead of continuing to break the rules
>only two chapter threads after several generals
Good job, and it only took dozens of bully threads for you to get it. It’s too bad this thread will be dead besides the bullying just like every thread before and after season 2.
There's no fun to be had in just hitting the Nugget
You could throatfuck Nugget Umaru down to the stomach
You could assfuck her up to the transverse colon
You could utterly destroy her womb and watch it stretch out of her midriff
solely because of shitposters like yourself not ignoring and moving on, ruining the threads for those wishing to participate in actual discussion
Good point
Threads would die without bullying, minus the faggot pathetically bumping his own thread. That’s sad. Don’t think dumping a chapter in this thread excuses the several pointless threads before and after.
>inb4 chapter is dumped and nobody gives a shit
no whatever brand of autism you have that makes you behave like such a fag leads you to believe that, but without the newfags goreposting discussion could actually be had
don’t bother, he’s in denial that his meme series is dead, should be thankful that bullies are the only ones who give a shit because there would be no threads otherwise
>without the newfags goreposting discussion could actually be had
You’re just proving how new you are by calling me new but ignoring facts. There were discussion threads without bullying during S2 because there was something to discuss. Once there’s nothing to discuss, regular bullying returns. You have nothing to gain by denying this, go look in the archives yourself. Unless you’re too new to even do that.
oh looks like I hit a sore spot there newfag, lurk more and read the rules regarding spam before you post further. since you're unable to comprehend simple things I'll lay it out easy for you, I'm currently posting a new chapter, which there could be new discussion about, if you newfags weren't shitting up the thread making that impossible
If anybody gave a shit, it would drown out the bullying