Post best girl from respected series
Post best girl from respected series
pic not related I suppose?
for you? i guess.
u mad?
Put me in the screencap!
>Государственный гимн Советского Союза играет в фоновом режиме
you first
Yukino is a miracle of the universe.
So much shit taste in a single thread...
You first.
Asuka is best girl silly user
are you sure about that?
goes without saying
worst girl, it doesn't matter if you make these threads every few days she is still shit
my man
so best girl, some anons rage
I want vampire ninja Houki
ReDrop's Asuka is a miracle of the universe
Eh, for me it's Rei > Shinji > Misato > everyone else.
Ponytails are just the fucking best
Most of it coming from you.
Kill yourself.
boku no pico
Megu is way better
That's not how you spell Alice user.
Easy. also lewd warning
Don't close your eyes to the truth on who best girl is.
What makes a Houki a Houki? Other than being a castrated turkey (look it up).
Lots of good choices.
Shout out for boat Houkis, Yamato and ARP Takao.
Kurisu is simply the best.
Don't post this non-canon shit please
Uh nope.
>Best girl
that doujin is so fucking hot
Extra correct.
This post honestly took way too long. Sup Forums is dead.
No, Sup Forums just recognises that Asuka is best girl.
Anyone who doesn't love Perrine is wrong.
Or maybe because Sup Forums has gotten better at responding to shitposts.
Eriri my girlfriend in real life
Indeed she is.